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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Assembling Islamic practice in a Swahili urban landscape, 11th-16th centuries 2023 Journal of social archaeology 23 (1): 99-124
  • Adria LaViolette
  • Jeffrey B. Fleischer
  • Mark C. Horton
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1469-6053
The death of Captain Brownrigg and the decline in planters' rule in Pemba 2020 International journal of African historical studies 53 (1): 71-95
  • Marek Pawełczak
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Developments in rural life on the eastern African coast, A.D. 700-1500 2018 Journal of field archaeology 43 (5-8): 380-98
  • Adria LaViolette
  • Jeffrey B. Fleisher
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
Fishing in the Azanian coast: epxloring early eastern African coastal adaptations through the study of fish remains from the first millennium CE sites 2014 Annales de la Fondation Fyssen (29): 161-76
  • Eréndira Quintana Morales
*H6 [ANNALES-] 0980-157X
Transmission of Muslim practices and women's agency in Ibo island and Pemba (Mozambique) 2013 Journal of Eastern African studies 7 (4): 588-606
  • Francesca Declich
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
Maridhiano: Zanzibar's remarkable reconciliation and govenrment of national unity 2012 Journal of Eastern African studies 6 (4): 591-612
  • Archie Matheson
H6/KY [EASTERN-] 1753-1055
Patterns of nausea, vomiting, aversions, and cravings during pregnancy on Pemba Islans, Zanzibar, Tanzania 2012 Ecology of food and nutrition 51 (5): 418-30
  • Alexis R. Steinmetz
  • Elizabeth T. Abrams
  • Sera L. Young
H6 [ECOLOGY-] 0367-0244
Converting to rice: urbanization, Islamization and crops on Pemba Island, Tanzania, AD 700-1500 2010 World archaeology 42 (1): 137-54
  • Sarah C. Walshaw
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Swahili synoecism: rural settlements and town formation on the central East African coast, A.D. 750-1500 2010 Journal of field archaeology 35 (3): 265-82
  • Jeffrey B. Fleisher
*H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0093-4690
The urban history of a rural place: Swahili archaeology on Pemba Island, Tanzania, 700-1500 AD 2009 International journal of African historical studies 42 (3): 433-55
  • Adria LaViolette
  • Jeffrey Fleischer
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
Bead grinders and early Swahili household economy: analysis of an assemblage from Tumbe, Pemba Island, Tanzania, 7th-10th centuries AD 2008 Journal of African archaeology 6 (2): 161-81
  • Adria LaViolette
  • James L. Flexner
  • Jeffrey B. Fleisher
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 1612-1651
Island subsistence: hunting, trapping and the translocation of wildlife in the western Indian Ocean 2007 Azania 42 (): 83-113
  • Martin T. Walsh
H6/KY [AZANIA-] 0067-270X
'A solitary tree builds not': Heshima, community, and shifting identity in post-emancipation Pemba Island 2006 International journal of African historical studies 39 (2): 197-219
  • Elisabeth McMahon
*H6/KY [INTERNATIONAL-] 0361-7882
The Makran-Baluch-African network in Zanzibar and East Africa during the XIXth century 2006 African and Asian studies 5 (3-4): 347-70
  • Beatrice Nicolini
H6 [AFRICAN-] 1569-2094
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