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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Journal of southern African studies J south Afr Stud. Selectively indexed
Journal of symbolic anthropology Yb symb Anthrop Ceased publication
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Bombay J anthrop Soc Bombay No longer indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Nippon Anthrop Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford J anthrop Soc Oxf (NS) Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Oxford (NS) J anthrop Soc Oxf (NS) Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Society of Tokyo Anthrop Sci Currently Indexed
Journal of the Anthropological Survey of India J anthrop Surv India No longer indexed
Journal of the Asiatic Society J Asiat Soc No longer indexed
Journal of the Baltic Institute of Folklkore J Baltic Inst Folk Ceased publication
Journal of the Ceylon branch of the Royal Asiatic Society J Sri Lanka Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Cultural Association of the Solomon Islands J cult Ass Solomon Isl Selectively indexed
Journal of the Department of Ethnology and Sociology J Sociol Chengchi Ceased publication
Journal of the East Africa and Uganda Natural History Society J E Afr nat Hist Soc No longer indexed
Journal of the East Africa Natural History Society J E Afr nat Hist Soc No longer indexed
Journal of the Faculty of Science Section V: anthropology J Fac Sci Tokyo Anthrop Ceased publication
Journal of the Federated Malay States Museums Fed Mus J No longer indexed
Journal of the Folklore Institute J folkl Res Currently Indexed
Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society Romani Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of the Historical Society of Nigeria J hist Soc Nigeria No longer indexed
Journal of the history of collections J Hist Collns No longer indexed
Journal of the Hong Kong branch of the Royal Asiatic Society J Hong Kong Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Indian Anthropological Society J Indian anthrop Soc Currently Indexed
Journal of the Indian Wars J Indian Wars Ceased publication
Journal of the Institute of Asian Studies J Inst Asian Stud Madras No longer indexed
Journal of the International Folk Music Council Yb trad Music Currently Indexed
Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society J Iowa archeol Soc No longer indexed
Journal of the Malayan branch of the Royal Asiatic Society J Malay Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Malaysian branch of the Royal Asiatic Society J Malay Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Polynesian Society J Polynes Soc Currently Indexed
Journal of the Royal African Society Afr Aff Selectively indexed
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society J R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Bengal J Asiat Soc No longer indexed
Journal of the Royal Historical and Archaeological Association of Ireland J R Soc Antiq Irel No longer indexed
Journal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland J R Soc Antiq Irel No longer indexed
Journal of the Society for the Anthropology of Europe J Soc Anthrop Eur Ceased publication
Journal of the Solomon Islands Museum Association J cult Ass Solomon Isl Selectively indexed
Journal of the Southwest J Southwest Selectively indexed
Journal of the Sri Lanka branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (New Series) J Sri Lanka Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of the Steward Anthropological Society J Steward anthrop Soc Ceased publication
Journal of the Straits branch Royal Asiatic Society J Malay Brch R Asiat Soc Selectively indexed
Journal of visual culture J vis Cult Currently Indexed
Journal of world prehistory J wld Prehist No longer indexed
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute (New Series) J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed
The journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute incorporating Man J R anthrop Inst Selectively indexed