Anthropological Index Online

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Title Abbreviation Status Current title
Arts d’Afrique noire Arts Afr noire Ceased publication
Arts et traditions populaires Ethnol fr No longer indexed
Arv: Nordic yearbook of folklore Arv Nordic Yb Folkl Currently Indexed
Asclepio Asclepio No longer indexed
Asia and Pacific studies Asia Pafic Stud No longer indexed
Asian affairs Asian Aff No longer indexed
Asian anthropology Asian Anthrop Currently Indexed
Asian Ethnology Asian Ethnol Currently Indexed
Asian Ethnology Asian folklore studies Currently Indexed
Asian Ethnology Folklore studies Currently Indexed
Asian journal of social sciences Asian J Soc Sci Selectively indexed
Asian music Asian Music Currently Indexed
Asian perspectives Asian Persp Currently Indexed
Asian research trends Asian res Trend Ceased publication
Asie du sud-est et monde insulindien Asie SE Monde insul Ceased publication
Astronomie et sciences humaines Astr Sci hum Ceased publication
Athena review Athena Rev No longer indexed
Atlatl Arizona Anthrop No longer indexed
Atoll research bulletin Atoll res Bull No longer indexed
Atti della Società romana di Antropologia J anthrop Sci Riv Antrop No longer indexed
Ausgrabungen in Berlin Ausgrab Berlin No longer indexed
Ausgrabungen und Funde Ausgrab Funde No longer indexed
Australian Aboriginal studies Aust Aborig Stud Currently Indexed
Australian archaeology Aust Archaeol Currently Indexed
Australian external territories Aust extern Territ Ceased publication
Australian Institute of Aboriginal Studies newletter Aust Aborig Stud Currently Indexed
Australian territories Aust extern Territ Ceased publication
Az Agri Múzeum évkönyve Agria No longer indexed
Azania Azania Currently Indexed
The Anthropologist: international journal of contemporary and applied studies of man Anthropologist. Intern J cont app Stud Man Selectively indexed
The artefact. The journal of the Archaeological and Anthropological Society of Victoria Artefact Currently Indexed
The Asia Pacific journal of anthropology Asia Pacif J Anthrop Currently Indexed
The Australian journal of anthropology Aust J Anthrop Currently Indexed