Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ethnicity and indigenous internationalism in the Buenos Aires City, Argentina, during the 1970s 2024 Anales de antropología 58 (1): 7-17
  • Esteban Ariel Padin
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Health and cultural alterations during the Inca age: an approach through the work of Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala 2024 Anales de antropología 58 (1): 19-31
  • Denis Elvis Correa Trigoso
  • Guillermo Gayoso Balzán
  • Nelson Purizaca Rosillo
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The Irrealis suffix in San José de la Zorra Kumiay 2024 Anales de antropología 58 (1): 33-41
  • Carlos Gil Burgoin
  • Igor Vinogradov
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Perspectives on food processing and consumption through the analysis of chemical residues in pottery at the Orocú site, Costa Rica 2024 Anales de antropología 58 (1): 43-57
  • Javier Fallas Fallas
  • Yajaira Núñez Cortés
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Lineages and lords at El Tajín during the Epiclassic period. A tomb in the Architectural Ensemble of the Columns Building 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 9-17
  • Arturo Pascual Soto
  • Luis Barba Pingarrón
  • René Cerritos Flores
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Tlaxcalteca warrior identity of the late Postclassic 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 19-31
  • Aurelio López Corral
  • Keitlyn Alcantara
  • Ramón Santacruz Cano
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Time accounts in the Pecked Cross. Significance and relevance for northwestern Mesoamerica 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 33-46
  • Emmanuel Márquez Lorenzo
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Rock art and archaeological surveys in El Salvador. Results and interpretations 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 47-61
  • Ligia Manzano
  • Philippe Costa
  • Vicente Genovez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Mobility in early colonial Tabasco: a “vernacular” application of Geographic Information Systems (gis) 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 63-72
  • Nicoletta Maestri
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Funerary collectivity: a truncated cone formation, Maltrata Valley, Veracruz 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 73-90
  • Judith Lizbeth Ruiz González
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Secular change in the stature of populations in the basin of Mexico in pre-Hispanic times 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 105-13
  • Antinea Menéndez Garmendia
  • Gabriela Sánchez-Mejorada
  • Guillermo Rodríguez Tlachi
  • Jonathan Mauricio Pérez Durán
  • Jorge A. Gómez-Valdés
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Permanent dentition eruption chronology in Mexican children (state of Hidalgo) 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 91-103
  • Andrés del Ángel Escalona
  • Carlos Serrano Sánchez
  • Luis Alberto Regalado Ruiz
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
From myth to armadillo conservation in the Otomí-Mazahua region 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 115-22
  • David Gómez Sánchez
  • Dulce María Ávila Nájera
  • Sergio Paulino Escamilla
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Companies, megaprojects and power against indigenous rights: Zapotec from Oaxaca and Guarijío from Sonora, Mexico cases 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 123-35
  • Haydée Morales Flores
  • Teresa Valdivia Dounce
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The hidden face of Puebla historical center: territorial stigmatization in the heritage area 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 137-46
  • Eliana Del Pilar González Márquez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Real and cosmological danger in the tours (“giros”) of folia de reis 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (1): 147-54
  • Luis Gustavo Mendel Souza
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The beginnings of tourism in Mexico during the second half of the 19th century and the Porfiriato period through the press 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 9-17
  • María Magdalena Pérez Alfaro
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Architecture and tourism in Michoacán (1935-1950). Pátzcuaro, Jiquilpan y Apatzingán 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-13
  • Catherine Rose Ettinger Mc Enulty
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The institutionalization of tourism in Michoacán between 1930 and 1950 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-12
  • Eder García Sánchez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Tourist narratives and the conformation of the Mexican national heritage through the analysis of the tourist guides of Morelos 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-15
  • Daniel Salinas Córdova
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Gradients of humanity in Nahua thought: beyond the human/non-human dichotomy 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-11
  • Gabriel Milanezi
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Axes in Teotihuacan urbanization 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-13
  • Rubén Bernardo Morante López
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Human right to adequate housing and urban Indigenous population: La Candelaria Triqui community, in Mexico City 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 1-12
  • Carmen Elena Arroyo Rodríguez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The beginnings of tourism in Mexico during the second half of the 19th century and the Porfiriato period through the press 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 11-27
  • María Magdalena Pérez Alfaro
