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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Fables about animals 1982 26 (1): 45-59
  • S Thompson
The developing skipjack tuna fishery of the central and western Pacific ocean 1981 8 (2): 1-32
  • D J Doulman
Stability and change in Papua New Guinea's international economic relations, with specific reference to the seventies 1981 8 (1): 1-51
  • D B Gupta
  • S Polume
A rural workers association in Milne Bay province Papua New Guinea 1981 8 (3): 1-23
  • M Hess
The fisheries sector in Papua New Guinea 1981 8 (2): 33-54
  • L J Kiele
Rural migrants of Kosipe, Goilala Papua New Guinea 1981 8 (3): 24-37
  • B Warakai
  • C Haiveta
  • D Abai
  • D King
  • M Fakaia
  • M Tauge
  • T Bishop
An "end of the world revival" at Erave, Papua New Guinea 1981 8 (1): 52-66
  • R W Robin
Notas sobre la historia de la medicina en la comarca del Bages 1980 32 (): 93-101
  • J Corbella Corbella
Does dependency theory illuminate Papua New Guinea's development? [review article on 'Development & dependency: the political economy of Papua New Guinea', by A. Amarshi, K. Good and R. Mortimer] 1980 7 (3): 26-9
  • D Denoon
Community development in three settlements: Port Moresby 1980 7 (4): 1-10
  • K Dom
The neo-Marxist paradigm in Papua New Guinea [review article on 'Development & dependency: the political economy of Papua New Guinea', by A. Amarshi, K. Good and R. Mortimer] 1980 7 (3): 30-42
  • R Garnaut
Estimates of rural village consumption of imported foodstuffs 1980 7 (2): 26-32
  • G T Harris
Village-oriented training: an alternative form of agriculture extension for Papua New Guinea 1980 7 (1): 7-18
  • G T Harris
  • L R Williams
Mineral resources and mining in Papua New Guinea: digging in for a difficult decade? 1980 7 (2): 1-8
  • R Jackson
Women in Papua New Guinea: a selected bibliography 1980 7 (3): 53-69
  • D D Johnson
Small towns in Papua New Guinea 1980 7 (2): 9-25
  • D King
'Integrated' rural development: a concept or rhetoric? 1980 7 (3): 16-25
  • D A M Lea
Social welfare policy in PNG 1980 7 (4): 26-30
  • S Mogia
As Bilong Soldia: the raising of the Papuan infantry battalion in 1940 1980 7 (1): 19-27
  • H Nelson
Family planning programmes in P.N.G. and Solomon islands 1980 7 (4): 31-44
  • M O'Collins
Migration of the Kilenge: a village study 1980 7 (2): 33-46
  • D H van Groningen a Stuling
Social class in Papua New Guinea [review article on 'The class structure', by K. Good in 'Development & dependency: the political economy of Papua New Guinea', edited by A. Amarshi, K. Good and R. Mortimer] 1980 7 (3): 43-52
  • M Turner
Community development in PNG 1980 7 (4): 15-25
  • B Yeates
Why self help housing is necessary - but difficult 1979 6 (3/4): 25-34
  • J Bryant
Evicting the poor: the Hohola redevelopment scheme and its consequences 1979 6 (3/4): 35-8
  • D Collins
Issues in manpower planning and policy in Papua New Guinea 1979 6 (2): 41-51
  • D Gupta
Current issues in agricultural policy in Papua New Guinea 1979 6 (2): 21-40
  • G T Harris
Big men and partners: the development of urban migrant communities at Kreer beach, Wewak 1979 6 (3/4): 39-49
  • M T Huber
The building of Hikoast self help housing scheme at Lae 1979 6 (3/4): 4-10
  • W Knoll
Buara settlement No. 3, Lae 1979 6 (3/4): 14-16
  • M Kunsei
Introduction [to special issue on 'Urbanisation and housing'] 1979 6 (3/4): 1-3
  • H C Norwood
If he does not come, will they work on the road?: Hi-Koast in 1972 [with postscript by H. Norwood] 1979 6 (3/4): 11-13
  • M O'Collins
Targets and instruments of economic policy in Papua New Guinea 1979 6 (2): 3-20
  • K Palmer
Conservation or chaos for traditional building [Papua New Guinea] 1979 6 (3/4): 50-7
  • W M Ruff
Breonio (Verona) 1979 6 (): 619-22
  • L Salzani
A historical look at subsidisation of urban housing in Papua New Guinea 1979 6 (3/4): 17-24
  • A Stretton
Some observations on local government in the Dreikikir area, East Sepik province 1978 5 (1): 63-9
  • B J Allen
The economics of roadside coffee buying in the Western Highlands 1978 5 (3): 31-8
  • D Anderson
The system of village government in Bougainville 1978 5 (1): 142-7
  • T Anis
A perspective on Enga violence 1978 5 (2): 189-98
  • M Balakau
Physical anthropological research in south India: a bibliographic review 1978 13 (2): 187-213
  • A Basu
Policy Secretariat. Community government in East New Britain 1978 5 (1): 149-53
  • East New Britain
The future of local government in Papua New Guinea 1978 5 (1): 8-19
  • D Conyers
Local government in New Guinea: an example of conflict between policy and practice 1978 5 (1): 59-61
  • R G Crocombe
The participation of women and youth in community development activity, Umbukul village on Lavangai New Ireland province 1978 5 (4): 75-85
  • F Dobunaba
  • V Warakai
Dooryard food gardens in Port Moresby: an original study of Morata together with a comparison of other studies, past and present [with comment by H. Norwood and reply by F. von Fleckenstein] 1978 5 (3): 75-85
  • F von Fleckenstein
Time allocations in Papua New Guinea's subsistence agriculture: a review of recent literature 1978 5 (3): 5-10
  • B B Gini
Introduction [to special issue on Enga province] 1978 5 (2): 160-3
  • R Gordon
Forces of change in subsistence agriculture in Papua New Guinea 1978 5 (3): 11-27
  • G T Harris
Subsistence food gardening in a Port Moresby suburb: Gerehu, April 1977 1978 5 (3): 87-95
  • G T Harris