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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Hamilton, geology, stone vases and taste 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (2): 263-73
  • Michael Vickers
The Kunst- und Naturalienkammer of Duke Anton Ulrich of Brunswick-Lüneburg at Schloss Salzdahlum: cabinet collections, literature and science in the first half of the eighteenth century 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 79-115
  • Rudolf-Alexander Schütte
Modern mummies and ancient scarabs: the Egyptian collection of Sir William Hamilton 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (2): 253-62
  • Stephen Quirke
The purloined codex 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 1-30
  • Peter Mason
The Neapolitan context of Hamilton's antiquities collection 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (2): 229-39
  • Claire Lyons
Marked phrenological heads: their evolution, with particular reference to the influence of George Combe and the Phrenological Society of Edinburgh 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 139-59
  • M. H. Kaufman
Seeking the bubble reputation 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (2): 191-203
  • Ian Jenkins
Classification and value in a seventeenth-century museum: William Courten's collection 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 61-77
  • Carol Gibson-Wood
Replicating Palestine and reversing the Reformation: pilgrimage and collecting at Bobbio, Monza and Walsingham 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 117-30
  • John Elsner
Sir William Hamilton and the Greekness of Greek vases 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (2): 241-52
  • Lucilla Burn
The Harpur Crewe collection of natural history at Calke Abbey, Derbyshire 1997 Journal of the history of collections 9 (1): 131-8
  • Lindy Brewster
Rich remains from social anthropological fieldwork in eighteenth-century India 1996 Journal of the history of collections 8 (1): 71-91
  • Pauline Lunsingh Scheurleer
Report on a wild goose chase 1995 Journal of the history of collections 7 (1): 25-43
  • Florike Egmond
  • P Mason
A philosophical journey to the Amazon, 1783-92: the story of the gathering and dispersal of a collection 1995 Journal of the history of collections 7 (1): 59-71
  • Manuel Laranjeira Rodrigues de Areia
The Gotlandic collection of James Curle of Melrose (1862-1944) 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 87-101
  • D Kidd
The oliphant in the Musée Calvet at Avignon: evidence of the autonomous art of Sierra Leone in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 69-78
  • E Bassani
Ancient coins as gifts and tokens of friendship during the Renaissance 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (2): 129-43
  • J Cunnally
The earliest inventory of Mexican objects in Munich, 1572 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 59-67
  • L Toorians
'A casket of savage curiosities'; eighteenth-century objects from north-eastern north America in the Farquharson collection 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 21-33
  • D Idiens
  • R B Phillips
From presentation to representation: "Americana" in Europe 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 1-20
  • P Mason
Vancouver's ethnography: a preliminary description of five inventories from the voyage of 1791-95 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 35-58
  • J C H King
Two early west African harps in Glasgow 1994 Journal of the history of collections 6 (1): 79-85
  • W A Hart
The Hindeloopen and the Amager rooms: two examples of an historical museum phenomenon 1993 Journal of the history of collections 5 (2): 165-78
  • A de Jong
  • M Skougaard
European collecting of American Indian artefacts and art 1993 Journal of the history of collections 5 (1): 1-11
  • C F Feest
The history of the ethnography collections of W.H. Lever 1992 Journal of the history of collections 4 (2): 273-83
  • A C West
Lever as a collector of archaeology and as a sponsor of archaeological excavations 1992 Journal of the history of collections 4 (2): 267-71
  • A P Thomas
Collecting as knowledge: Ingres' sculptural replicas and the archaeological discourse of his time 1992 Journal of the history of collections 4 (1): 67-87
  • M Shedd
The palace of Lausus at Constantinople and its collection of ancient statues 1992 Journal of the history of collections 4 (1): 89-98
  • C Mango
  • E D Francis
  • M Vickers
Witness to the crime: two little-known photographic sources relating to the sale and destruction of antiquities in Soviet Russia during the 192Os 1991 Journal of the history of collections (): 53-9
  • Edward Kasinec
  • Robert H Davis jr
'Ancient fictile vases' from the Disney collection 1990 Journal of the history of collections (): 227-31
  • David W J Gill
The image of the Hottentot in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries: an iconographic investigation 1990 Journal of the history of collections (): 157-86
  • Ezio Bassani
  • Letizia Tedeschi
The history of the early medieval European collections in the British Museum: a current research programme 1989 Journal of the history of collections (): 103-7
  • Dafydd Kidd
Egyptology and forgery in the seventeenth century: the case of the Bodleian shabti 1989 Journal of the history of collections (): 187-95
  • Helen Whitehouse
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