Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Trauma memory in stitch, sound and word: from the troubles and conflict to reconciliation and peace 2023 Textile: the journal of cloth and culture 21 (2): 525-39
  • Eileen Harrisson
H6/KGG [TEXTILE-] 1475-9756
A side-by-side methodological approach: shared experience, informality and adaptation 2023 Qualitative research 23 (5): 1203-21
  • Eric Lepp
H6 [QUALITATIVE-] 1468-7941
Methodological nationalism and the Northern Ireland blind-spot in ethnic and racial studies 2022 Ethnic and racial studies 45 (3): 431-51
  • Chris Gilligan
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 1466-4356
Game of Thrones tourism and the (re)imagination of the new Northern Ireland 2022 International journal of cultural studies 25 (5): 554-69
  • Amanda Brandellero
  • Emily Mannheimer
  • Stijn Reijnders
H6/KF [INTERNATIONAL-] 1367-8779
Toasting the oatcake: an exploration of the bread iron as a utensil in hearth-baking 2022 Béascna: journal of folklore and ethnology 12 (): 20-46
  • Regina Sexton
H6/KVC [BEASCNA-] 1649-2137
Towards critical analytical auto-ethnography. Global pandemic and migrant women (im)mobilities in Northern Ireland 2022 Anthropological journal of European cultures 31 (1): 58-71
  • Marta Kempny
Highly educated migrant women from the Republic of Croatia in European countries: Experiences of integration and well-Being 2022 Etnološka tribina 45 (52): 221-37
  • Ksenija Klasnić
  • Lucija Lučan
  • Marijeta Rajković Iveta
H6/KVP [ETNOLOSKA-] 0351-1944
Being held accountable: why attributing responsibility matters 2022 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 28 (S1): 34-49
  • Lisette Josephides
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Becoming indigenous: the transnational networks of the American Indian Movement, Irish Republicans, and Welsh Nationalists 2021 Native American and indigenous studies 8 (2): 92-124
  • Kate Rennard
From Belfast to the Somme (and back again): loyalist paramilitaries, political song, and reverberations of violence 2021 Ethnomusicology forum 30 (2): 246-65
  • Evropi Chatzipanagiotidou
  • Stephen R. Millar
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Rus, Russia, and Ukraine in alternative Slavic fantasy by English-language writers 2021 Studia mythologica slavica 24 (): 13–32
  • Larisa Fialkova
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Cross-border cultural cooperation in European border regions. Sites and senses of 'place' across the Irish border 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (1): 153-62
  • Giada Laganà
  • Timothy J. White
Building rapport. 'Curing' and 'charming' as cultural intimacy in everyday bureaucratic encounters in the Northern Ireland farming community 2021 Anthropological journal of European cultures 30 (2): 62-78
  • Irene Ketonen-Keating
Cognitive anthropology, Roy Wallis and cyber believers: The application of the taxonomy concept to three Orthodox websites 2021 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 16 (2): 549–74
  • Đorđe Stojanović
Safe and sound: listening to Guns N' Roses in the car 2021 Social anthropology 29 (4): 1081-98
  • Simone Dennis
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
The postmodern Gaelic storyteller: contemporary contexts and transmission of Irish language narrative in Donegal 2020 Folk life 58 (1): 41-56
  • Seanán Mac Aoidh
H6/KVC [FOLK-] 0008-3496
Young people’s sexual readiness: insights gained from comparing a researchers’ and youth advisory group’s interpretation 2020 Culture, health & sexuality 22 (9): 987-1000
  • Carmel Kelly
  • Laura Lundy
  • Maria Lohan
  • Michelle Templeton
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Young people’s sexual readiness: insights gained from comparing a researchers’ and youth advisory group’s interpretation 2020 Culture, health & sexuality 22 (9): 987-1000
  • Carmel Kelly
  • Laura Lundy
  • Maria Lohan
  • Michelle Templeton
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1464-5351
Fearing Brexit: the changing face of Europeanization in the borderlands of Northern Ireland 2020 Ethnologia europaea 50 (2): 32-48
  • Thomas M. Wilson
H6 [ETHNOLOGIA-] 0425-4597
'The last funded artist': imagining futures through ethnographic science fiction 2020 Etnofoor 32 (1): 109-21
  • Kayla Rush
*H6 [ETNOFOOR-] 0921-5158
Refining broad-scale vulnerability assessment of coastal archaeological resources, Lough Foyle, Northern Ireland 2019 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 14 (1-4): 226-46
  • Kieran Westley
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Bodhráns, lambegs, and musical craftsmanship in Northern Ireland 2019 Ethnomusicology forum 28 (2): 200-16
  • Colin Harte
H6/KFYV [BRITISH-] 1741-1912
Linguistic identities in post-conflict societies: current issues and developments in Northern Ireland 2019 Anthropological journal of European cultures 28 (2): 86-92
