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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Introduction: Resistance and survival - the nuclear era in the Pacific 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 1-16
  • Nic Maclellan
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
'We will not relax our efforts': the anti-nuclear stance of civil society and government in post-independence Fiji 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 17-36
  • Dimity Hawkins
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Art/story of the Niuklia Fri Pasikif: on doing creative Pacific histories 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 37-59
  • Talei Luscia Mangioni
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
'Our Pacific through Native eyes': Māori activism in the nucelar free and Independent Pacific Movement, 1980-5 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 60-82
  • Marco De Jong
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Customary paths toward denuclearization and decolonization: Mā'ohi and Kanak activists passing through lo Larzac 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 83-105
  • Clémence Maillochon
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Manuscript XLIII: petition to the United Nation Trusteeship Council from the Marshalleses people 20 April 1954 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 106-12
  • Nic Maclellan
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
John Dunmore (1923-2023) 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (1): 113-15
  • Raylene Ramsay
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Editors' introduction: Brij V. Lal and the contemporary politics of Fiji 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 117-24
  • Doug Munro
  • Jon Fraenkel
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
A political history of the subject: Brij V. Lal on leadership 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 125-41
  • Jack Corbett
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The constitution that never was: revisting Fiji's 2012 draft 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 142-64
  • Jill Cottrell Ghai
  • Yash Pal Ghai
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
'Between two worlds': the origins, operation, and future of the 2013 Fiji Constitution 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 165-85
  • Anthony J. Regan
  • Coel Kirby
  • Romitesh Kant
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The Indigenous rights challenge to common and equal citizenship in the 'new' Fiji 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 186-204
  • Eta Varani
  • Robert Norton
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Fiji's foreign relations, 2006-23 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 205-21
  • Stewart Firth
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The anatomy of Frank Bainimarama's defeat at the Fiji December 2022 elections 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 222-39
  • Jon Fraenkel
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Paradox and pity: what we can learn from Fiji's urban squatter settlements 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 240-54
  • Geir Henning Presterudstuen
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Inaugural Brij Lal Memorial Lecture: belonging, and banishment from and in the sea of islands 2024 Journal of Pacific history 59 (2): 255-68
  • Jacqueline Leckie
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Avoiding Japanese intervention in New Caledonia: June and July 1940 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (3): 215-31
  • Alexander Lee
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The ambiguous history of Matthew and Hunter Islands: tracing the roots of Vanuatu and French claims 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (3): 232-50
  • Geraldine Giraudeau
  • Lili Song
  • Morsen Mosses
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Imperial resurgence: how French Polynesia was chosen as the site for the French Centre for Pacific Tests (CEP) 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (3): 251-79
  • Alexis Vrignon
  • Renaud Meltz
  • Sylvain Mary
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
On two different personalities from old Rapa Nui: personal effects of 'ariki mau Nga'ara (?- ca. 1859) and 'prophetess' Maria Angata Veri Tahi (ca. 1853-1914) - part I: the pistol of Nga'ara 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (3): 280-306
  • Robert M. Schoch
  • Tomi S. Melka
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Brij V. Lal (1952-2021) 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (3): 307-11
  • Clive Moore
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
'Renegade' resistance and colonial rule in German Samoa 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 325-47
  • Matthew P. Fitzpatrick
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Maisin recollections of the Kokoda campaign, 1942-3 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 348-70
  • John Barker
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Polynesian agency and the establishment of the French Centre for Pacific Tests 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 371-91
  • Alexis Vrignon
  • Renaud Meltz
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Reframing suffrage narratives: Pacific women, political voice, and collective empowerment 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 392-411
  • Elise Howard
  • Kerryn Baker
  • Sonia Palmieri
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
On two different personalities form old Rapa Nui: personal effects of 'ariki mau Nga'ara (? - ca. 1859) and 'prophetess' Maria Angata Veri Tahi (ca. 1853-1914) - Part II: Angata's Bible 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 412-33
  • Robert M. Schoch
  • Tomi S. Melka
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Eight months in the Cook Islands 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 434-43
  • Tim Jones
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Troubles and puzzles: the 2022 general elections in Papua New Guinea 2023 Journal of Pacific history 58 (4): 444-66
  • Maholopa La Veil
  • Michael Kabuni
  • Terence Wood
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Matthew Flinders through French eyes: Nicolas Baudin's lessons from Encounter Bay 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 1-14
  • Jean Fornasiero
  • John West-Sooby
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Metropolitan scruvy in the shadow of the Cook voyages 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 15-33
  • Duncan Robertson
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
'Running away with itself': missionaries, islanders and the reimagining of cricket in Samoa, 1830-1939 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 34-51
  • Benjamin Sacks
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Revisiting the Hawaiian influence on the political thought of Sun Yat-sen 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 52-67
  • Lorenz Gonschor
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Government publishing in the German Pacific 1885-1914 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 68-95
  • Dirk H. R. Spennemann
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Manuscript XXXI: Hawaiian imperialism? A nineteenth-century Pacific fantasy 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (1): 96-108
  • John Spurway
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Intimate relations: kinship and the economics of shore whaling in southern New Zealand, 1820-1860 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (2): 135-55
  • Angela Wanhalla
  • Kate Stevens
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The 'sleepiness' of George Sarawia: the impact of disease on the Melanesian Mission at Mota, c. 1870-1900 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (2): 156-71
  • Jane Samson
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
India's part in the politics of Fiji's decolonization: from 'outworn slogans' to 'pragmatism and realism' 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (2): 172-93
  • Robert Norton
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The 'rebalancing' of New Caledonia's economy 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (2): 194-216
  • Séverine Blaise
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Manuscript XXXII. The final fate of the La Pérouse expedition? The 1818 account of Shaik Jumaul, a Lascar castaway in Torres Strait 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (2): 217-35
  • Garrick Hitchcock
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Melanesian and music on the move: South Sea island shipboard and plantation performance in Queensland, 1860-1906 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (4): 427-58
  • Camellia Webb-Gannon
  • Michael Webb
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Indigenous modernities: missionary photography and photographic gaps in Nauru 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (4): 459-81
  • Heather Waldroup
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
The limits of influence: Australia and the future of New Caledonia, 1975 to 1988 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (4): 482-500
  • Stephen Henningham
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Tracey Banivanua Mar, 1974-2017 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (4): 518-23
  • Alan Lester
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Ben Finney: anthropologist and voyager 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (4): 524-9
  • Alex Golub
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Histories of leprosy: subjectivities, community and Pacific worlds 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 265-86
  • Jane Buckingham
  • Vicki Luker
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Nā hoa o ka pilikia (friends of affliction): a sense of community in the Molokai leprosy settlement of 19th century Hawai'i 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 287-301
  • Kerri A. Inglis
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Leprosy in the Cook Islands, 1890-1925 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 302-24
  • Raeburn Lange
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Indenture and the Indian experience of leprosy on Makogai Island, Fiji 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 325-42
  • Jane Buckingham
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Out of sight and out of mind: the onglong problem of treating leprosy 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 343-59
  • Dorothy McMenamin
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344
Cleansing Western Samoa: leprosy control during New Zealand administration, 1914-1922 2017 Journal of Pacific history 52 (3): 360-73
  • Safua Akeli
H6/KX [JOURNAL-] 0022-3344