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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Ethnic settlement in a metropolitan area: a typology of communities [Detroit] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 127-48
  • C Agocs
The marital stability of Cubans in the United States 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 387-405
  • B E Aguirre
Chasing the elusive butterfly: gossip and the pursuit of reputation [Filipinos in California] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (3): 293-304
  • E B Almirol
American perceptions concerning Slavic immigrants in the Pennsylvania anthracite fields, 1880-1910: some comments on the sociology of knowledge 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 96-105
  • M A Barendse
Ethnic persistence in an urban setting [Danish-Americans in San Francisco] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (3): 256-92
  • N J Chrisman
Demographic characteristics affecting living arrangements among young currently unmarried Puerto Rican, non-Spanish black, and non-Spanish white mothers 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 107-20
  • K Min
  • R S Cooney
Theory, method, and social policy in ethnicity: developmental trends in study of Jews 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 196-205
  • A Dashefsky
Socially shared deprivation and the approval of violence: another look at the experience of American blacks during the 1960s 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 149-68
  • U Dibble
The short sad career of Mr. Dooley in Chicago [Finley Peter Dunne] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 169-88
  • C Fanning
Black rebellion in the 1960s: between non-violence and black power 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 452-75
  • S C Gilman
Jewish attitudes toward black neighbors in Boston and London 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 206-18
  • Y Ginsberg
Occupational ghettoization: Japanese American women and domestic service, 1905-1970 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 352-86
  • E N Glenn
Teuton vs Slav: the great war sinks Chicago's German Kultur 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 406-51
  • M G Holli
Ethnicity and the voluntary associations of the aged 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 67-81
  • D R Hoyt
  • N Babchuk
The cities reelect Roosevelt: ethnicity, religion, and class in 1940 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 189-95
  • R Jensen
Toward a standardization of a conceptual scheme for minority group research 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 121-6
  • C T Jonassen
Job information deprivation in the United States: a case study of Korean immigrants 1981 Ethnicity 8 (2): 219-32
  • H C Kim
  • K C Kim
  • W M Hurh
Mass media mythmaking in the United Kingdom's interethnic struggles 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 18-30
  • A M Lee
Ethnic occupational structures: Greeks in the pizza business 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 82-95
  • L A Lovell-Troy
Bilingualism and higher education: an overview [U.S.] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (3): 305-19
  • I Lucas
The immigrant church in Gary, Indiana: religious adjustment and cultural defense 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 1-17
  • N Betten
  • R A Mohl
Israeli Jews and Arabs in the ethnic numbers game 1981 Ethnicity 8 (3): 233-55
  • D Peretz
Ethnicity, education, and prejudice: the teaching of contempt [U.S.] 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 50-66
  • P Perlmutter
Voting in a machine city, Chicago, 1975 1981 Ethnicity 8 (3): 320-40
  • J R Petrocik
The economic significance of ethnicity: unionized workers in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 341-51
  • R K Schutt
  • S Sisaye
Education, ethnicity, and cultural assimilation in the United States 1981 Ethnicity 8 (1): 31-49
  • P A Taylor
The Oklahoma Amish: survival of an ethnic subculture 1981 Ethnicity 8 (4): 476-87
  • W E Thompson
Friendship networks: more supportive of low-income black women? 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 70-7
  • C E Holzer III
  • G J Warheit
  • J S Vandiver
  • R E Ball
Socioeconomic data as indices of naturalization patterns in the United States: a theory revisited 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 159-90
  • E R Barkan
  • N Khokhlov
Ethnicity without community [Chicago: Jews and Lithuanians] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 137-43
  • G DeSantis
  • R Benkin
Ethnic politics and political science: a survey of leading journals [U.S.] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 96-101
  • L G Flood
Israeli Arabs: partners in pluralism or ticking time bomb? 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 15-26
  • S A Garcia
Ethnic continuity and the process of self-employment 1980 Ethnicity 7 (3): 256-78
  • C Goldscheider
  • F E Kobrin
The role of ethnicity in married women's economic activity in Israel 1980 Ethnicity 7 (3): 225-55
  • M Hartman
Ethnicity and economic integration in southern Belize 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 119-36
  • M C Howard
Church and neighborhood [Chicago] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (4): 349-66
  • E Kantowicz
Pluralism as an alternative model for the human ecologist [U.S.] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 102-18
  • V Z Klaff
Ethnicity: the key variable in a case study of language maintenance and language shift [Belize] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 1-14
  • E L Koenig
Theoretical basis of China's policies toward her minority nationalities 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 203-17
  • J Kwong
The role of external factors in the decline of the Strawberry Hill neighbourhood [Kansas City: Slavic community] 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 47-55
  • J T Manzo
Psychological distress among elderly Mexican Americans and Anglos 1980 Ethnicity 7 (3): 298-309
  • H W Martin
  • K S Markides
  • M Sizemore
The role of language, music, and dance in the revival of Irish culture in Chicago, Illinois 1980 Ethnicity 7 (4): 436-44
  • L McCullough
The conditions of ethnic separatism: the Kurds in Turkey, Iran, and Iraq 1980 Ethnicity 7 (3): 279-97
  • J Nagel
Sources of community conflict in Chicago Polonia: a comparative analysis and historiographical appraisal 1980 Ethnicity 7 (4): 333-48
  • J J Parot
Residential segregation and ethnic distance in English cities 1980 Ethnicity 7 (4): 367-89
  • K Prandy
White American socioreligious groups and work values 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 218-24
  • W C Roof
Language attitudes and other cultural attitudes of bilingual Mexican-American adolescents 1980 Ethnicity 7 (2): 191-202
  • E B Ryan
  • M A Carranza
Community stability and decay in St. Louis: the ethnic factor in two urban neighborhoods 1980 Ethnicity 7 (4): 404-19
  • S P Schoenberg
The repeal of the Edwards law: a study of religion and ethnicity in Illinois politics 1980 Ethnicity 7 (3): 310-32
  • C Shanabruch
Anti-Semitism and the Black Power movement 1980 Ethnicity 7 (1): 34-46
  • P G Sinden