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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Italian alliances between commoning and law: framing new regulations by challenging rules in Naples 2024 Focaal (99): 82-96
  • Alexandros Kioupkiolis
  • Antonio Vesco
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Ecce homo: Diego Maradona – a sinner in the Holy City, or vice versa 2023 Konteksty 77 (3): 83-90, 320-21
  • Dawid Szkoła
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
Sacred spirits: Songye at the Palatine Chapel in Naples 2022 Tribal art (106): 56-63
  • Bernard de Grunne
  • Gigi Pezzoli
*H6/KFY [WORLD-] 1354-2990
Verace glocal Pizza. Localized globalism and globalized localism in the Neapolitan artisan pizza 2021 Food Culture and Society 24 (3): 406-30
  • Marialuisa Stazio
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1751-7443
A re-evaluation of manner of death at Roman Herculaneum following the AD 79 eruption of Vesuvius 2020 Antiquity 94 (373): 76-91
  • Alessandra Sperduti
  • Luca Bondioli
  • Luciano Fattore
  • Meez Islam
  • Oliver E. Craig
  • Rachelle Martyn
  • Sarah T.D. Ellingham
  • Tim Thompson
H6/KE [ANTIQUITY-] 0003-598X
Papal orders for investigation on matrimonial dispensation as historical and anthropological sources 2019 Ethno-anthropological problems journal 14 (2): 647-70
  • Ivan Birta
  • Saša Nedeljković
The struggle for Via Bologna street market: crisis, racial denial and speaking back to power in Naples Italy 2019 British journal of sociology 70 (1): 377-94
  • Antonia Dawes
H6/KF [BRITISH-] 0007-1315
In memoriam: Rodolfo Fattovich (1945-2018) 2018 Azania: archaeological research In Africa 53 (2): 278-80
  • Alemseged Beldados Aleho
H6/KY [AZANIA-] 0067-270X
Talking English to talk about difference: everyday transcultural meaning-making in Naples Italy 2017 Ethnic and racial studies 40 (1): 114-32
  • Antonia Dawes
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
The price of austerity: vital politics and the struggle of public water in southern Italy 2017 Anthropology today 33 (5): 20-3
  • Andrea Muehlebach
H6 [ANTHROPOLOGY-] 0268-540X
Displayed wounds, encrypted messages: hyper-realism and imagination in medical moulages 2017 Medical anthropology 36 (6): 533-50
  • Cristiana Bastos
H6/KGT [MEDICAL-] 0145-9740
Textiles and rituals in Cumaean creamation burials 2017 Origini 40 (): 45-63
  • Carlo Rescigno
  • Ilaria Menale
  • Margarita Gleba
H6/KE [ORIGINI-] 0034-6805
Distribution of gold and silver in European soils; evidence for a Roman footprint? 2015 Archaeologia polona 53 (): 311-15
  • Alan W. Mann
  • Graham C. Sylvester
H6/KE [ARCHAEOLOGIA-] 0066-5924
Moral encounters: drawing boundaries of class, sexuality and migrancy in paid domestic work 2014 Ethnic and racial studies 37 (2): 363-80
  • Lena Näre
H6/KD [ETHNIC-] 0141-9870
The natural and cultural landscape of Naples (southern Italy) during the Graeco-Roman and late antique periods 2014 Journal of archaeological science 42 (): 399-411
  • Elda Russo Ermolli
  • Maria Rosaria Barone Lumaga
  • Maria Rosaria Ruello
  • Paola Romano
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Folklore, fakelore, history: invented tradition and the origins of the pizza margherita 2014 Food Culture and Society 17 (1): 103-24
  • Zachary Nowak
H6/KF [FOOD-] 1528-9796
Vernacular miracles: blood and bones in Neapolitan religion 2014 Material religion 10 (4): 472-93