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The old Mexico's representation in the U.S. tourism promotion on the border of the northern district of Baja California, 1890-1920 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 29-39
  • Alberto Díaz Ramírez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Identity and tourism attraction. Constructing the urban image of post-revolutionary Mexico 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 41-50
  • Eugenio Mercado López
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Architecture and tourism in Michoacán (1935-1950). Pátzcuaro, Jiquilpan y Apatzingán 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 51-63
  • Catherine Rose Ettinger Mc Enulty
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
The institutionalization ot tourism in Michoacán between 1930 and 1950 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 65-76
  • Eder García Sánchez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Tourist narratives and the conformation of the Mexican national heritage through the analysis of the tourist guides of Morelos 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 77-91
  • Daniel Salinas Córdova
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
International touristic archaeology in Mexico: the making of a relationship (1968-1978) 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 93-104
  • César Viallolobo Acosta
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Gradients of humanity in Nahua thought: beyond the human/non-human dichotomy 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 105-15
  • Gabriela Milanezi
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Axes in Teotihuacan urbanization 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 117-29
  • Rubén Bernardo Morante López
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Human right to adequate housing and urban indigenous population: La Candelaria Triqui community, in Mexico City 2023 Anales de antropología 57 (2): 131-42
  • Carmen Elena Arroyo Rodríguez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Nahua (maseual) and Totonac (tutunakú) cosmologies of the Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexico). Part two: souls, owners, evil forces 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 7-22
  • Pierre Beaucage
  • Xanath Rojas Mora
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Symmetric anthropology and object-oriented cyberethnography: reflections on a theoretical-methodological assembly 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 23-31
  • Ricardo Iván Vásquez López
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Communication and circulation systems at Xochicalco, Morelos, Mexico 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 33-46
  • Claudia Itzel Alvarado León
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
The creative use of the law by indigenous communities. The case of the Kalfulafken Mapuche community 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 47-56
  • Sofía Varisco
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Bioanthropological heritage and cultural identity 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 67-77
  • Edith Yesenia Peña Sánchez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Tribes and religion in the formation and consolidation of the Saudi state 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 57-65
  • Eduardo Rafael Salgado
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Biomechanical responses to bodily mobility and physical activity according to subsistence strategies in pre-Hispanic groups from Yucatan and Oaxaca 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 79-97
  • Héctor Iván López Calvo
  • Jose Manuel Arias Lopez
  • Judith Lizbeth Ruiz González
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Otopame sociolinguistic diversity in Veracruz 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 99-113
  • María Enriqueta Cerón Velásquez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Grammatical characteristics of Spanish in contact with teːnek or Huastec (Mayan) 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 115-28
  • Lucero Meléndez Guadarrama
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Alfredo López Austin (1935-2021) 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 129-31
  • Andrés Medina Hernández
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Germán Guido Münch Galindo (18 de abril de 1942-6 de mayo de 2021). De oficio etnógrafo 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 133-5
  • Citlali Quecha Reyna
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Leopoldo José Manuel Valiñas Coalla 27 de febrero de 1955 - 14 de enero de 2022 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (1): 137-8
  • Samuel Herreera Castro
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 0185-1225
Etymological hypothesis of kuña ‘woman’ from a comparative study in the Tupi-Guarani languages 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (2): 7-16
  • Domingo Adolfo Aguilera Jiménez
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
“The little piece of paper that saved my life”: objects bearing memory and the Falklands War 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (2): 17-31
  • Carlos Landa
  • Sebastian Leonardo Ávila
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Worship of water and “idolatry” in a Peruvian Andean community. The case of Santiago de Maray in the present and in the seventeenth century (1677) 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (2): 33-42
  • Augustín Enrique Bardales Padilla
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
Rethinking theories of memory from the vantage of ethnography and archaeology 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (2): 43-55
  • Felix Kupprat
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221
When the bells ring: Hispanic practices among the indigenous people of central Oaxaca 2022 Anales de antropología 56 (2): 57-66
  • Bernd Walter Fahmel Beyer
H6/KUL [ANALES-] 2448-6221