Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Reality or mirage? The quest of a new definition of jinshu (race) and minzoku (ethnic group) | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 406-19 | |||||
The Imanishi-Umesao hypothesis (whole herd domestication hypothesis): an assessment in light of the Near Eastern archaeology | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 64 (1): 28-57 | 0021-5023 | ||||
Notes on the concept of [nation] | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 451-61 | |||||
Families crossing borders: Vietnamese and their life in Japan | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 359-81 | |||||
Re-interpretation of the MIRAB economy: a model mediating between Tebiteuea south and the world system | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 382-404 | |||||
Intervention in the relationship between ewe and lamb in the Mongolian pastoral system | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 64 (1): 76-95 | 0021-5023 | ||||
How man-animal interaction forms day-trip herding: from a case of goat herding in the pastoral Samburu of northern-central Kenya | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 64 (1): 58-75 | 0021-5023 | ||||
The enigma of Minzoku | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 420-9 | |||||
The decline of Kwakwaka'wakw nobility: the colonization of Canada and its influence upon Kwakwaka'wakw cosmology and the potlatch | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 64 (1): 1-22 | 0021-5023 | ||||
Race: from a biological concept to an exclusive world view | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (4): 430-50 | |||||
Reconsideration of the early domestication process of goats or sheep in the Middle East: the meaning of two types of nursing interventions into the ewe-neonate relationship | 1999 | Japanese journal of ethnology 64 (1): 96-113 | 0021-5023 | ||||
The heterophony of otherness | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 182-91 | |||||
African Rastafari: the development of a socio-religious movement in urban Tanzania | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (3): 259-82 | |||||
Archaeologists' image of hunter-gatherers in southeast Asian archaeology | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 192-202 | |||||
Rethinking [effectiveness] in the sudy on shamanism: with reference to the Balian ritual of Kalis Society in Borneo | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (3): 326-37 | |||||
Self-image and everyday practices in Canadian Inuit society: the tactics of Inuinnaqtun (the Inuit way) | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 160-70 | |||||
Issues and development in ethnological investigations in Siberia | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 67-72 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
Hunting by indigenous people in Siberia in the post-Soviet regime | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 3-18 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
Facets of ethnic representation: discourse and practice concerning the ethnic category 'Yolmo' from Helambu, northeast Nepal | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 73-95 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
Kava bar and wata: kava drinking and perception of locality among Tongoa islanders, Vanuatu | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 96-106 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
Ethnonyms and images: the genesis of the [Inuit] and image-manipulation | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 151-9 | |||||
Urban aboriginals and their self-images | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 171-81 | |||||
Reorganization of the reindeer industry under de-Sovietization: a transformation of a Soviet village community in northern Yakutia, Siberia | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 19-43 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
Yanagida Kunio's ocean road hypothesis: evluation based on the direct data-plant remains | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (3): 283-301 | |||||
Becoming a subject in an urban Hindu name-giving ritual (nāmakaraṇa) and transformation of the naming custom | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (3): 302-25 | |||||
Festivals and traditional entertainments of the Chinese community in Nagasaki - their typology and newly created traditions | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (2): 209-32 | |||||
Food culture of the Gydan Nenets in western Siberia: a socio-cultural interpretation of a contemporary reindeer herder diet in the far north | 1998 | Japanese journal of ethnology 63 (1): 44-66 | H6/KWV [MINZOKUGAKU-] | ||||
In quest of the definitions of jinshu (race) and minzoku (ethnic group) | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 102-15 | |||||
Exchange and ancient Maya State formation: a case study of the chipped stone artifactsw from the southeast Maya lowlands | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 22-32 | |||||
Historical review of Kumiss literature | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 33-43 | |||||
Rubber booms and peasants on the border: a case from western Borneo | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (4): 586-615 | |||||
Cultural reaffirmation and its backwash in Woleai atoll | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 86-101 | |||||
Representation and politics: a sketch of anthropological discourses surrounding the Ainu | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 1-21 | |||||
Native anthropologists: with special reference to Japanese studies inside and outside Japan | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (4): 517-42 | |||||
Cultural construction: articulation and operation | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (4): 616-42 | |||||
Ethnology in Japan and Japanese perception of [others] in the modern period | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 66-85 | |||||
The organization and activities of the Institute of Ethnology: Japanese ethnology during the second World War | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 62 (1): 47-65 | |||||
Rang, Sauka, or Byansi?: ethnic categories and their usages in Byans, far-western Nepal | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (4): 543-64 | |||||
Cultural policies and renaissance of tradition in a Polynesian MIRAB society: a case analysis from the Cook islands | 1997 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (4): 567-85 | |||||
Denominating [traditional culture]: the contemporary meaning of mythology, personal names and place names among the Saanich in B.C., Canada | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (1): 105-25 | 0021-5023 | ||||
How can we describe Amami-Okinawa? | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (3): 467-81 | |||||
The interpretation of masks in topeng cirebon | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (2): 191-214 | |||||
Uxorilocal marriage in the nomadic areas of Inner Mongolia: an aspect of the cognatic inheritance system | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 60 (4): 295-329 | |||||
A new angle for the study of Ryukyuan culture | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (3): 437-48 | |||||
Settlement patterns and economic rationality in a pre-industrial society: central-place analysis in Classic Maya society | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (3): 370-92 | |||||
Towards a contemporary ethnography of the Ainu | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (2): 302-13 | |||||
Acculturation of the Korean minority in Japan | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 60 (4): 342-53 | |||||
Rethinking sea nomads: focusing on the analysis of the negotiation of ebune to the land | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (1): 28-49 | 0021-5023 | ||||
Problems and urgency in Ainu research | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (2): 245-62 | |||||
Plurality of representing identity in migrant culture: a case study on tombs of Koreans in Japan | 1996 | Japanese journal of ethnology 61 (3): 393-422 |