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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Music and dance as export and import: a case study of Japan in Europe and Hawaiʻi in Japan 2019 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 26 (1):
  • Adrienne L. Kaeppler
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
An absent cloth: authority, costume, and embodiment in Kathak 2019 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 26 (1):
  • Nicole Cox
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Signifying bodies, signifying acts: new ways of thinking about human movement 2018 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 25 (1):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Andrée Grau and the power of dance 2018 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 25 (2):
  • Georgiana Gore
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Sing a dance - dance a song: the relationship between two types of formalized movements and music among the Tiwi of Melville and Bathurst Islands, North Australia 2018 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 25 (2):
  • Andrée Grau
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Political activism and dance: the Sarabhais and nonviolence through the arts 2018 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 25 (2):
  • Andrée Grau
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Tiwi classical rituals in the age of hyper-capitalism 2018 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 25 (2):
  • Andrée Grau
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Signifying bodies, signifying acts: new ways of thinking about human movement 2017 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 24 (2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The second somatic revolution 2016/2017 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23/24 (2/1):
  • Brenda Farnell
  • Charles R. Varela
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Clarifying the second somatic revolution: from the Freudian unconscious to dynamic embodiment 2016/2017 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23/24 (2/1):
  • Charles R. Varela
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Determinism and the recovery of human agency: the embodying of persons 2016/2017 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23/24 (2/1):
  • Charles R. Varela
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The sardana: Catalan dance and Catalan national identity 2016 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23 (1):
  • Stanley Brandes
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Moroccan female performers defining the social body 2016 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23 (1):
  • Deborah Kapchan
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Arroyo Seco Matachines dance: defended boundaries, precarious elites 2016 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 23 (1):
  • Sylvia Rodriguez
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The Tagalog body 2015 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 22 (1):
  • Monica F.A. Wong Santos
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The Pangalay dance in the construction of Filipino heritage 2015 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 22 (1):
  • Joelle Florence Patrice Jacinto
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Indigenous dances on stage: embodied knowledge at risk? 2015 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 22 (1):
  • Brenda Farnell
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Movement notation and the analysis of embodied knowledge: three ethnographic examples 2015 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 22 (2):
  • Kate Grim-Feinberg
  • Monica FA Wong Santos
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Dancing postcolonial Trauma and rupturing gendered binaries in Okinawa, Japan 2015 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 22 (2):
  • Valerie H. Barske
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
A bibliography of literature on Australian Aboriginal dancing (1987-2013) 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (2):
  • Brenda Farnell
  • Monica Fa Wong Santos
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Dancing diplomacy: performance and the politics of protocol in Australia 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (2):
  • Rosita Henry
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Engaging with history by performing tradition: the poetic politics of indigenous Australian festivals 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (1):
  • Rosita Henry
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Feeling, motion, and attention in the display of emotions in Yolngu law, song, and dance performance 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (2):
  • Franca Tamisari
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Perspectives on dancing, singing and well-being from the Kimberley, Northwest Australia 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (1):
  • Matthew Dembal Martin
  • Sally Treloyn
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Philosophy and human movement: a tribute to David Best 2014 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 21 (1):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Undisciplined subjects, unregulated practices: dancing in the academy 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (1):
  • Elizabeth Dempster
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Dance education: a response to Elizabeth Dempster 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (1):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Dancing in the academy? A response to Dempster 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (1):
  • Georgina Gore
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The insider-outsider status of the artist-scholar: a response to Dempster 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (1):
  • Carol Brown
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
AwHui (dance-music) and ethnic identity among the Lahu Na Shehleh of Northern Thailand 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (2):
  • Jacquetta Hill
  • Kate Grim-Feinberg
  • Monica F. A. W. Santos
  • Nannaphat Saenghong
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
When one good shot is not enough: writing Lahu Na Shehleh dances with Labanotation 2013 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 20 (2):
  • Jacquetta Hill
  • Kate Grim-Feinberg
  • Monica F. A. W. Santos
  • Nannaphat Saenghong
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Shiva Nataraja: the spiritual matrix of Bharata Natyam 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (1):
  • Gina Lalli
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Daniel Nagrin's dance portraits: choreographing agency 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (1):
  • Diane Wawrejko
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
In memoriam: Dr. Marjorie Franken 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (1):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The dance and status in Swahili society 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (1):
  • Marjorie Franken
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Commentary on Teaching dancing with ideokinetic principles by Drid Williams 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (1):
  • Pamela Matt
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The identity crisis in dance 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (2):
  • Adina Armelagos
  • Mary Sirridge
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
The autographic nature of the dance 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (2):
  • Joseph Margolis
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
On the dance: a reply to Margolis's ideas about the "autographic" nature of the dance 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Movement notation systems as conceptual frameworks: the Laban system 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (2):
  • Suzanne Youngerman
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Movement writing systems 2012 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 19 (2):
  • Brenda Farnell
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 1940-7610
Introduction 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Brenda Farnell
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
On the idea of 'aboriginality' (some thoughts on the proposed curriculum of eleventh - and twelfth- grade students in New South Wales) 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Reflections on doing anthropology 'at home' 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Wanam revisited 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
  • John von Sturmer
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Homo nullis: the status of traditional Aboriginal dancing in northern Queensland 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Minha Punka: the wallaby dance 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Ceci n'est pas un "wallaby" 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Aboriginal dancing 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
  • Stephen Wild
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124
Survey of Australian literature on Aboriginal dancing 2011 Journal for the anthropological study of human movement 18 (1/2):
  • Drid Williams
*H6/KFYW [JOURNAL-] 0891-7124