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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Noticiario arqueológico hispánico: prehistoria Notic arqueol hispan Prehist No longer indexed
Noticiaro mensual Notic Mus nacn Hist nat Santiago No longer indexed
Noticias antropológicas Notic antrop No longer indexed
Notizie degli scavi di antichità Notiz Scavi Antich No longer indexed
Nsi Nsi Ceased publication
Nueva antropología Nueva Antrop No longer indexed
Numen Numen Currently Indexed
Nutritional anthropology Nutr Anthrop Ceased publication
Nyame Akuma Nyame Akuma No longer indexed
Nyasaland journal Soc Malawi J No longer indexed
Objets et mondes Objets Mondes No longer indexed
Occasional papers Occ Pap Anthrop Univ Queensl No longer indexed
Occasional papers Occ Pap R anthrop Inst Currently Indexed
Occasional papers in anthropology Occ Pap Anthrop Univ Queensl No longer indexed
Occasional papers of the Anthropological Institute London Occ Pap R anthrop Inst Currently Indexed
Oceania Oceania Currently Indexed
Oceanos Oceanos Ceased publication
Odu Odu Ceased publication
Oral history Oral Hist No longer indexed
Oriental anthropologist Orient Anthrop Currently Indexed
Oriental culture Orient Cult No longer indexed
Origine preistoria e protoistoria delle civiltà antiche Origini Currently Indexed
Origini Origini Currently Indexed
Ornament Ornament No longer indexed
Ossa Ossa Ceased publication
Ottar: populærvitenskapelig tidsskrift fra Tromsø Museum Ottar Ceased publication
Oudheidkundige mededeelingen uit het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te Leiden Oudheidk Med No longer indexed
Pacific arts Pacif Arts Selectively indexed
Pacific island focus: an occasional journal of student research Pacif Isl Focus Ceased publication
Pacific studies Pacif Stud Selectively indexed
Paideuma Paideuma Currently Indexed
Palapala Palapala Selectively indexed
Paleoetnológica Paleoetnologica Ceased publication
Paléorient: revue interdisciplinaire de préhistoire et de protohistoire de l'Asie du sud-ouest Paleorient No longer indexed
Palestine exploration quarterly Palest Explor Q Selectively indexed
Památky archeologické Pam archeol Currently Indexed
Pamirovedeniye Pamiroved Ceased publication
Panlipi Horizons Horizons Ceased publication
Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer Pap annu Meet Gypsy Lore Soc N Amer Ceased publication
Papers from the Institute of Archaeology Pap Inst Archaeol Lond Currently Indexed
Papers in anthropology Pap Anthrop No longer indexed
Papers of the Algonquian conference Pap Algonquian Conf Currently Indexed
Papers on anthropology Pap Anthrop Tartu Selectively indexed
Paragrana: internationale Zeitschrift für historische Anthropologie Paragrana. Intern Zeit hist Anthrop Selectively indexed
Pari journal PARI J Currently Indexed
Pastoral andina Pastor and No longer indexed
Patterns of prejudice Patt Prejud No longer indexed
Pazyryk: Das Jahrbuch der Pazyryk Gesellschaft Pazyryk Ceased publication
Peasant studies Peasant Stud Ceased publication
Peasant studies newsletter Peasant Stud Ceased publication