  • Donald Cosentino
H6/KFO [MATERIAL-] 1743-2200
Multi-resolution morpho-bathymetric survey results at the Pozzuoli-Baia underwater archaeological site (Naples, Italy) 2013 Journal of archaeological science 40 (2): 1268-78
  • Antonio Leotta
  • Marco Barra
  • Roberto Saggiomo
  • Salvatore Passaro
  • Simone Di Giacomo
H6/KE [JOURNAL-] 0305-4403
Provenancing of lightweight volcanic stones used in ancient Roman concrete vaulting: evidence from Rome 2011 Archaeometry 53 (4): 707-27
  • F. Marra
  • G. Sottili
  • G. Ventura
  • L. Lancaster
The first joint archaeological field school of the University of Axum and the University of Naples 'l'Orientale', November 2009 2010 Nyame Akuma 73 (): 88-91
  • Laurel Phillipson
Una ciudad bajo la ciudad. Las tipologías sepulcrales y su función social en una metrópolis mediterránea bajo el antiguo régimen: Nápoles en el siglo XVIII 2010 Trace 58 (): 62-70
  • Diego Carnevale
*H6/KUL [TRACE-] 0185-6286
L'altra faccia della luna: voci attraverso le mura dell' Istituto Sant' Egidio di Napoli nel primo '900 reietti e trovatelli, una condizione umana tra storia e antropologia 2010 Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici 38 (): 32-45
  • Luana Cardone
Byzantine ceramic production from Cuma (Campi Flegrei, Napoli) 2009 Archaeometry 51 (1): 75-94
  • A. Langella
  • C. Grifa
  • P. Munzi
  • V. Morra
One child or at least two. A study of low fertility in Naples 2009 Alteridades 19 (38): 7-19
  • Fulvia D'Aloisio
H6/KF [ALTERIDADES-] 0188-7017
The characterization of waterlogged archaeological wood: the three Roman ships found in Naples (Italy) 2008 Archaeometry 50 (5): 855-76
  • B. Pizzo
  • C. Capretti
  • G. Galotta
  • G. Giachi
  • N. Macchioni
The towns of Walter Benjamin 2008 Konteksty 62 (3/4): 40-6, 329
  • Tomasz Szerszeń
H6/KVM [POLSKA-] 1230-6142
La società napoletana in età angioina: uno spaccato storico-antropologico partenopeo nel trecento 2006 Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici 34 (): 78-6
  • Gino Schirosi
La balnéation à Naples entre le XIXe et XXe siècle 2006 Journal of Mediterranean studies 16 (1/2): 229-48
  • Maria Sirago
H6 [JOURNAL-] 1016-3476
I costi sociali della flessibilità: un' indagine di campo su giovani lavoratori a Napoli 2003 Studi etno-antropologici e sociologici 31 (): 12-26
  • Umberto Pagano
Where science has no answers: Catholic politics and Neapolitan identity in the miracle of San Gennaro 2002 Műveltség és hagyomány 12-13 (): 123-32
  • Laura Stark-Arola
  • Minna Lahti
H6/KVN [MUVELTSEG-] 0580-3594
The street shrines of Naples as the setting of popular religion 2001 Ethnologia fennica 29 (): 56-68
  • Suvi Hänninen
'Este palacio está sobre las ruinas romanas...': ciudades, monumentos y producción de conciencia histórica 2001 Revista de antropología social 10 (): 53-69
  • Amalia Signorelli
Archeologia delle forme: esperienza condotta a Napoli a Rua Catalana ed a Piazza del Gesù promossa dall'Assessorato alla Cultura di Napoli (Natale 1998) 1999 Archeologia africana: saggi occasionali 5 (): 25-32
  • Riccardo Dalisi
Anthropology and cultural heritage. A fallen monuments' study 1998 Alteridades 8 (16): 85-94
  • Paola Massa
Governo urbano e privilegio di cittadinanza nella Napoli spagnola: leggibilità, validita,' verifiche 1995 Etnosistemi 2 (2): 95-110
  • Piero Ventura
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