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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Money talk(s): the semantic complexity of "kulki" 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 1-25
  • Regina Harrison
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
"The dawn of our lives," Kilkakunawarmikuna: the rising voices of Kichwa women poets in Ecuador 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 26-59
  • Alison Krögel
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Scenes from a strange marriage: "About the young man and the star" 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 60-97
  • Catherine J. Allen
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Kulki Haka, Money Canyon 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 98-102
  • Carmen Chuquín
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
I am the rooster, the new lord: a history of conquest 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 103-9
  • Victor Maqque
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Samay yuyaymanta rimay 2014 Latin American Indian literatures journal 30 (1): 110
  • Ariruma Kowii
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Eduardo F. Lozano, 1925-2006 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (2): 107-10
  • Mary H. Preuss
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Prof. Dr. Peter Georg Tschohl, April 3, 1935- September 27, 2007 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (2): 111-15
  • Merideth Paxton
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Feasts for the gods: food and consumption in Aztec veintena rituals 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (2): 116-39
  • Elizabeth Morán
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
"Half-rooster" and other Yucatec-Mayan stories 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (2): 140-60
  • Mary H. Preuss
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The Pintura de las posesiones de Luisa Yectzin y Mateo Chimaltecuhtli: a preliminary study 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (2): 161-94
  • Miguel Ángel Ruz Barrio
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Depiction of animals in the Popul Vuh and current Maya folktales 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (1): 1-26
  • Fredy R. Rodríguez-Mejía
  • James D. Sexton
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The three brothers 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (1): 27-58
  • Mary H. Preuss
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The Borgia group manuscripts: postclassic workshop creations and a social network 2010 Latin American Indian literatures journal 26 (1): 59-98
  • Anne Walke Cassidy
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The presence of corn in myths. The K'en miomo. Zoques of Chiapas 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (1): 1-18
  • Susana Villasana Benítez
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Voices from the indigenous world: beliefs from Caliaj, Guatemala 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (1): 19-24
  • Anonymous
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The Tlacanauhtli in the Historia Tolteca-Chichimeca: a cosmic route and the shaping of earth and city 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (1): 30-100
  • María Elena Berrnal García
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
How St. Bartholomew became a Ñak'aq: representations of Ñak'aq-slaughterers and the church in Quechua oral narratives 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (2): 103-33
  • Alison Krögel
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Who does a "literate native" represent? The case of Guaman Poma de Ayala 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (2): 134-51
  • Adriana Iris Churampi Ramírez
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The brave young man and the elderly mayor 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (2): 152-65
  • Janet Zayas transl
  • Mary H. Preuss
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The glyphic structure of Cuauhtinchan map No.2 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (2): 166-201
  • Keiko Yoneda
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Book review article 2009 Latin American Indian literatures journal 25 (2): 202-11
  • Michael Ennis
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Ritual of power in the Mixtec codices 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (2): 125-50
  • Manuel Hermann Lejarazu
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Codex Azcatitlan and the work of Torquemada: a historiographic puzzle in the Aztec-Mexica sources 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (2): 151-94
  • María Castañeda de la Paz
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Victor Montejo's El Q'anil: Man of Lightning and Maya cultural movements 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (2): 195-211
  • Gabriel Estrada
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Indigenous literatures and social movements in Latin America 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 1-6
  • Emilio del Valle Escalante
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Kotz'ib': the emergence of a new Maya literature 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 7-28
  • Arturo Arias
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Poesía peruana quechua última, movimientos sociales y neoliberalismo (1980-2007) 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 29-55
  • Ulises Juan Zevallos Aguilar
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The value of swans: symbolic and environmental resistance in Mapuche-Williche territory 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 56-81
  • Luis E. Cárcamo-Huechante
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Manuel Quintín Lame interpreted from inside: cognitive practices in discourse 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 82-98
  • Betty Osorio
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The Zapatista unconscious: Chicana and Latin American connections in Graciela Limón's Erased faces 2008 Latin American Indian literatures journal 24 (1): 99-122
  • Tim Libretti
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Oralidad, escritura y traducción: hacia una caracterización de la nueva poesía indígena de México y Guatemala 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (1): 1-26
  • Roberto Viereck
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
El indígena en la literatura cubana del siglo XIX: José Martí, José Antonio Saco y Francisco Sellén 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (1): 27-42
  • Jorge Camacho
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Traditional Mayan rhetorical forms and symbols: from the Popul Vuh to El tiempo principia en Xibalbá 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (1): 43-65
  • Laura Martin
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Poetics and translation in Todos los cantos - Ti Kom VI: Neruda in Mapunzugun 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (2): 99-111
  • James J. Park
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The Popol Wuj in Ayer MS 1515 is a holograph by Father Ximénez 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (2): 112-41
  • Carlos M. López
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Poetic style in colonial Ch'olti' Mayan 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (2): 142-68
  • Danny Law
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Primeval humanity and its transformations. Constructions of body, sexuality and gender in Pilagá mythology 2007 Latin American Indian literatures journal 23 (2): 169-88
  • Anatilde Idoyaga Molina
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Friars lurking behind Burkhart's Nahuas: conflicting agendas at play in the production of Holy Wednesday 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (1): 1-21
  • Mark Clatterbuck
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Juan Ceniza, a Mopan Maya story 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (1): 22-42
  • Charles Andrew Hofling
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Problemas y crisis existencial del indígena mexicano contemporáneo en la novela zapoteca 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (1): 43-68
  • Leonor Vázquez-González
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Narrative and identity in selections from the poetry and novels of Gaspar Pedro González, Maya Q'anjob'al author 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (2): 99-115
  • Nadine Grimm
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Maya oral tradition as the foundation of the new written literary canon: the testimonial novel of Gaspar Pedro González 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (2): 116-28
  • Hana Muzika Kahn
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Confrontation scenes on codex-style pottery: an iconographic review 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (2): 129-52
  • Ana García Barrios
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Village tales from Yucatán 2006 Latin American Indian literatures journal 22 (2): 153-99
  • Mary H. Preuss
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
The primordial flood of Izhu: an Amazonian Quichua Myth-narrative 2005 Latin American Indian literatures journal 21 (1): 1-20
  • Michael Uzendoski
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Sánchez de Aguilar and his Informe contra idolorum cultores: the right to judge and punish idolatry 2005 Latin American Indian literatures journal 21 (1): 21-58
  • Ruth Gubler
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Socialidad en el mito: hombres, mujeres y animales desde la perspectiva toba 2005 Latin American Indian literatures journal 21 (1): 59-79
  • Florenica C. Tola
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
Continental Eurasian and Pacific links in American mythologies and their possible time-depth 2005 Latin American Indian literatures journal 21 (2): 99-115
  • Yuri E. Berezkin
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613
La plasticidad de los relatos, rastros de eclecticismos tempranos y tardíos en algunos relatosqom (toba) del Chaco Argentino 2005 Latin American Indian literatures journal 21 (2): 116-42
  • Carlos Salamanca
*H6/KUL [LATIN-] 0888-5613