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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
In memoriam: Gordon Roger Woodman (22.9.1937-24.10.2017) 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 3-6
  • Keebet von Benda-Beckmann
  • Ulrike Wanitzek
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Implementation of the right to prior consultation in the Andean countries. A comparative perspective 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 7-30
  • Patricia Urteaga-Crovetto
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Improving local land governance? Exploring the linkages between land governence reforms, institutional pluralism and tenure security in Burundi 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 31-55
  • Rosine Tchatchoua-Djomo
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Indigenous law, colonial injustice and the jurisprudence of hybridity 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 56-70
  • Ida Nursoo
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Capital punishment in precolonial Africa: the authenticity challenge 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 71-93
  • Andrew Novak
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The interplay between official and unofficial laws in rotating savings and credit associations (Eqqub) in Tigray, Ethiopia 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (1): 94-113
  • Gebrehiwot Hadush Abdera
  • Gebreyesus Abegaz Yimer
  • Gidey Seyoum Halibo
  • Mehreteab Ghebremeskel Gebregergs
  • Wim Decock
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Regulating the environment for blue-green economy in plural legal states: a view from the Pacific 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (2): 119-44
  • Sue Farran
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Money, morality and magistrates. Prosecuting and judging in the Republic of Benin 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (2): 145-66
  • Annalena Kolloch
  • Sophie Andreetta
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Between relations and rights: writing constitution in Mayan Guatemala 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (2): 167-87
  • Stener Ekern
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
A stubborn victim of mass atrocity: the peace community of San José de Apartadó 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (2): 188-212
  • Nadia Tapia Navarro
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Courting marriage: juridification of intimate relationships in north India 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (2): 213-34
  • Rama Srinivasan
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Ethnographic legal studies: reconnecting anthropological and sociological traditions 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 239-54
  • Jonas Bens
  • Larissa Vetters
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Legal pluralism, social, theory, and the state 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 255-74
  • Bertram Turner
  • Keebet von Benda-Beckmann
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Commentary: from the state law monopoly to the social theory of collectivities 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 275-9
  • Jan-Christoph Marschelke
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Seeking justice, experiencing the state: criminal justice and real legal uncertainty in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 280-93
  • Carolien Jacobs
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Expecting justice: struggling with the indeterminate between ideals and practices 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 294-8
  • Eva Riedke
  • Heike Drotbohm
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Contested constructions of trust in the juridical system of Argentina 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 299-313
  • Ingo Rohrer
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Commentary: performances of state criticism from the inside. Thoughts on 'Contested constructions of trust in the juridical system of Argentina' 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 314-6
  • Thomas G. Kirsch
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
States of uncertainty: plural laws and affective governance in the context of assisted suicide in Germany 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 317-29
  • Marcos Freire de Andrade Neves
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Commentary: toward a trans-sequential analysis of plural legal orders: some thoughts on 'States of uncertainty' 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 330-5
  • Thomas Scheffer
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The courtroom as an affective arrangement: analysing atmospheres in a courtroom ethnography 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 336-55
  • Jonas Bens
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Affect in the courtroom: beyond language and performance 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 356-7
  • Deniz Yonucu
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Humanitarians in court: how duty of care travelled from human resources to legal liability 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 358-74
  • Kristin Bergtora Sandvik
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The morals of liability: some thoughts on 'Humanitarians in court' 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 375-8
  • Julia Eckert
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Regulatory capture? Fiscal anthropological insights into the heart of contemporary statehood 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 379-95
  • Johanna Mugler
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Commentary: ethnography, critique and the state. Some thoughts on 'Fiscal anthropological insights into the heart of contemporary statehood' 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 396-401
  • Thomas Bierschenk
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Religious conservatism, Islamic criminal law and the judiciary in Indonesia: a tale of three courts 2018 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 50 (3): 402-34
  • Simon Butt
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
What is sociology of law? (On law, rules, social control amd sociology) 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 93-142
  • John Griffiths
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The concept of living customary law: a critique 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 143-65
  • Anthony C. Diala
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The constitutionality of section 7(1) of the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act: Ramuhovhi v President of the Republic of South Africa 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 166-82
  • Chuma Himonga
  • Fatima Osman
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The rights consciousness of urban resistance: legalism from below in an African unofficial sector 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 183-203
  • Daniel E. Agbiboa
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Secularism in the Constitution of Bangladesh 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 204-27
  • Jahid Hossain Bhuiyan
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Decoding legal pluralism in Africa 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (2): 228-49
  • Berihun A. Gebeye
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Finding the right judge: challenges of jurisdiction between indigenous and ordinary adjudicators in Ecuador 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (1): 3-33
  • Oswaldo Ruiz-Chiriboga
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Orders of trade: regulating Accra's Makola market 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (1): 34-53
  • Alena Thiel
  • Jan Beek
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Lipstick law, or: the three forms of statutory law 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (1): 54-66
  • M.J. Hopman
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The conundrum of cross-cultural understanding in the practice of law 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (1): 67-84
  • André Hoekema
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
John Griffiths 1940-2017 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 251-2
  • Richard Abel
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Introduction: law containing violence: critical ethnographies of occupation and resistance 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 253-67
  • Haley Duschinski
  • Mona Bhan
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Repressive inclusion 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 268-93
  • John Reynolds
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Human rights litigation and the transition from policing to warfare: the case of Israel and its governance of the West Bank and Gaza in the Al-Aqsa Intifada 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 268-93
  • Maayan Geva
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Constituting the occupation: preventive detention and permanent emergency in Kashmir 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 314-37
  • Haley Duschinski
  • Shrimonyee Nandini-Gosh
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Dictatorship as occupation in Thailand 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 338-52
  • Tyrell Haberkom
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Gender and forum shopping in land conflict resolution in northern Uganda 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 353-72
  • Irene Winnie Anying
  • Quentin Gausset
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
What else is sociology of law? Reflection on John Griffith's What is the sociology of law? 2017 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 49 (3): 373-9
  • Richard Abel
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
A multifaceted approach to legal pluralism and ethno-cultural diversity 2016 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 48 (1): 1-16
  • Fabio Macioce
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Indigenous legal traditions and Canadian Bhinneka Tunggal Ika: Indonesian lessons for legal pluralism in Canada 2016 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 48 (1): 17-40
  • Kenji Tokawa
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
'There is no law that justifies the existence of the board of elders'. Community service and legal pluralism in Santa María, Guatemala 2016 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 48 (1): 41-57
  • Elisabet Dueholm Rasch
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
Deregulating the social life of property: neoliberalism and the proliferation of normative dissonances in Mexico 2016 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 48 (1): 58-74
  • Gabriela Torres-Mazuera
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113
The legal pluralism of an enclave society: the case of Munkatch Hasidism 2016 Journal of legal pluralism and unofficial law 48 (1): 75-91
  • Levi Cooper
  • Maoz Kahana
H6/KFNC [JOURNAL-] 0732-9113