Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Features of Yukian pronominal structure | 1981 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 3-16 | |||||
a and ha in Walapai: foregrounding and sound symbolism | 1981 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 17-63 | |||||
Upland Yuman sibilant shifts: the beginning of the story | 1981 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 65-75 | |||||
Southern California reflexives: an example of translation borrowing? | 1981 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 77-94 | |||||
J.P. Harrington's Esselen data and 'the Excelen language' | 1981 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 95-124 | |||||
Some remarks on Bright's 'Hispanisms in Cahuilla' [in J Calif Gt Basin Anthrop Pap Ling 1979 (1) 1O1-16] | 1980 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 93-5 | |||||
Organization of instrumental prefixes in eastern Mono | 1980 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 25-39 | |||||
Tipai statives with positionals | 1980 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 41-52 | |||||
The reconstituted phonemes of Salinan | 1980 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 53-91 | |||||
Newe hupia - Shoshoni poetry songs [with an appendix by WR Miller] | 1980 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 3-23 | |||||
The role of cognation and diffusion in a theory of Maidun prehistory | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 65-73 | |||||
Northern Cochimi dialectology and proto-Yuman | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 39-64 | |||||
Accusative suffixes in proto Uto-Aztecan | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 85-99 | |||||
Gender and personification in Washo | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 75-84 | |||||
Irataba's gift: a closer look at the s s O soundshift in Mojave and northern Pai | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 3-37 | |||||
Spanish loan words in Cocopa | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 117-32 | |||||
Hispanisms in Cahuilla | 1979 | Journal of California and Great Basin anthropology papers in linguistics (): 101-16 | |||||
Imperatives, passives, and perfectives in Chemehuevi | 1978 | Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics (): | |||||
Auxiliary verb constructions in Yuman | 1978 | Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics (): | |||||
The Yuman word for 'bean' as a clue to prehistory | 1978 | Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics (): | |||||
Sibilants and naturalness in aboriginal California | 1978 | Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics (): | |||||
Esselen | 1978 | Journal of California anthropology papers in linguistics (): |