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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The geoglyph as a medium for anarchist ritual 2020 Cambridge archaeological journal 31 (1): 95-110
  • Darryl Wilkinson
H6/KE [CAMBRIDGE-] 0959-7743
The shape of the divine: the three-dimensional representation of Nasca feminine supernaturality 2020 Baessler-Archiv (Neue Folge) 66 (): 37-67
  • Bat-Ami Artzi
H6 [BAESSLER-] 0005-3856
Dietary shifting in the Nasca region as inferred from the carbon- and nitrogen-isotope compositions of archaeological hair and bone 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (1): 129-39
  • Christine White
  • Emily Webb
  • Fred Longstaffe
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
A comprehensive numerical chronology for the pre-Columbian cultures of the Palpa valleys, south coast of Peru 2012 Journal of archaeological science 39 (7): 2294-303
  • Bernd Kromer
  • Hermann Gorbahn
  • Ingmar Unkel
  • Johny Isla Cuadrado
  • Markus Reindel
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Desert labyrinth: lines, landscape and meaning at Nazca, Peru 2012 Antiquity 334 (86): 1126-39
  • Clive Ruggles
  • Nicholas J. Saunders
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Rituals of the Nasca lilnes 2009 Archaeology 62 (3): 34-9
  • Andrew Curry
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGY-] 0003-8113
Identifying foreigners versus locals in a burial population from Nasca, Peru: an investigation using strontium isotope analysis 2009 Journal of archaeological science 36 (12): 2755-64
  • Aldo Noriega Gutierrez
  • Antonio Simonetti
  • Christina Conlee
  • Michele R. Buzon
  • Robert A. Creaser
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Nasca trophy heads and their iconographical representation as vessels and pictograms: considerations of a complex relationship 2007 Ethnographisch-archäologische Zeitschrift 48 (2): 203-23
  • Beatrix Hoffman
H6 [ETHNOGRAPHISCH-] 0012-7477
Ceramic production in ancient Nasca: provenance analysis of pottery from early Nasca and Tiza cultures through INAA 2006 Journal of archaeological science 33 (5): 681-9
  • Christina A. Conlee
  • Hector Neff
  • Katharina Schreiber
  • Kevin J. Vaughn
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Technology of archaeometallurgy in South America 2005 Rossiiskaia arkheologiia 4 (): 44-8 [insert i-iv]
  • S. Rovira
H6/KVY [SOVETSKAYA-] 0869-6063
Dating the geometric Nasca lines in the Peruvian desert 2004 Antiquity 79 (304): 390-401
  • J. Bartoll
  • W.J. Rink
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Touring ancient times: the present and presented past in contemporary Peru 2002 American anthropologist 104 (3): 881-902
  • Helaine Silverman
*H6 [AMERICAN-] 0002-7294
Archaeology: under the skin of Nazca 1992 Nature 358 (): 19
  • W Bray
Sobre la antigüedad de los geoglifos de Nazca: observaciones a Clarkson y Dorn [P Clarkson and R Dorn in "Bol Lima" 1991 (78) 33-47] 1992 Boletín de Lima 83 (): 5-10
  • H Silverman
[Review article on 'The lines of Nazca' ed AF Aveni (Philadelphia: Amer philos Soc, 1990); English summary] 1991 Boletín. Sociedad de Investigación del Arte Rupestre de Bolivia 5 (): 87-94, 104
  • M Strecker
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