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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Beyond the "new" regional question? Regions, territoriality, and the space of anthropology in Southeastern Europe 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 59-78
  • Pamela Ballinger
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
BalkanBeats Berlin: producing cosmopolitanism, consuming primitivism 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 221-35
  • Rozita Dimova
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The cross with four pillars as the centre of religious gathering: discussing micro regional identity 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 171-84
  • Aleksandra Ðurić
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Ethnic versus cosmopolitan regionalism? For a political anthropology of local identity constructions in a globalized world-system 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 43-58
  • Christian Giordano
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Narratives about dissenter neighbours and their place in the cultural strategy of coexistence in the western Rhodope region of Bulgaria 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 185-203
  • Magdalena Lubańska
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Slavic Macedonian nationalism: from "regional" to "ethnic" 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 127-54
  • Alexander Maxwell
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Mask customs and identity in the region of Southeastern Europe. The case of Macedonia 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 237-56
  • Eli Milošeska
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Nationalism and the re-invention of early-modern identities in the Ottoman-Habsburg borderlands 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 79-101
  • Claire Norton
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Magazines as a way of maintaining regional intra-ethnic communication. The case of Balkan Jewish periodicals 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 205-19
  • Dimitrije Pešićm
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
What's in a region? Southeastern European regions between globalization, EU-integration and marginalization 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 17-41
  • Klaus Roth
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Sulina - the dying city in a vital region: social memory and the nostalgia for the European future 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 237-56
  • Cluj Napoca
  • Kristof van Assche
  • Petruţa Teampău
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The problems and potentials for the regionalization of Serbia 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 279-99
  • Dragutin Tošić
  • Marija Maskin-Mićić
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Ethnizität und grenzüberschreitende ökonomische Beziehungen in der ungarisch-slowakischen Grenzenregion 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 103-25
  • Wolfgang Aschauer
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Pratiques de la coexistence en milieu multiethnique transylvain et nouvelles mobilisations régionales 2007 Ethnologia balkanica 11 (1): 155-70
  • Bianca Botea
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
"Exploring the city". Ways and concepts of (Western) urban anthropology 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 11-23
  • Thomas Hengartner
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The knowlable city: interpretation, social science, activism 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 25-42
  • Keith Brown
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Budapest and Thessaloniki as Slavic cities (1800-1914): urban infrastructures, national organizations and ethnic territories 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 43-64
  • Alexander Maxwell
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Rural against urban: anti-urban discourse and ideology in early twentieth century Serbia 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 65-79
  • Dubravka Stojanović
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Places to exchange cultural patterns: the market and the 'piazza for hired labor' in Sofia 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 81-90
  • Petko Hristov
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
"The town of the youth": Dimitrovgrad and Bulgarian socialism 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 91-114
  • Ulf Brunnbauer
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Rural-urban migration in the normal biography 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 115-30
  • Daniela Koleva
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Urban economics in a rural manner: family economizing in socialist Serbian cities 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 131-49
  • Miloš Matić
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Who's afraid of white socks? Towards a critical understanding of post-Yugoslav urban self-representation 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 151-67
  • Stef Jansen
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Country house ownership: a rural-urban phenomenon in Bulgaria 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 169-84
  • Evgenia Krǎsteva-Blagoeva
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Ruins, decay, and new constructions: materializing family in post-socialist housing in Gjirokaster, southern Albania 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 185-200
  • Gen Fujii
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Cities on borders: the stronghold complex 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 201-12
  • Ivalyo Ditchev
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Religious structures and political dominance in Belgrade 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 213-24
  • Robert M. Hayden
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The introduction of religion to state schools in Serbia and "Orthodox(is)ing" the identity of Serbian youth 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 225-39
  • Miroslava Malešević
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Social inclusion/exclusion of immigrant groups in urban Slovenia. The case of Istria 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 241-59
  • Mateja Sedmak
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Production and consumption of folk-pop music in post-socialist Romania: discourse and practice 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 261-83
  • Cerasela Voicolescu
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Escaping the city: leisure travel in Croatia in the 1950s and 1960s 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 285-303
  • Igor Duda
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Soccer and nationalism in Slovenia 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 305-20
  • Peter Stanković
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Private morals versus European politics: the mobilisation of national myths from Hungary's millennium (2000) to EU integration (2004) 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 321-67
  • Ágnes Rajacic
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Public homophobia and the privatisation of homosexuality. Everyday lives of gay and lesbian couples in Slovenia 2005 Ethnologia balkanica 7 (): 369-54
  • Alenka Švab
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Greek attitudes towards EU inclusion: controversial discourses of belonging 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 7-21
  • Jutta Lauth Bacas
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
National identities and the European unification 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 23-34
  • Vassilis Nitsiakos
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Bulgaria's way to Europe: some aspects of identity construction among Bulgarian students today 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 35-55
  • Magdalena Elchinova
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The Second World War on TV. Movie partisans in the memories of Croatian and Serbian families 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 57-77
  • Natalija Bašić
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Concepts of tolerance in the everyday life of former Yugoslavia 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 79-89
  • Aleksandar Bošković
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The Serbian population in the Slovene region of Bela Krajina and their language-related identity struggles 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 91-102
  • Tanja Petrović
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Ambiguity of integration processes: the Serbs in Greece. National identity of the new immigrants 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 103-14
  • Aleksandra Pavićević
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Hungarian Germans. Identity questions: past and present 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 115-27
  • Györgyi Bindorffer
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Environment, markets, and the state: human adaptation in the Balkan mountains, 19th- early 20th centuries 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 129-54
  • Ulf Brunnbauer
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
New old norms. The attempted standardisation of sexuality in socialist Bulgaria 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 155-75
  • Anelia Kassabova-Dintcheva
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Lovers of art on the missions civilsatrices 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 177-93
  • Božidar Jesernik
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Romany music and Gypsy criminality 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 195-225
  • Marin Marian-Bălaşa
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
The čalga as a cultural expression of the transformation 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 227-38
  • Radost Ivanova
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Death laments and professional mourners in contemporary Greece. Studies in a region on the mainland 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 239-56
  • Alexandra Filippou
H6/KVD [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
Greek attitudes towards EU inclusion: controversial discourses of belonging 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 7-21
  • Jutta Lauth Bacas
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411
National identities and the European unification 2004 Ethnologia balkanica 8 (): 22-34
  • Vassilis Nitsiakos
H6/KVO [ETHNOLOGIA-] 1111-0411