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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Rhythmic and strophic organization in mediaeval Hebrew poetry: (a cognitive approach) 1996 Empirical studies of the arts 14 (2): 183-206
  • Reuven Tsur
Affective and evaluative responses to the arts 1996 Empirical studies of the arts 14 (2): 207-22
  • Adrian C. North
The contribution of eye-movement research to an understanding of the nature of pictorial balance perception: a review of the literature 1996 Empirical studies of the arts 14 (2): 143-63
  • Paul J. Locher
Color elements in national schools of painting: a statistical investigation 1996 Empirical studies of the arts 14 (2): 165-81
  • Vitalii S. Gribkov
Semantic fields and metaphor: going beyond theory 1996 Empirical studies of the arts 14 (1): 65-78
  • Chanita Goodblatt
On the development of prototypes and preferences 1995 Empirical studies of the arts 13 (2): 161-70
  • B. Roark
  • L. Brant
  • P. H. Marshall
An empirical approach to representing patterns of consumer tastes, nostalgia, and hierarchy in the market for cultural products 1995 Empirical studies of the arts 13 (1): 55-71
  • Morris Holbrook
Contrast effects and social desirability in art appreciation 1995 Empirical studies of the arts 13 (2): 171-81
  • C. A. C. Gieszen
  • J. E. V. Temme
Simple pleasures: the psychological aesthetics of high and popular art 1995 Empirical studies of the arts 13 (2): 193-203
  • A. S. Winston
Differences in visual preferences and cognitive aptitudes of professional artists and nonartists 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 19-39
  • D H Schroeder
  • N Bezruczko
On detecting the differences in jazz: a reassessment of comparative methods of measuring perceptual veridicality [with comments by MB Holbrook and J Huber, see below] 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 41-58
  • G H Blowers
  • J Bacon-Shone
Disjunctive ambiguity as a determinant of the aesthetic attractivity of visual patterns 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 85-94
  • A Cesàro
  • F Boselie
The taxonomy of visual aesthetic preferences: an empirical study 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 95-101
  • G W Hawker
  • H J Eysenck
Detecting the differences, indeed [comments on GH Blowers and J Bacon-Shone, see above] 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 59-61
  • J Huber
  • M B Holbrook
Experimentally elicited judgments of color harmony 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (1): 63-83
  • Aviva Rapoport
Preferability, pleasingness, and interestingness: relationships between evaluative judgements in empirical aesthetics 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (2): 141-57
  • P A Russell
Affective impact of music vs. lyrics 1994 Empirical studies of the arts 12 (2): 173-84
  • A H Zalanowski
  • V N Stratton
Connectivity and metaphor comprehension 1993 Empirical studies of the arts 11 (2): 95-116
  • Yeshayahu Shen
Cross-cultural aesthetic contrasts and implications for aesthetic evolution and change 1993 Empirical studies of the arts 11 (1): 51-60
  • RichardL Anderson
Children's interpretations of dance expressions 1993 Empirical studies of the arts 11 (2): 117-33
  • H Verburgh
  • Jacquesvan Meel
  • M de Meijer
Parameters of aesthetic objects: applied aesthetics 1991 Empirical studies of the arts (): 105-114
  • Walter A Woods
Understanding short stories: an American-Hungarian cross-cultural study 1991 Empirical studies of the arts (): 143-63
  • Lászlo Halász
An exploration of the impact of marketing mix variables on museum attendance 1990 Empirical studies of the arts (): 135-48
  • Elizabeth Cooper-Martin
Structural aspects of visual art design and their relation to broader sociocultural contexts 1990 Empirical studies of the arts (): 149-91
  • J Abramson
Aesthetics and the cultural whole: a study of Kono dance occasions 1988 Empirical studies of the arts (): 35-57
  • Kris L Hardin
Art critics and art publics: a study in the sociology and politics of taste 1988 Empirical studies of the arts (): 127-48
  • Emanuel Levy
High circles, high art: an investigation of museums and urban conditions 1987 Empirical studies of the arts (): 79-86
  • Judith R Blau
Puppet theatre: form and ideology in Bamana performances 1986 Empirical studies of the arts (): 131-50
  • Mary Jo Arnoldi
Symmetry analysis of Yurok, Karok, and Hupa Indian basket designs 1986 Empirical studies of the arts (): -45
  • Dorothy K Washburn
Symmetry and antisymmetry in Maori rafter designs 1985 Empirical studies of the arts (): 23-45
  • Gabrielle Donnay
  • J D H Donnay
Crimes against art: social meanings and symbolic attacks 1985 Empirical studies of the arts (): 135-52
  • Deborah Shatin
  • Gary Alan Fine
From symmetry to anthropophagy: the cultural context of Maori art 1985 Empirical studies of the arts (): 47-62
  • F Allan Hanson
Speech made visible: the irregular as a system of meaning ['bogolanfini' cloth, Mali] 1984 Empirical studies of the arts (): 127-47
  • Sarah Catharine Brett-Smith
Dealers and collectors of Indian baskets at the turn of the century in California: their effect on the ethnographic sample 1984 Empirical studies of the arts (): 51-74
  • Dorothy K Washburn
The high tiger in south Nias, Indonesia 1983 Empirical studies of the arts (): 143-56
  • Jerome A Feldman
Form and function of tridacna shell plaques from the western Solomon islands 1983 Empirical studies of the arts (): 55-74
  • Deborah B Waite
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