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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ritual and ambiguities of social (dis)order in east New Britain 2022 Ethnos 87 (4): 662-78
  • Keir Martin
H6 [ETHNOS-] 1469-588X
Wars of dependence: contested histories among Tolai people of Papua New Guinea 2021 Oceania 91 (2): 296-309
  • Keir Martin
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
'Do you want us to feed you like a baby?' Ascriptions of dependence in East New Britain 2020 Social anthropology 28 (3): 714-28
  • Keir Martin
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 1469-8676
Detecting exchange networks in New Britain, Papua New Guinea: geochemical comparison between axe-adze blades and in situ volcanic rock surfaces 2019 Archaeology in Oceania 54 (3): 200-13
  • Alana Pengilley
  • Christabel Brand
  • James Flexner
  • Jim Specht
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Tolai tabu as wealth and money: a shifting and unstable distinction 2018 History and anthropology 29 (3): 392-406
  • Keir Martin
H6 [HISTORY-] 0275-7206
A pre-Lapita structure at Apalo, Arawe Islands, Papua New Guinea 2017 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 12 (1-4): 151-72
  • Carol Lentfer
  • Chris Gosden
  • Geraldine Jacobsen
  • Jim Specht
  • Peter J. Matthews
  • Sue Lindsay
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
The demise of a monopoly: implications for geochemical characterisation of a stemmed obsidian tool from Bishop Museum collections 2016 Archaeology in Oceania 51 (1): 62-9
  • Andrew McAlister
  • Mara Mulrooney
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Mid-holocene social networks in far eastern New Guinea 2016 Journal of Pacific archaeology 7 (1): 7-19
  • Pamela Swadling
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Exploring Lapita diverisity on New Britain's south coast, Papua New Guinea 2016 Journal of Pacific archaeology 7 (1): 20-9
  • Chris Gosden
  • Christina Pavlides
  • Glenn R. Summerhayes
  • Jim Specht
  • Zoe Richards
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Unexpected uses for obsidian: experimental replication and use-wear/residue analyses of chopping tools 2015 Journal of archaeological science 54 (): 254-69
  • Nina Kononenko
  • Peter White
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
"We blacken our teeth with Oko to make them firm": teeth blackening in Oceania 2015 Anthropologica (New Series) 57 (2): 539-55
  • Thomas Zumbroich
Ein melaniesischer Kampfschild mit Augenmotiven und das daraus entstandene Logo im Lichte von Otto Koenigs kultureethologischen Thesen. Ein das 'Urmotiv Auge' betreffendes Fallbeispiel 2015 Mitteilungen der anthropologischen Gesellschaft in Wien 145 (): 313-18
  • Georg Schifko
Lor and its 'shadows' 2015 Arts & cultures (): 184-97
  • Antje S. Denner
Vitu Island masks 2014 Arts & cultures (): 134-49
  • Ingrid Heermann
Prehistory in an nutshell: a Lapita-age nut-cracking stone from the Araw Islands, Papua New Guinea 2013 Archaeology in Oceania 48 (3): 121-9
  • Carol Lentfer
  • Chris Gosden
  • Jim Specht
  • Peter J. Matthews
  • Sue Lindsay
H6/KX [ARCHEOOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Meaningful stones: obsidian tools from Barema, New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2013 Australian archaeology (77): 1-8
  • Nina Kononenko
  • Peter White
  • Robin Torrence
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
Warum Hamburg ein Museum für Völkerkunde braucht 2013 Mitteilungen aus dem Museum für Völkerkunde (Hamburg) 45 (): 155-9
  • Matthias Gretzschel
Rock art as material culture: a case study on Uneapa Island, West New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2013 Archaeology in Oceania 48 (2): 63-77
  • Sarah Byrne
H6/KX [ARCHEOOLOGY-] 0003-8121
On the culture of material value and the cosmography of riches 2013 Hau 3 (2): 161-95
  • Marshall Sahlins
The primacy of kinship: a Melanesian example of cooperation 2012 Terrain 58 (): 26-43, 156
  • Monique Jeudy-Ballini
H6 [TERRAIN-] 0760-5668
Die mit den Geistern tanzen. Maskentänze, Identität und Moral unter den Qaqet-Baining (Gazellehalbinsel, Neubritannien, Papua-Neuguinea) 2012 Mitteilungen der Berliner Gesellschaft für Anthropologie, Ethnologie und Urgeschichte 33 (): 15-32
  • Michael Dickhardt
H6 [BERLINER-] 0178-7896
Craniofacial evolution in Polynesia: a geometric morphometric study of population diversity 2012 American journal of human biology 24 (6): 776-85
  • Trudi Buck
  • Una Strand ViÄ‘arsdóttir
H6/HB [AMERICAN-] 1042-0533
Oceanic tattooing and the implied Lapita ceramic connection 2012 Journal of Pacific archaeology 3 (1): 1-21
  • Wal Ambrose
H6/KE [NEW-] 1179-4704
Big men and business: morality, debt and the corporation. A perspective by Robert J. Foster 2012 Social anthropology 20 (4): 486-90
  • Robert J. Foster
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0964-0282
Big men and business: morality, debt and the corporation. A perspective by Keir Martin 2012 Social anthropology 20 (4): 482-5
  • Keir Martin