  • Freya Stancombe-Taylor
'Music is my AK-47': performing resistance in Belfast's rebel music scene 2018 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 24 (2): 348-65
  • Stephen R. Millar
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Destiny as a relationship 2018 Hau 8 (1/2): 343-6
  • Samuli Schielke
Bicycles, 'barrows, and donkeys: pinning a tale on the Irish border 2018 Folklore 129 (2): 111-28
  • Peter Leary
H6/KF [FOLKLORE-] 0015-587X
2017 Richard G. Condon Prize Essay 'I will not die on this street': thinking things over in conflicted Belfast' 2018 Ethos 46 (4): 421-39
  • Matthew McCoy
H6/KH [ETHOS-] 0091-2131
On the visual and verbal communication in political cartoons 2018 Bulgarski folklor 44 (2): 185-203
  • Dafina Genova
H6/KVR [BULGARSKI-] 0323-9861
A cross-cultural exploration of abortion fund patients in the USA and the Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland and Isle of Man 2018 Culture, health & sexuality 20 (5): 560-73
  • D. Lynn Jackson
  • Gretchen E. Ely
  • Travis W. Hales
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
International solidarity and ethnic boundaries: using the Israeli-Palestinian conflict to strengthen ethno-national claims in Northern Ireland 2017 Nations and nationalism 23 (4): 856-77
  • Rawan Arar
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
Politicized ethnicity and income inequality 2017 Studies in ethnicity and nationalism 17 (1): 68-90
  • Dana Terry
H6/KF [STUDIES-] 1473-8481
Breaking the silence on abortion: the role of adult community abortion education in fostering resistance to norms 2017 Culture, health & sexuality 19 (7): 709-22
  • Catriona Macleod
  • Fiona K. Bloomer
  • Kellie O'Dowd
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
Ireland remembers 1916 2017 Folk life 55 (2): 137-50
  • L.S. Kirkpatrick
H6/KVC [FOLK-] 0008-3496
Walking the Falls: dark tourism and the significance of movement on the political tour of West Belfast 2016 Tourist studies 16 (1): 23-39
  • Jonathan Skinner
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
Ethnonationalism and attitudes towards gay and lesbian rights in Northern Ireland 2016 Nations and nationalism 22 (1): 20-41
  • Bernadette C. Hayes
  • John Nagle
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
Irish language education and the national ideal: the dynamics of nationalism in Northern Ireland 2016 Nations and nationalism 22 (1): 42-62
  • Cathal McManus
*H6/KF [NATIONS-] 1354-5078
Impact of heating conditions on the carbon and oxygen isotope composition of calcined bone 2016 Journal of archaeological science 65 (): 32-43
  • Antoine Zazzo
  • Christophe Snoeck
  • Julia A. Lee-Thorp
  • Matthieu Lebon
  • Rick J. Schulting
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Social justice and affirmative action 2016 Ethnic and racial studies 39 (3): 449-62
  • Ralph Premdas
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
The magic of the national flag 2016 Ethnic and racial studies 39 (4): 557-73
  • Krzysztof Jaskulowski
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Contact in context: does intergroup contact function (better) in high-threat contexts? 2016 Ethnic and racial studies 39 (4): 634-52
  • Andrej Kokkonen
  • Mikael Gilljam
  • Peter Esaiasson
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
Gazed and subduded? Spectacle, spatial order and identity in the contested city 2016 Tourist studies 16 (4): 367-85
  • Bree T. Hocking
H6/KD [TOURIST-] 1468-7976
History lessons 2016 Museums journal 116 (6): 26-9, 31
  • Patrick Kelly
*H6 [MUSEUMS-] 0027-416X
Ethnic and regionalist parties in Western Europe: a party family? 2016 Studies in ethnicity and nationalism 16 (2): 304-39
  • Andreas Fagerholm
H6/KF [STUDIES-] 1473-8481
Consociationalism and identity in ethnically divided societies: Northern Ireland and Malaysia 2016 Studies in ethnicity and nationalism 16 (3): 401-15
  • Henry Jarrett
H6/KF [STUDIES-] 1473-8481
Population history in third-millennium-BC Europe: assessing the contribution of genetics 2016 World archaeology 48 (5): 714-28
  • Marc Vander Linden
H6/KE [WORLD-] 0043-8243
Shibboleth: a mechanism of language differentiation as a narrative folklore motif 2016 Studia mythologica slavica 19 (): 253-70
  • Ambrož Kvartič
H6/KVP [STUDIA-] 1408-6271
Rundale: the social and economic context 2015 Ulster folklife 58 (): 1-11
  • Séamas Ó Síocháin
H6/KVC [ULSTER-] 0082-7347
Geographers and the study of rundale 2015 Ulster folklife 58 (): 13-21
  • Arnold Horner
H6/KVC [ULSTER-] 0082-7347
A statistical and documetary primer on rundale in Ireland 2015 Ulster folklife 58 (): 23-32
  • Eoin Flaherty
H6/KVC [ULSTER-] 0082-7347
Farm clusters: clachans 2015 Ulster folklife 58 (): 33-9
  • Jonathan Bell
  • Mervyn Watson
H6/KVC [ULSTER-] 0082-7347