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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The wooden buildings in the north of Albania 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 3-45
  • Oksana Budina
On the village of the highlands of Shkoder 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 47-66
  • Ali Muka
Vêtements popularires dans la phototeque [Gegë Marubi] - Shkoder 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 67-77
  • Aferdita Onuzi
  • Kahreman Ulqini
Two Lumjan men's dances 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 79-100
  • Ramazan H. Bogdani
The village as dwelling place and the building tradition in Lunxheri 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 101-24
  • Ali Muka
  • Vasil Kosta
The portament (glissando) in the Albanian popular songs 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 125-36
  • Osman Xhatufa
On the influence of C6H4C12 in the corrosion of the palcore 2003 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 137-46
  • Frederik Stamati
The figure of the witch in the Albanian folklore 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 3-25
  • Agron Xhagolli
The relations between the mother-in-law and bride in some popular ballads 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 27-48
  • Ndoc Papleka
The Labe dance of Dukat as variant of the Laberishte dance 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 49-57
  • Nexhat Agolli
On the village of the highlands of Shkoder 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 59-78
  • Ali Muka
Psychological look over at the characters in the ceremonial Shkodran wedding 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 79-111
  • Miaser Dibra
The reflection of the war and defence in the onomastics 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 113-29
  • Fran Luli
Ethnochroeographic observations: from the [Review of the Albanian Source Folklore] (Drenasi - Kosovë, 9-13 July 2002) 2002 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 131-53
  • Ramazan H. Bogdani
The cult of the stone and caves by the Albanians 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 1-28
  • Mark Tirta
Biblical migration and biblical return 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 29-42
  • Shaban Sinani
The poetical motif [the love's test] in the Albanian folklore 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 43-56
  • Ndoc Papleka
Twelve documents in Albanian from the Bajrak (old administrative military division) 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 57-68
  • Kahreman Ulquini
Contributions to the Shkodran town song 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 69-92
  • Miaser Dibra
Historical data to help the ethnological studies 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 93-115
  • Petrika Thëngjilli
Albanian folkloric dances in two 2001 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 117-48
  • Ramazan H. Bogdani
The folk culture and Christianity 2000 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 1-11
  • Andromaqi Gjergji
The Albanian codices - essay for a chronologyand classification 2000 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 13-41
  • Shaban Sinani
The Vuthajt: village, suburb or region? (Essay for an ethnographic survey) 2000 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 43-73
  • Ali Muka
Traces of wickerwork in antiquity 2000 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 75-7
  • Frederik Stamati
The literary creativeness in the NFF (National Folkloric Festival) - Gjirokastër 2000 2000 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 79-90
  • Albana Velia
The population of Ulqin during the XIX-th XX-th centuries 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 47-57
  • Nail Draga
Dalmatika a Palaeochristian cultural element 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 73-5
  • Andromaqi Gjergji
The rite and song in birth tradition (comparative aspect) 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 67-71
  • Drita Halimi-Statovci
The roof in the Albanian dwelling-house 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 99-133
  • Ali Muka
Data from the Albanian popular culture in a manuscript of Jani Villarai (1801) 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 33-9
  • Jorgo Panajoti
The comparison of the version of the lyric poetry [The girl of delayed marriage] 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 15-31
  • Ndoc Papleka
Investigations in the economic life of the mediaeval town 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 77-97
  • Spiro Shkurti
The hydra and the dragon 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 59-66
  • Mark Tirta
The folkloric revival of Berat and the musical-ethnic inheritance 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 135-43
  • Roberta Tucci
The comical grotesque in folklore 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 1-14
  • Alfred Uçi
The oriental symbolic in civil lyric of Shkodra 1999 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 41-5
  • Albana Velia
A dance at the borderline of two peoples. (The dance [Osman Taka] by the Albanians and the Greeks) 1998 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 159-66
  • Ramazan H. Bogdani
The customs in some Arberesh lyrical poems of the XIXth century 1998 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 151-8
  • Kara Kodra
Arbëresh - Albanian parallelisms (beliefs, myths) 1998 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 167-74
  • Fran Luli
The components of the rite performed to invoke the fall of rain 1998 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 129-50
  • Ndoc Papleka
The literary creativeness of Gjergj Fishta and the folklore 1998 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 98-128
  • Alfred Uçi
The traditional monochromatic system in the ornamentation of the Albanian clothes and textiles 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 65-45
  • Agim Bido
The women's dance of Dropulli 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 157-72
  • Ramazan H. Bogdani
The role and place of the cult's buildings in the physiognomy of the Albanian village 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 57-72
  • Ali Muka
The archives of the Shkodran trade firms - important sources for the ethnology 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 73-83
  • Kujtim Nuro
The musical folkore in the southern villages of the region of Tirana 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 143-56
  • Mustafa Omerbashi
Beliefs and rites on the weaving's profession 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 47-55
  • Aferida Onuzi
The cult of the tree in the wedding's ceremonial 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 111-23
  • Ndoc Papleka
Calendrical practices and their functions 1997 Kultura popullore 1/2 (): 103-10
  • Yllka Selimi