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0964-0282
Diversity in lithic raw material sources on New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2011 Archaeology in Oceania 46 (2): 54-66
  • Jim Specht
H6/KX [ARCHEOOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Finding the right question: learning from stone tools on the Willaumez Peninsula, Papua New Guinea 2011 Archaeology in Oceania 46 (2): 29-41
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KX [ARCHEOOLOGY-] 0003-8121
Palm reading: a pilot study to discriminate phytoliths of four arecaceae (Palmae) taxa 2011 Journal of archaeological science 38 (9): 2190-9
  • Carol J. Lentfer
  • Marshall I. Weisler
  • Rohan S.H. Fenwick
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
The silence of bur bur. Inquiry into the head sculptures of New Britain 2011 Arts & cultures 12 (): 196-219
  • Floriane Morin
Logging, violence and pleasure: neoliberalism, civil society and corporate governance in west New Britain 2011 Oceania 81 (1): 88-107
  • Andrew Lattas
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Partible penitents: a response to comments 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 253-9
  • Mark Mosko
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Expanding definitions, contacting contexts: a comment on Mosko's 'Partible penitents' 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 250-2
  • Deborah Gewertz
  • Frederick Errington
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
The varieties of Melanesian Christian experience: a comment on Mosko's 'Partible penitents' 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 247-9
  • John Barker
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Beyond polarization and partition in Melanesian anthropology: a comment on Mosko's 'Partible penitents' 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 244-6
  • Bruce M. Knauft
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Melanesia, Christianity, and cultural change: a comment on Mosko's 'Partible penitents' 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 241-3
  • Joel Robbins
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Partible penitents: dividual personhood and Christian practice in Melanesia and the West 2010 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 16 (2): 215-40
  • Mark Mosko
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Persistent and waisted stone tools in late holocene New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2010 Australian archaeology (70): 17-28
  • Jim Specht
  • Nina Kononenko
  • Robin Torrence
*H6/KE [AUSTRALIAN-] 0312-2417
Obsidian network patterns in Melanesia - sources, characterisation and distribution 2009 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 29 (): 109-23
  • Glenn R. Summerhayes
Social networks and the spread of Lapita 2008 Antiquity 82 (317): 600-16
  • Pamela Swadling
  • Robin Torrence
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Myth, primogeniture and long distance trade-friends in northwest New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2007 Oceania 77 (2): 129-57
  • Naomi McPherson
H6/KX [OCEANIA-] 0029-8077
Tracing tradition: twenty-five years of vernacular architecture in Bariari, west New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2007 Pacific arts 6 (): 31-40
  • Naomi M. McPherson
*H6/KFY [PACIFIC-] 1018-4252
The contribution of use-wear/residue studies of obsidian artefacts for understanding changes in settlement and subsistence patterns in west New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2007 Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association 27 (): 135-43
  • Nina Kononenko
A fish trap from custom. How nets work at Matupit 2006 Paideuma 52 (): 73-90
  • Keir Martin
H6 [PAIDEUMA-] 0078-7809
Technologies of visibility: the utopian politics of cameras, televisions, videos and dreams in New Britain 2006 The Australian journal of anthropology 17 (1): 15-31
  • Andrew Lattas
H6/KF [AUSTRALIAN-] 1035-8811
The utopian promise of government 2006 Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) 12 (1): 129-50
  • Andrew Lattas
H1 [JOURNAL-] 1359-0987
Obsidian traffic in the southeast Papuan islands 2006 Journal of island and coastal archaeology 1 (1): 101-8
  • Heidi Jacobsen
  • J. Peter White
  • Trudy Doelman
  • Vincent Kewibu
H6/KE [ISLAND-] 1556-4894
Universal systems of kin categorisation as primitivist projects 2005 Anthropological forum 15 (1): 45-59
  • Warren Shapiro
Nominal classificaiton in Mali 2005 Anthropological linguistics 47 (1): 77-131
  • Tonya N. Stebbins
Gender and cosmos emplaced: women's houses and men's houses in Bariai, west New Britain, Papua New Guinea 2004 Pacific studies 27 (1/2): 68-96
  • Naomi M. McPherson
*H6/KX [PACIFIC-] 0275-3596
Pleistocene colonisation of the Bismark Archipelago: new evidence from west New Britain 2004 Archaeology in Oceania 39 (3): 101-30
  • Chris McKee
  • Ed Rhodes
  • Robin Torrence
  • Trudy Doelman
  • Vince Neall
H6/KX [ARCHEOLOGY-] 0003-8121