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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Sborník slovenského národného Múzea Zborn slov nar Muz Martin Currently Indexed
Schweizerisches Archiv für Volkskunde Schweiz Arch Volksk Currently Indexed
Shaman: an international journal for shamanistic research Shaman Currently Indexed
Slavia antiqua Slav antiq Currently Indexed
Slovenská archeologia Slov Archeol Currently Indexed
Slovenski etnograf Etnolog Currently Indexed
Slovenský národopis Slov Narod Currently Indexed
Social analysis Social Analys Currently Indexed
Social anthropology Social Anthrop Currently Indexed
Social anthropology/Anthropologie sociale Social Anthrop Currently Indexed
Sociologus Sociologus Currently Indexed
South African archaeological bulletin S Afr archaeol Bull Currently Indexed
South Asia research S Asia res Currently Indexed
South Asian anthropologist S Asian Anthrop Currently Indexed
South Asian popular culture S Asian pop Cult Currently Indexed
Southeastern archaeology SE Archaeol Currently Indexed
Southwestern journal of anthropology J anthrop Res Currently Indexed
Sovetskaya arkheologiya Ross Arkheol Currently Indexed
Sprawozdania archeologiczne Spraw archeol Currently Indexed
Strehlow Research Centre: occasional papers Strehlow res Cent occ Pap Currently Indexed
Studia ethnologica Stud ethnol Croat Currently Indexed
Studia Ethnologica Croatica Stud ethnol Croat Currently Indexed
Studia mythologica slavica Stud myth slav Currently Indexed
Studia mythologica slavica supplementa Stud myth slav suppl Currently Indexed
Studies in ethnicity and nationalism Stud ethn nat Currently Indexed
Suomalais: journal de la Société Finno-Ougrienne Suomalais. J Soc Finno-Ougr Currently Indexed
Suomen antropologi Suom Antrop Currently Indexed
Systèmes de pensée en Afrique noire Syst Pensee Afr noire Currently Indexed
Taiwan journal of anthropology Taiwan J Anthrop Currently Indexed
Techniques et culture Techn Cult Currently Indexed
Temenos Temenos Currently Indexed
Temenos: Nordic journal of comparative religion Temenos Currently Indexed
Terrain Terrain Currently Indexed
Textiles Asia Text Asia Currently Indexed
The artefact. The journal of the Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria Artefact Currently Indexed
The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology Asia Pacif J Anthrop Currently Indexed
The Australian journal of anthropology Aust J Anthrop Currently Indexed
The bulletin: journal of the New York State Archaeological Association Bull J NY archaeol Ass Currently Indexed
The Cambridge journal of anthropology Camb J Anthrop Currently Indexed
The kiva Kiva Currently Indexed
The World of Music Wld Music Currently Indexed
Trabajos y conferencias Seminario de Estudios americanistas Rev esp Antrop amer Currently Indexed
Tribus Tribus Currently Indexed
Tsantsa: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Ethnologischenen Gesellschaft Tsantsa Currently Indexed
Ulster folklife Ulster Folklife Currently Indexed
Urban anthropology Urban Anthrop Currently Indexed
Visual anthropology Visual Anthrop Currently Indexed
Waka Kuaka: Journal of the Polynesian Society J Polynes Soc Currently Indexed
West African archaeological newsletter W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed
West African journal of archaeology W Afr J Archaeol Currently Indexed