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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
In the footsteps of Stig Rydén: research and fieldwork report on La Candelaria 1995/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck (): 85-96
  • Adriana Muñoz
  • Natalia Fasth
'Baktuniarism' behind the change of pre-Columbian Maya societies? 1995/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck (): 97-109
  • Johan Normark
Santa María durante el primer milenio A.D. ¿Tierra baldía? 1995/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck (): 63-83
  • Maria Cristina Scattolin
Paracas - aproximación histórica a un pueblo del desierto 1991/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 82-92 ():
  • Jose Pinilla Blenke
Erland Nordenskiölds opublicerade manuskript 1991/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 5-76 ():
  • Christer Lindberg ed
Vad skall man med etnografiska museer till? 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 44-7
  • K Zetterström
Nils Mattsson Kiöping - en svensk 1600-tals resenär 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 35-43
  • K Zetterström
Criticism of carelessness in respect of personal details and other matters in a book from Spain, 1990, on the Cuna Indians [comments on 'Indios cunas' by T Calvo Buezas (Madrid: Libertarias-Prodhufi S.A., 1990)] 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 32-4
  • S H Wassén
Cambios en algunos conceptos religiosos de los indios cuna después de la conquista 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 18-27
  • S H Wassén
Unas palabras de los yancona y el autor del poema 'En búsqueda de mis antepasados' [comments on FR Campo Shicankhana, see above] 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 30-1
  • Acosta M E Casas
En búsqueda de mis antepasados [with comments by ME Casas Acosta, see below] 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 28-9
  • Shicankhana F R Campo
'Estaquería' revisited 1989-90 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck 1989-90 (): 1-17
  • C Roslund
  • L Bengtsson
La sierra de madera de los indígenas del Gran Chaco 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • G P Galafassi
  • J A Braunstein
  • P Arenas
Paracas and Pachacamac textiles from the Museum's collections: morphological, chemical and physical analysis 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Margareta Ekroth-Edebo
S. Henry Wassén eighty years [old] in 1988 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Sven-Erik Isacsson
Notes on a book concerning Dr Chanca, ship's doctor during Columbus's second voyage to the West Indies in 1493 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassén
Studies and museum work for Erland Nordenskiöld during the years 1929 to 1932: his last student looks back over more than half a century 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassén
Traditional law of the Yamein Mano 1987/8 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Kjell Zetterstroem
Ngra indianska kulturvxter oknda i Gamla vrlden fre 1492 1985/6 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassn
Halleys komet ven i mayanska inskriptioner 1985/6 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassn
'Ulluchu' in Moche iconography and blood ceremonies: the search for identification 1985/6 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassn
Hunting and gender complementarity among the Matsigenka of southeastern Peru 1985/6 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Dan Rosengren
Historiens plats inom amerikanistiken 1985/6 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Magnus Moerner
Convergent approaches to the analysis of hallucinogenic snuff trays 1983/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • S Henry Wassén
Algunos mitos de los Ese' ejja del oriente boliviano 1983/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Maria Alejandra Verna
Sobre dos rituales de los Ayoreo del Chaco Boreal [Bolivia] 1983/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Celia O Mashnshnek
Alleged native antidote to curare 1983/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • others
  • Bo R Holmstedt
Rituell kommunikation - ett 'sprak' bortom spraket? 1983/4 Göteborgs Etnografiska Museum årstryck ():
  • Lennart Edgren
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