Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Indian rights in a state that advances towards modernization: the case of Chile | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 49-77 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Derecho indígena y pluralismo jurídico en América Latina | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 7-16 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The peaceful resolution of a cortacabezas case in the Tzotzil Maya community of Zinacantán, Chiapas, Mexico | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 201-20 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Religious conflicts: Indian regions, converted, religious associations and the collision of legal systems | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 321-40 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Peruvian legal anthropology: a peripheral and marginal discipline | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 341-73 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Posesión agro-ecológica: un estudio de las concepciones jurídicas sobre las posesiones de campesinos agro-extractivistas en el Amazonas | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 375-97 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The administration of justice in aboriginal ethnic communities | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 239-57 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Towards legal pluralism of a formal and egalitarian nature | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 261-300 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The present statehood of legal pluralism in Venezuela | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 147-72 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Indigenous people's self determination and legal diversity | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 301-20 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Resolution of conflicts in local scenarios: customary law and natural resources | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 221-37 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Indian rights in Nicaragua: state, regional autonomy and Indian communities in 1998 | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 115-46 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Epistemological constructions for the knowledge of indigenous legal systems and justices: the case of Colombia | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 175-99 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Autonomy and legal pluralism: the Mexican debate | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 19-48 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Honduras ¿Existe pluralismo juridico? El caso Pech, Tawahka y Garífuna | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 401-7 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The debate on the constitutional recognition of indigenous customary law in Guatemala | 1998 | América indígena 58 (1/2): 79-114 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The Virgin of Guadalupe in the Otomi culture (field work notes) | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 139-59 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Ethno-political movements and Indian autonomies in Mexico | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 361-82 | |||||
The Zinacantan people in their contemporary world | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 149-68 | |||||
The Indian peoples of Chiapas | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 11-36 | |||||
Disease, family and habits in the surroundings of San Cristóbal | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 235-77 | |||||
The Zeltal people of Las Cañadas: ethnographic notes | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 65-101 | |||||
Bilingual and bicultural education and modernization in Los Altos of Chiapas | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 383-424 | |||||
Today's Mayas: identity and history | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 37-63 | |||||
From the day of the race to the day of the cultures: the aperture of a new space | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 105-25 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Re-thinking the revolution | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 341-60 | |||||
Frontier, ecology and national sovereignty | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 169-200 | |||||
Los amerindios de Panamá | 1995 | América indígena 55 (4): 9-86 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The invention of traditions: encounters and disencounters of the Mame people with the Mexican indianism | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 129-48 | |||||
Mountain Zapotec migrants and forms of capital | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 23-34 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The indigenous education dilemma: to eliminate indigenous characteristics or to favor ethnic identity | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 35-65 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Notes on the navigation in pre-Hispanic America | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 179-227 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Los pueblos indígenas y sus recursos naturales en Panamá | 1995 | América indígena 55 (4): 87-111 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Water and religiosity in the Atacama sector | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 161-78 | 0185-1179 | ||||
From the Comón to the Leviatán (synthesis of a social-political process in the Mexican rural field | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 169-201-34 | |||||
Between modernity and identity: notes regarding the system of changes and ethnicity in a Zoque community in Chiapas | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 103-28 | |||||
State reforms and linguistic policy in Bolivia | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 9-22 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Madre Tierra: un modo de vida | 1995 | América indígena 55 (4): 113-17 | 0185-1179 | ||||
El indio bugle de Panama | 1995 | América indígena 55 (4): 119-36 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The Indian children of Peru | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 67-103 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The indigenous congress in Chiapas | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 305-40 | |||||
El estudio juridico politico de las comarcas indígenas en el derecho positivo nacional | 1995 | América indígena 55 (4): 137-50 | 0185-1179 | ||||
Kikapus, the endless crossing of a frontier | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 127-38 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The Chole people of Tacotalpa and Macuspana, Tabasco | 1995 | América indígena 55 (3): 229-76 | 0185-1179 | ||||
The limits of the cultural crossing in Chiapas | 1995 | América indígena 55 (1/2): 279-303 | |||||
The community titles as sources of historical reconstruction of ancient Andean ethnic borders: the example of Tarma in the Peruvian central sierra | 1994 | América indígena 54 (4): 99-132 | |||||
The peninsula of Yucatan's trade during the XVth and XVIth centuries: metodological problems in the study of sources | 1994 | América indígena 54 (4): 27-39 | |||||
Social change and continuity in the Peruvian sierra | 1994 | América indígena 54 (4): 133-40 | |||||
A synthesis about medical models, medicine-men and entheogenic therapeutists | 1994 | América indígena 54 (3): 231-57 | H6/KUL [AMERICA-] | ||||
Written document and archeology in territory analysis | 1994 | América indígena 54 (4): 53-9 |