Title | Abbreviation | Status | Current title |
Noticiario arqueológico hispánico: prehistoria | Notic arqueol hispan Prehist | No longer indexed | |
Noticiaro mensual | Notic Mus nacn Hist nat Santiago | No longer indexed | |
Noticias antropológicas | Notic antrop | No longer indexed | |
Notizie degli scavi di antichità | Notiz Scavi Antich | No longer indexed | |
Nsi | Nsi | Ceased publication | |
Nueva antropología | Nueva Antrop | No longer indexed | |
Numen | Numen | Currently Indexed | |
Nutritional anthropology | Nutr Anthrop | Ceased publication | |
Nyame Akuma | Nyame Akuma | No longer indexed | |
Nyasaland journal | Soc Malawi J | No longer indexed | |
Objets et mondes | Objets Mondes | No longer indexed | |
Occasional papers | Occ Pap Anthrop Univ Queensl | No longer indexed | |
Occasional papers | Occ Pap R anthrop Inst | Currently Indexed | |
Occasional papers in anthropology | Occ Pap Anthrop Univ Queensl | No longer indexed | |
Occasional papers of the Anthropological Institute London | Occ Pap R anthrop Inst | Currently Indexed | |
Oceania | Oceania | Currently Indexed | |
Oceanos | Oceanos | Ceased publication | |
Odu | Odu | Ceased publication | |
Oral history | Oral Hist | No longer indexed | |
Oriental anthropologist | Orient Anthrop | Currently Indexed | |
Oriental culture | Orient Cult | No longer indexed | |
Origine preistoria e protoistoria delle civiltà antiche | Origini | Currently Indexed | |
Origini | Origini | Currently Indexed | |
Ornament | Ornament | No longer indexed | |
Ossa | Ossa | Ceased publication | |
Ottar: populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift fra Tromsø Museum | Ottar | Ceased publication | |
Oudheidkundige mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden | Oudheidk Med | No longer indexed | |
Pacific arts | Pacif Arts | Selectively indexed | |
Pacific island focus: an occasional journal of student research | Pacif Isl Focus | Ceased publication | |
Pacific studies | Pacif Stud | Selectively indexed | |
Paideuma | Paideuma | Currently Indexed | |
Palapala | Palapala | Selectively indexed | |
Paleoetnológica | Paleoetnologica | Ceased publication | |
Paléorient: revue interdisciplinaire de préhistoire et de protohistoire de l'Asie du sud-ouest | Paleorient | No longer indexed | |
Palestine exploration quarterly | Palest Explor Q | Selectively indexed | |
Památky archeologické | Pam archeol | Currently Indexed | |
Pamirovedeniye | Pamiroved | Ceased publication | |
Panlipi Horizons | Horizons | Ceased publication | |
Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer | Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer | Ceased publication | |
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology | Pap Inst Archaeol Lond | Currently Indexed | |
Papers in anthropology | Pap Anthrop | No longer indexed | |
Papers of the Algonquian conference | Pap Algonquian Conf | Currently Indexed | |
Papers on anthropology | Pap Anthrop Tartu | Selectively indexed | |
Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie | Paragrana. Intern Zeit hist Anthrop | Selectively indexed | |
Pari journal | PARI J | Currently Indexed | |
Pastoral andina | Pastor and | No longer indexed | |
Patterns of prejudice | Patt Prejud | No longer indexed | |
Pazyryk: Das Jahrbuch der Pazyryk Gesellschaft | Pazyryk | Ceased publication | |
Peasant studies | Peasant Stud | Ceased publication | |
Peasant studies newsletter | Peasant Stud | Ceased publication |