Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The Shonto Junction Doghouse: a weaver's field house in the Klethla valley | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 455-73 | |||||
Polydactyly in the southwest | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 419-31 | |||||
A test of mean ceramic dating using well-dated Kayenta Anasazi sites | 1994 | The kiva 59 (3): 297-317 | |||||
Reynold J. Ruppé (1917-1993) | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 475-6 | |||||
Refining the role of "cerros de trincheras" in southern Arizona settlement | 1994 | The kiva 59 (3): 271-96 | |||||
Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome and southwestern archaeologists: a protocol for risk reduction | 1994 | The kiva 59 (3): 363-5 | |||||
Evidence of late preceramic agriculture at Cibecue, east-central Arizona | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 433-54 | |||||
Homologous style structures in Hohokam and Trincheras art | 1994 | The kiva 59 (3): 319-44 | |||||
Enamel hypoplasias in permanent teeth from Yellow Jacket sites 5MT-1 and 5MT-3, southwestern Colorado | 1994 | The kiva 59 (3): 345-62 | |||||
An inside view of Hohokam architecture | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 395-418 | |||||
Peripheral considerations: defining the spatial and physical correlates of storage behavior in Hohokam structures | 1994 | The kiva 59 (4): 377-94 | |||||
Toward understanding the technological development of manos and metates | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 331-44 | |||||
James Allen Lancaster, 1894-1992 | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 499-500 | |||||
A study in sourcing Hohokam basalt ground stone implements | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 357-72 | |||||
Remembrance of Emil W. Haury [1904-1992] | 1993 | The kiva 59 (2): 261-5 | |||||
Anasazi fibrous sandal terminology | 1993 | The kiva 59 (1): 49-64 | |||||
A method for distinguishing between prehistoric and recent water and soil control features | 1993 | The kiva 59 (1): 7-25 | |||||
Evidence of a Clovis presence at Wupatki national monument | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 487-94 | |||||
On rivers and boundaries in the Phoenix basin, Arizona | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 455-74 | |||||
Homol'ovi III ground stone in the raw: a study of the local sandstone used to make ground stone artifacts | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 373-91 | |||||
A prehistoric cotton cache from the Pinalenõ mountains, Arizona | 1993 | The kiva 59 (2): 95-145 | |||||
Plant remains from the Pinalenõ cotton cache, Arizona | 1993 | The kiva 59 (2): 147-203 | |||||
Fred Plog 1944-1992 | 1993 | The kiva 59 (1): 83-6 | |||||
Pigment processing at Homol'ovi III: a preliminary study | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 415-28 | |||||
The relationship between ground stone and agricultural intensification in western New Mexico | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 317-30 | |||||
An axe to grind: a functional analysis of Anasazi stone axes from Sand Canyon Pueblo Ruin (5MT765), southwestern Colorado | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 393-413 | |||||
Classic Mimbres land use in the eastern Mimbres region, southwestern New Mexico | 1993 | The kiva 59 (1): 27-47 | |||||
Emil Walter Haury 1904-1992 | 1993 | The kiva 59 (2): 242-59 | |||||
A Clovis point from east-central Arizona | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 495-8 | |||||
The writings of Emil W. Haury: an annotated bibliography | 1993 | The kiva 59 (2): 205-41 | |||||
Small site function and duration of occupation in the Hohokam northern periphery | 1993 | The kiva 59 (1): 65-82 | |||||
Prehistory and the traditions of the O'Odham and Hopi | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 435-54 | |||||
El Paso plain brown rims as chronological markers? New data on an old question | 1993 | The kiva 58 (4): 475-86 | |||||
Simulated use of experimental maize grinding tools from southwestern Colorado | 1993 | The kiva 58 (3): 345-55 | |||||
A return to the question of cannibalism | 1992 | The kiva 58 (2): 203-5 | |||||
Who designed Coronado's bridge across the Pecos river? | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 331-42 | |||||
Soil evidence of Hohokam irrigation in the Salt river valley, Arizona | 1992 | The kiva 57 (3): 237-49 | |||||
The great 'race' to 'discover' Rainbow natural bridge in 1909 | 1992 | The kiva 58 (1): 3-66 | |||||
Contemporary agricultural patterns in a Mountain Pima village | 1992 | The kiva 58 (2): 155-75 | |||||
"Ulama", the survival of the Mesoamerican ballgame "ullamaliztli" | 1992 | The kiva 58 (2): 115-53 | |||||
Architecture and tree-ring dating at the Duckfoot site in southwestern Colorado | 1992 | The kiva 57 (3): 213-36 | |||||
Social complexity among the lowland Virgin Anasazi | 1992 | The kiva 57 (3): 197-212 | |||||
ABO, MN and Rh frequencies among the Havasupai and other southwest Indian groups | 1992 | The kiva 58 (1): 67-88 | |||||
Burial practices and paleodemographic reconstructions at Pueblo Grande | 1992 | The kiva 58 (1): 88-105 | |||||
Sedentary agriculturalists or mobile hunter-gatherers? Recent evidence on the late Archaic occupation of the northern Tucson basin | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 291-314 | |||||
Cortaro points and the Archaic of southern Arizona | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 353-70 | |||||
Intrusive anuran remains in pit house features: a test of methods | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 343-51 | |||||
One man's archaeology | 1992 | The kiva 57 (2): 101-91 | |||||
One man's archaeology [in "Kiva" 1992 (57:2) 101-91]: erratum | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 290 | |||||
LA 2298: the oldest pueblito revisited | 1992 | The kiva 57 (4): 315-29 |