Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Scottish studies | Scott Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Scripta ethnológica | Scr ethnol | Ceased publication | |
Scripta ethnológica: supplementa | Scr ethnol suppl | Ceased publication | |
Selected reports | Sel Rep Ethnomusic | Ceased publication | |
Selected reports in ethnomusicology | Sel Rep Ethnomusic | Ceased publication | |
Senri ethnological studies | Senri ethnol Stud | No longer indexed | |
Shaman: an international journal for shamanistic research | Shaman | Currently Indexed | |
Sibirica: journal of Siberian studies | Sibirica | Selectively indexed | |
Sign language studies | Sign Lang Stud | No longer indexed | |
Silesia antiqua | Siles antiq | No longer indexed | |
Slavia antiqua | Slav antiq | Currently Indexed | |
Slovenská archeologia | Slov Archeol | Currently Indexed | |
Slovenská archeologia | Slov Archeol | No longer indexed | |
Slovenski etnograf | Etnolog | Currently Indexed | |
Slovenský národopis | Slov Narod | Currently Indexed | |
Social analysis | Social Analys | Currently Indexed | |
Social and economic studies | Social econ Stud | No longer indexed | |
Social anthropology | Social Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Social anthropology/Anthropologie sociale | Social Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Social networks | Social Netwks | Selectively indexed | |
Social science information | Social Sci Inf | Selectively indexed | |
Social Science Research Council newsletter | ESRC Newsl | No longer indexed | |
Society of Malawi journal | Soc Malawi J | No longer indexed | |
Sociological review | Sociol Rev | Selectively indexed | |
Sociologus | Sociologus | Currently Indexed | |
South African archaeological bulletin | S Afr archaeol Bull | Currently Indexed | |
South African Archaeological Society newsletter | Digging Stick | Selectively indexed | |
South African journal of ethnology | Anthrop Sth Africa | Selectively indexed | |
South African journal of science | S Afr J Sci | No longer indexed | |
South American explorer | S Amer Explor | Ceased publication | |
South Asia research | S Asia res | Currently Indexed | |
South Asian anthropologist | S Asian Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
South Asian popular culture | S Asian pop Cult | Currently Indexed | |
South Dakota archaeologist | S Dakota archaeol Soc Newsl | No longer indexed | |
South Dakota archaeology | S Dakota Archaeol | No longer indexed | |
South Pacific bulletin | S Pacif Bull | Ceased publication | |
Southeast Asian studies | SE Asian Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Southeastern archaeology | SE Archaeol | Currently Indexed | |
Southern African field archaeology | Sth Afr field Archaeol | Selectively indexed | |
Southern African humanities | Sth Afr Human | Selectively indexed | |
Southern Anthropologist. Journal of the Southern Anthropological Society | Sth Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Southwestern journal of anthropology | J anthrop Res | Currently Indexed | |
Sovetskaya arkheologiya | Ross Arkheol | Currently Indexed | |
Sovetskaya etnografiya | Sovet Etnogr | Ceased publication | |
Space and culture | Space Cult | Selectively indexed | |
SPC quarterly bulletin | S Pacif Bull | Ceased publication | |
Sprawozdania archeologiczne | Spraw archeol | Currently Indexed | |
St. Petersburg journal of African studies | St Petersburg J Afr Stud | Ceased publication | |
Starinar | Starinar | No longer indexed | |
Středočeský vlastivědný Sborník | Stredocesk vlastived Sborn | No longer indexed |