Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Two small lithic sites near Daggett, San Bernardino county, California | 1990 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 61-78 | |||||
Archaeological sites near Bixby slough, Los Angeles county, California | 1990 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 79-88 | |||||
Site location patterns and water supply: a perspective from northern San Diego county, California | 1990 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 37-60 | |||||
Gladishill: a probable San Dieguito camp near Valley Center, California | 1990 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-28 | |||||
Marymount points: a tanged arrowhead series in coastal southern California | 1990 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 29-36 | |||||
Mapping community patterns at Sayil, Yucatán, Mexico: the 1985 season | 1988 | Journal of New World Archaeology (2/3): 1-24, 95-107 | |||||
Potbellies and fat gods | 1988 | Journal of New World Archaeology (2/3): 25-36, 95-107 | |||||
An ancient extractive industry: Maya saltmaking at Salinas de las Nueve Cerros, Guatemala | 1988 | Journal of New World Archaeology (2/3): 37-58, 95-107 | |||||
Meatless Maya? Ethnoarchaeological implications for ancient subsistence | 1988 | Journal of New World Archaeology (2/3): 59-70, 95-107 | |||||
Faunal remains from Yarumela, Honduras | 1988 | Journal of New World Archaeology (2/3): 71-107 | |||||
Yes, but is it archaeology? | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 69-77 | |||||
Spanish California: the final frontier | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 35-46 | |||||
Industrial archaeology on the American mining frontier: suggestions for a research agenda | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 47-56 | |||||
Michigan's first Jewish settlers: a view from the Solomon-Levy trading house at Fort Michilimackinac, 1765-1781 | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 21-33 | |||||
The archaeology of slave life at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello: 'a wolf by the ears' | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 5-20 | |||||
The birdman motif of Easter island | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 39-49, 63-72 | |||||
Railroad logging: a capital resource | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 57-68 | |||||
Foreword [to special issue on historical archaeology] | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-3 | |||||
Pipi and pure: ethnoarchaeology of the Rapa Nui shell industry | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 51-72 | |||||
Residential settlement history of the Rapa Nui south coastal plain | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 29-38, 63-72 | |||||
Red scoria on Easter island: sculpture, artifacts and architecture | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-27, 63-72 | |||||
[Bibliography to special issue on the archaeology of Easter island] | 1986 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 65-72 | |||||
Recent settlement survey in the Copan valley, Honduras | 1985 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 39-63 | |||||
Ancient Maya autoamputation? A possible case fromn Salinas de los Nueve Cerros, Guatemala | 1985 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 24-38, 52-63 | |||||
Preliminary thin section studies of chert artifacts from northern Belize | 1985 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 13-23, 52-63 | |||||
A Maya bone carving from Sarteneja, Belize | 1985 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-12, 52-63 | |||||
Petroglyphs of Ring Lake ranch, Fremont county, Wyoming | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-18 | |||||
Ethnoarchaeology in Middle America: an introduction | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-3, 66-75 | |||||
An unusual petroglyph from Horse creek, Tulare county, California | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 52-8 | |||||
Function and symbolism in Chumash rock art | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 26-47 | |||||
Pattern and process in 'Strombus gigas' tool replication | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 15-24, 66-75 | |||||
The obsidian chip/manioc grating hypothesis and the Mesoamerican Preclassic | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 25-38, 66-75 | |||||
An ethnoarchaeological study of a Mexican pottery industry | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 4-14, 66-75 | |||||
Chemical and micromorphological analysis of rock art pigments from the western Great Basin | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 48-51 | |||||
The use of relative repatination in the chronological ordering of petroglyph assemblages [Californian data] | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): -25 | |||||
Island building and villages of the dead: living archaeology in the Comarca de San Blas, Panama | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 49-75 | |||||
Replicative experimentation at Copan, Honduras: implications for ancient economic specialization | 1984 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 39-48, 66-75 | |||||
Man and pleistocene lake Cahuilla, California | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-3, 49-58 | |||||
A surface collection from the Del Rey hills, Los Angeles county, California | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 7- , 49-58 | |||||
An unusual burial practice at an early California Indian site | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 4-6, 49-58 | |||||
Early formative archaeological linkages between nuclear America and upper California | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 27-58 | |||||
Additional notes on asphaltum sourcing [Californian data] | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 20-6, 49-58 | |||||
The Pacheco site (Marin-152) and the middle horizon in central California | 1983 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-98 | |||||
The Antillean preceramic: a new approximation | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 33-44 | |||||
The 'old village' at Drax Hall plantation: an archaeological process report | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 87-103 | |||||
The historical archaeology of St. Eustatius | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 73-86 | |||||
Bound prisoners in Maya art | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 24-50 | |||||
The Puerto Real project, Haiti | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 67-71 | |||||
The identification of rulers at Quirigua | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 1-9, 46-50 | |||||
Lucayan cave burials from the Bahamas | 1982 | Journal of New World Archaeology (): 57-65 |