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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
On self-reliant masculinities and rural returnees in ethnic China 2023 Focaal (97): 89-102
  • Suvi Rautio
H6/KF [FOCAAL-] 0920-1297
Basketry among two peoples of northern Guangxi, China 2022 Asian ethnology 81 (1-2): 239-72
  • C. Kurt Dewhurst
  • Jason Baird Jackson
  • Jon Kay
  • Lijun Zhang
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 1882-6865
Material culture and heritage safeguarding in Southwest China. A report on a symposium organized by the International Folklore Studies Center 2021 Museum anthropology review 15 (2): 114-21
  • Wuerxiya
  • Jason Baird Jackson
  • Lijun Zhang
Material compromises in the planning of a 'traditional village' in southwest China 2021 Social analysis 65 (3): 67-87
  • Suvi Rautio
H6/KF [SOCIAL-] 0155-977X
How did the cultural revolution affect your culture? 2020 ab-Original 4 (1-2): 148-55
  • Amy Eisenberg
  • John Amato photogr
Poverty alleviation, community participation, and the issue of scale in ethnic tourism in China 2020 Asian anthropology 19 (4): 233-56
  • Qiaoyang Li
  • Xianghong Feng
H6/KW [ASIAN-] 1683-478X
From the hills 2017 Hali (194): 112-15
  • Lee Talbot
*H6/KGG [HALI-] 0142-0798
Research, cultural heritage, and ethnic identity. Evaluating the influence of Kam big song research of the 1950s 2017 Asian ethnology 76 (1): 65-93
  • Catherine Ingram
  • Jiaping Wu
H6/KWS [FOLKLORE-] 1882-6865
A study of physical anthropology of the Dong people in Hubei Province 2016 Acta anthropologica sinica (4): 598-607
  • Debiao Xiang
  • Jianhui Pi
  • Juan Tan
  • Mingzhi Lei
  • Sili Wei
  • Yizhong Wu
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Grand song of the Dong nationality 2015 China's ethnic groups (5): 76-7
  • Yibo Yang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Yuediwa of the Dong nationality 2015 China's ethnic groups (4): 76-8
  • Liyun Yang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Traditional economies and mainstream alternatives: business anthropology looks at Dong tree farming 2014 The Anthropologist 18 (1): 25-31
  • Alf H. Walle
  • Kanglong Luo
Welcome to bullfighting dong-style 2014 China's ethnic groups (4): 66-73
  • Dianwen Du
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Choral magic in a Dong village 2013 China's ethnic groups (4): 60-71
  • Dianwen Du
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Dimen village of the Dong people 2013 China's ethnic groups (1): 68-71
  • Xiaolin Li
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
The 'praying-to-God' festival and 'carrying the official' 2013 China's ethnic groups (1): 48-59
  • Haitao Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
From dream and myth to ritual performance: Self-image and the formation of symbolism among the Guizhou Kam in China 2012 Taiwan journal of anthropology 10 (2): 101-37
  • Shu-jung Lin
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 1727-1878
Tradition and divergence in southwestern China: Kam Big Song singing in the village and on stage 2012 The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology 13 (5): 434-53
  • Catherine Ingram
H6 [CANBERRA-] 1444-2213
A study of the physical anthropology of the Dong nationality in Guizhou 2010 Acta anthropologica sinica (2): 73-81
  • De-deng Ou
  • Ming-xin Yao
  • Xiao-jun Yang
  • Xiu-hai Yang
  • Yue-sheng Yu
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Tourism and economic development in remote ethnic regions of China. Case study: a Dong village of Guizhou 2010 Anthropologie et sociétés 34 (2): 163-76
  • Candice Cornet
H6/KX [SOCIETE-] 0702-8997
Dermatoglyphic changes during the population admixture between Kam and Han Chinese 2009 Homo 60 (2): 143-57
  • Hui Li
  • Jingrong Hou
  • Sameer Gupta
  • Shangling Pan
  • Xu Cheng
H6/HB [HOMO-] 0018-442X
Commemorating Sa: blessings from Grandma 2009 China's ethnic groups (3): 40-53
  • Haitao Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Drum towers of the ethnic Dong group 2008 China's ethnic groups 6 (1): 42-9
  • Haitao Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Ethnic Dong cultural sign 2008 China's ethnic groups 6 (1): 50-8
  • Haitao Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
A typical ethnic Dong drum tower 2008 China's ethnic groups 6 (1): 59-61
  • Haitao Wang
H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
An investigation on five human population genetic characters of the Miao and Dong nationalities in Hunan province, China 2007 Acta anthropologica sinica 36 (6): 179-82
  • Dan Dai
  • Jian-hui Pi
  • Li Deng
  • Ming-zhi Lei
  • Yi-zhong Wu
H6/HB [ACTA-] 1000-3139
Food and gender images of the Kam in Guizhou, China 2007 Journal of archaeology and anthropology 67 (): 11-42
  • Shu-jung Lin
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 0077-5483
The Dong cloth that shimmers 2007 China's ethnic groups 5 (3): 50-69
  • Haitao Wang
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
The impact of gender and hierarchy on women's reproductive health in a Kam village, Guizhou province, China 2007 Culture, health & sexuality 9 (1): 55-68
  • Fang-Tzu Yen
H6/KGT [CULTURE-] 1369-1058
The impact of modernization on Da Ge of Dong people 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (4): 56-7
  • Haitao Wang
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Go and listen to songs stolen from the heaven 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (4): 46-54
  • Haitao Wang
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Discovery of polyphonic singing: exquisite to the extreme - secret of grand songs of the Dong people 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (4): 34-45
  • Dingguo Wu
  • Minwen Deng
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
The rugby of the East - The game 'scrambling for the Huapao' of the Dong minority 2006 China's ethnic groups 4 (2): 94-110
  • Haitao Wang
*H6/KWS [CHINA'S-] 1672-3341
Hierarchy and power within an 'egalitarian' society: social relations among the Kam people of China 2006 Taiwan journal of anthropology 4 (1): 1-43
  • Shu-jing Lin
H6/KWS [TAIWAN-] 1727-1878
Somatotype of Dong nationality adult studied with the Heath-Carter anthropometry method 2004 Acta anthropologica sinica 23 (1): 73-8
  • Hong-qin Pu
  • Shi-ning Huang
  • Zu-yin Pang
H6/HB 'ACTA-' 1000-3193
Civilization under the drum tower: the story of Zhanli, a hidden paradise 2003 China's ethnic groups 3 (1): 106-15
  • Zhang Xiaosong
An analysis on the growth of the head part of Dong nationality youths 2002 Acta anthropologica sinica 21 (4): 273-8
  • Bo-yuan Wei
  • Li-ning Zhou
  • Lin Xu
  • Qiong-ying Deng
  • Xia-fa Deng
Der Stoff, der in die Irre führt: Textilkunst der Miao und Dong in Yünnan 1999 Pogrom 29 (203): 44-5
  • Ruedi Suter
Creation of an ethnic symbol: case of the Dong nationality in southwest China 1998 Southeast Asian studies 35 (4): 738-58
  • Tsutomu Kaneshige
Empowerment in the practice of making and inhabiting: Dong architecture in cultural reconstruction 1996 Journal of material culture 1 (2): 211-38
  • Xing Ruan
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