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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Dorians and Ionians 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 1-14
  • J Alty
Julianus of Leodicea: rhetor or trader? 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 202
  • G Anderson
Notion and Kyzikos: the sources compared 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 15-25
  • A Andrewes
Likia and Stymphalian birds still in the air [comment on 'Aikithion and Autonikthos' [Greek in original], by G. Anderson] 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 234-6
  • W Beck
Some problems in the 'Eumenides' of Aeschylus 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 26-32
  • A L Brown
Cleon and Pericles: a suggestion 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 203-4
  • F Cairns
'Periplus Maris Erythraei': notes on the text 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 204-6
  • L Casson
The paroemiographers on Tatria ton Stisihorou [Greek in original] 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 206-10
  • M Davies
The pagan holy man in late antique society 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 33-59
  • G Fowden
Longus, Antiphon, and the topography of Lesbos 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 210-14
  • P Green
Bentley, Philostratus, and the German printers 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 214-16
  • T Haegg
The fifth element in Aristotle's 'De philosophia': a critical re-examination 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 60-74
  • D E Hahm
The narrative of Herodotus VII and the decree of Themistocles at Troezen 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 75-93
  • N G L Hammond
Hoplites and heresles 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 94-103
  • A J Holladay
Genital phobia and depilation 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 104-12
  • M Kilmer
A Thucydidean scholium on the 'Lelantine war' 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 216-20
  • S D Lambert
The import of Attic pottery to Corinth and the question of trade during the Peloponnesian war 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 113-23
  • B R MacDonald
Politics and the 'Oresteia' 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 124-44
  • C W Macleod
A Louvre fragment reconsidered: Perseus becomes Erichthonios 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 220-2
  • J H Oakley
The Enneakrounos fountain-house 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 222-5
  • E J Owens
An unpublished arula in the Ashmolean Museum: a minor contribution to Hellenistic chronology 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 229-32
  • C E Richardson
Hesiod's wagon: text and technology 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 225-9
  • N J Richardson
  • S Piggott
Tragic form and feeling in the 'Iliad' 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 145-60
  • R B Rutherford
The date of Euripides' 'Cyclops' 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 161-72
  • R Seaford
The Arabic version of Galen's 'De elementis secundum Hippocratem' 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 232-3
  • G E R Lloyd
  • J S Wilkie
Ajax and Achilles playing a game on an olpe in Oxford 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 173-85
  • S Woodford
The old temple terrace at the Argive Heraeum and the early cult of Hera in the Argolid 1982 Journal of Hellenic studies 102 (): 186-201
  • J C Wright
AHKOION and AYTCAHKYOOE 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 130-2
  • G Anderson
Methods and aims in the Euclidean Sectio canonis 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 1-16
  • A Barker
A missing year in the history of Alexander the Great 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 17-39
  • A B Bosworth
Notes on the failure of the second Athenian confederacy 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 40-55
  • G L Cawkwell
New evidence for a polyandrion in the Demosion sema of Athens? 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 132-4
  • C Clairmont
The judgement of Paris and Iliad book xxiv 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 56-62
  • M Davies
A lost Peisistratid name 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 134
  • W G Forrest
A note on the Chrysanthina of Sardis 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 134-6
  • P M Fraser
The technique of the Erbach griffin-protomai 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 136-8
  • D E L Haynes
Knowledge of substance in Aristotle 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 63-77
  • R Heinaman
Thucydides and oracles 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 138-40
  • N Marinatos
Coins and amphoras: Chios, Samos and Thasos in the fifth century B.C 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 78-86
  • H B Mattingly
Philogelos 216 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 141
  • G Morgan
Poetic inspiration in early Greece 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 87-100
  • P Murray
A late sundial at Aphrodisias 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 101-12
  • P Pattenden
Herakles at the ends of the earth 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 141-4
  • B S Ridgway
  • G F Pinney
Five dispensable manuscripts of Achilles Tatius 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 144-5
  • M D Reeve
The singing of Homer and the modes of early Greek music 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 113-29
  • M L West
The Arabic version of Galen's Ars parva 1981 Journal of Hellenic studies 101 (): 145-8
  • G E R Lloyd
  • J S Wilkie
Lucian Timon 4: another case of skiptein/skiptron [Greek in original] 1980 Journal of Hellenic studies 100 (): 182
  • G Anderson
Rufinus, AP v 60 1980 Journal of Hellenic studies 100 (): 182-4
  • B Baldwin
Alexander and the Iranians 1980 Journal of Hellenic studies 100 (): 1-21
  • A B Bosworth
Artemis Eukleia and Euripides' Hippolytus 1980 Journal of Hellenic studies 100 (): 184-5
  • D C Braund