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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
The Christenson Oneota site, 13PK407 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 16-55, insert
  • D W Benn
Triangular projectile point stages of manufacture at the late Woodland Sweeting site, 13WS61, Washington county, Iowa 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 11-15
  • W T Billeck
The Paul Sagers archaeological collection 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 5-10
  • D Marcucci
  • J Cordell
  • William Green
Small-scale, soft-mud brickmaking facilities in the mid-nineteenth century: an archaeological example from Iowa 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 66-72
  • F A Finney
  • S R Snow
Great Oasis and emergent Mississippian: the question of trade 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 1-4
  • D R Henning
The great gunflint debate 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 62-5
  • K K Hirst
The Coppers Creek site: a late Woodland occupation on the Des Moines river 1991 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 38 (): 56-61
  • LuAnn Hudson
The path and problem of site recording errors: an Iowa example 1990 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 37 (): 40-5
  • J M Collins
The Cribb's Crib site (13WA105): the archaeology and ecology of an Oneota village in the central Des Moines valley 1990 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 37 (): 46-87
  • Vore S L De
A possible Oneota freshwater mussel cache intended for ceramic tempering material 1990 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 37 (): 1-3
  • J L Theler
Documenting archaeological sites in the Charles R. Keyes collection 1990 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 37 (): 88-92
  • D Z Baker
  • J A Tiffany
  • S J Schermer
Historic shipwrecks of Iowa 1990 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 37 (): 4-39
  • H Muessig
  • L J Soike
  • M H Bowers
The Brassica Bench site (13PK251): its archaeology and ecology 1989 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 36 (): 39-65
  • R M Thies
The archaeology of the Saylorvillage site (13PK165): a late Woodland manifestation on the Des Moines river 1989 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 36 (): 9-38
  • D M Gradwohl
  • N M Osborn
  • R M Thies
Sources for Winnebago history in northeastern Iowa, 1837-1848 1989 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 36 (): 1-8
  • C A Merry
  • William Green
Historical archaeology at the Kendallville flouring mill 1989 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 36 (): 66-81
  • C A Merry
The 1804 'old Ioway village' of Lewis and Clark 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 70-1
  • M M Wedel
The investigation of the landscaping at Terrace hill through historical archaeology 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 16-30
  • Joyce McKay
Excavations of the south lawn area, Terrace hill 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 31-9
  • D R Henning
Historical archaeology at Plum Grove 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 40-69
  • T H Charlton
The last Winnebago in northeast Iowa 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 72-6
  • M R Carman
Frontier lead mining in the upper Mississippi valley 1988 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 35 (): 1-15
  • L R Abbott
Late Woodland ceramics in southeastern Iowa: a perspective from the lower Skunk valley 1987 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 34 (): 57-62
  • M J Perry
Results of an intensive surface survey at the Wenke site (13VB402), Van Buren county, Iowa 1987 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 34 (): 51-6
  • Terry Miller
The effigy complex of the Nebraska phase and the problem of Nebraska phase-Mississippian relationships 1987 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 34 (): 23-50
  • M J McNerney
Functional variation at two short-term, multicomponent sites in Black Hawk county, Iowa 1987 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 34 (): 7-22
  • W T Billeck
The Keystone site (13JK23): a multicomponent rockshelter in Jackson county, Iowa 1987 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 34 (): 1-6
  • D C Anderson
Protohistoric Oneota material from the Clear lake site, Illinois 1986 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 33 (): 75-82
  • Duane Esarey
Peering at the Ioway Indians through the mist of time: 165O - circa 17OO 1986 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 33 (): 1-74
  • Mildred Mott Wedel
Floral analysis of sites 47-Gt-365 and 47-Gt-366, Grant county, Wisconsin 1985 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 32 (): 75-89
  • Anthony A Zalucha
Drained lakes and small sites: Rock Creek lake 1985 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 32 (): 91-102
  • John C Whittaker
  • Kathryn A Kamp
Human skeletal remains from the Poor Man's Farrah (47-Gt-366) and the Bade (47-Gt-365) sites in southwestern Wisconsin 1985 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 32 (): 37-73
  • Rodney E Riggs
Late Woodland sites in southwestern Grant county, Wisconsin 1985 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 32 (): 1-36
  • John T Penman
Cemetery symbolism of prairie pioneers: gravestone art and social change in Story county, Iowa 1984 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 31 (): 1-135
  • Coleen L Nutty
Nineteenth-century mills and milling industries in Story county, Iowa 1984 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 31 (): 137-90
  • David N Ballard jr
The blue earth phase in southern Minnesota 1983 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 30 (): 1-84
  • Guy E Gibbon
Cumulative indices: Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society volumes 1-28 (1951-1981) and Newsletter of the Iowa Archeological Society numbers 63-1O4 (1972-1982) 1983 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 30 (): 85-131
  • Sara Behrman ed
The Clarkson site (13WA2): an Oneota manifestation in the central Des Moines river valley 1982 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 29 (): i-vi, 1-108
  • Nancy M Osborn
The Ioway, Oto, and Omaha Indians in 17OO 1981 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 28 (): 1-13
  • Mildred Mott Wedel
Seed analysis of the Meehan-Schell site (13BN11O), a Great Oasis site in central Iowa 1981 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 28 (): 15-90
  • Barbara Mead
When on high: an aerial perspective of effigy mounds 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 112-31
  • James E Mount
  • R Clark Mallam
The Soil Conservation Service and the Iowa Conservation Commission: two tools in Iowa archaeology 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 108-11
  • Barbara Feeley
  • John Feeley
An expanded role for the amateur archaeologist in historic preservation in Iowa 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 103-7
  • Stan Riggle
The Davenport stone: a hoax unravelled 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 97-102
  • Marshall McKusick
Emergency archaeological investigations at 13PK154 (the DeArmond/Barrier dam site), Saylorville reservoir, Iowa 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 61-96
  • David M Gradwohl
  • Nancy M Osborn
Archeology and holocene landscape evolution in the Missouri drainage of Iowa 1980 Journal of the Iowa Archeological Society 27 (): 1-60
  • Dean M Thompson
  • E Arthur Bettis III
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