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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop Pap Ling Ceased publication
Journal of Cherokee studies J Cherokee Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of Chinese Overseas J Chin over Selectively indexed
Journal of cognition and culture J cognition Cult Currently Indexed
Journal of consumer culture J consumer Cult Selectively indexed
Journal of contemporary ethnography J contemp Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Journal of contemporary religion J contemp Relig Selectively indexed
Journal of Eastern African studies: journal of the British Institute in Eastern Africa J East Afric Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of Egyptian archaeology J Egypt Archaeol No longer indexed
Journal of Ethiopian Studies J Ethiop Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of ethnobiology J Ethnobiol Currently Indexed
Journal of ethnology and folkloristics J Ethno Folkor Currently Indexed
Journal of ethnology and sociology J Sociol Chengchi Ceased publication
Journal of field archaeology J field Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of folklore research J folkl Res Currently Indexed
Journal of glass studies J glass Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of Haitian studies J Haiti Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of Hellenic studies J Hell Stud No longer indexed
Journal of historical sociology J hist Sociol No longer indexed
Journal of human ecology J hum Ecol Selectively indexed
Journal of human ecology: special issue J hum Ecol spec issue Selectively indexed
Journal of human evolution J hum Evol Currently Indexed
Journal of Indo-European studies J Indo-Eur Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of Indo-Pacific archaeology J Indo Pacif archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of intercultural studies J intercult Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of intermountain archaeology J intermount Archaeol No longer indexed
Journal of island and coastal archaeology J Island Coast Archaeol Selectively indexed
Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology J Latin Amer Carib Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of Latin American anthropology J Latin Amer Carib Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of Latin American lore J Latin Amer Lore No longer indexed
Journal of Latin American studies J Latin Amer Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law J legal Plur Currently Indexed
Journal of linguistic anthropology J ling Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of local administration overseas J Admin Overseas Ceased publication
Journal of Maltese studies J Maltese Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of material culture J mater Cult Currently Indexed
Journal of Mayan linguistics J Mayan Ling Ceased publication
Journal of Mediterranean studies J Medit Stud Currently Indexed
Journal of Middle East women’s studies J Mid E women Stud No longer indexed
Journal of museum ethnography J mus Ethnogr Currently Indexed
Journal of New World archaeology J New World Archaeol Ceased publication
Journal of northwest anthropology J NW Anthrop Currently Indexed
Journal of Pacific Archaeology J Pacif Archaeol Currently Indexed
Journal of Pacific history J Pacif Hist Selectively indexed
Journal of peasant studies J Peasant Stud No longer indexed
Journal of quantitative anthropology J quant Anthrop Ceased publication
Journal of religion in Africa J Relig Afr Currently Indexed
Journal of ritual studies J ritual Stud Selectively indexed
Journal of social archaeology J social Archaeol. Currently Indexed
Journal of sociology J Sociol Chengchi Ceased publication