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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Eco-enterprise and Terminalia ferdinandiana: "Best laid plans" and Australian policy lessons 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 16-28
  • A.B. Cunningham
  • D. Boheme
  • J. Gorman
  • K. Courtenay
  • S. Garnett
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Four footed pharmacists: indications of self-medicating livestock in Karamoja, Uganda 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 29-42
  • J.T. Gradé
  • John R.S. Tabuti
  • Patrick Van Damme
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Use of Capsicum frutescens L. by the indigenous peoples of Taiwan and the Batanes islands 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 43-59
  • Eiji Nawata
  • Sota Yamamoto
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Tulips: an ornamental crop in the Andalusian middle ages 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 60-6
  • Expiración García Sánchez
  • J. Hernández Bermejo
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.): old varieties are reflected in works of art 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 67-77
  • J.L. Santiago
  • M.C. Martinez
  • P. Gago
  • S. Boso
  • V. Alonso-Villaverde
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Ta Chòrta: a comparative ethnobotanical-linguistic study of wild food plants in a Graecanic area in Calabria, southern Italy 2009 Economic botany 63 (1): 78-92
  • Michael Heinrich
  • Sabine Nebel
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Resprouting of Echinacea angustifolia augments sustainability of wild medicinal plant populations 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 139-47
  • Dana M. Price
  • Kelly Kindscher
  • Lisa Castle
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Uses and conservation of plant species in a national park - a case study of Ben En, Vietnam 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 574-93
  • Sam Van Hoang
  • Paul J.A. Keßler
  • Pieter Baas
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Correcting misperception about the history of Castanea strands in Satoyama in Japan 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 594-603
  • Junko Kitagawa
  • Masaaki Okuda
  • Masaharu Fukuoka
  • Takeshi Nakagawa
  • Yoshinori Yasuda
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Plants used for reproductive health by Nahua women in northern Veracruz, Mexico 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 604-14
  • Vania Smith-Oka
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Traditional tar production from Cedrus libani A. Rich on the Taurus mountains in southern Turkey 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 615-20
  • Kani Isik
  • M. Suleyman Kaçar
  • Yusuf Kurt
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Introduction of wild golden root (Rhodiola rosea L.) as a potential economic crop in Bulgaria 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 621-7
  • L. Evstatieva
  • S. Platikanov
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Distribution of agrobiodiversity in home gardens along the Corrientes River, Peruvian Amazon 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 109-26
  • Mathilde Perrault-Archambault
  • Oliver T. Coomes
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Origins and dispersal of cultivated vanilla (Vanilla planifolia Jacks. [Orchidaceae]) 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 127-38
  • Gómez Gómez-Pompa
  • Juan Hernández Hernández
  • Pesach Lubinsky
  • Seung-Chul Kim
  • Séverine Bory
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
From disgust to desire: changing attitudes toward Beringian mushrooms 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 214-22
  • Sveta Yamin-Pasternak
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Mechanisms explaining variety naming by farmers and name consistency of rice varieties in the Gambia 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 148-60
  • Conny J.M. Almekinders
  • Edwin Nuijten
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Mexican arnica anti-inflammatory action: plant age is correlated with the concentration of anti-inflammatory sesquiterpenes in the medicinal plant Heterotheca inuloides Cass. (Asteraceae) 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 161-70
  • Edelmira Linares-Mazari
  • Francisco J. Espinosa-García
  • Guillermo Delgado
  • Robert Bye
  • Yurixhi Maldonado-López
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Harvesting effects and population ecology of the Buriti palm (Mauritia flexuosa L. f. Arecaceae) in the Jalapão region, central Brazil 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 171-81
  • Isabel Belloni Schmidt
  • Isabel Benedetti Figueiredo
  • Maurício Bonesso Sampaio
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Why Musella lasiocarpa (Musaceae) is used in southwest China to feed pigs 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 182-6
  • Bo Long
  • Chunlin Long
  • Selena Ahmed
  • Xiaorong Wang
  • Yitao Liu
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The ethnobotany of Herreria montevidensis Klotsch ex Griseb. - Herreriaceae, in Corumbá, Brazil 2008 Economic botany 62 (2): 187-91
  • Juliana Magalhães Alvarez
  • Leda Maria Bortolotto
  • Rosana Conrado Lopes
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
A dilemma: economic/ethnobotanical research in the twenty-first century 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 3-11
  • W. Hardy Eshbaugh
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Collection and use of wild edible fungi in Nepal 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 12-23
  • Helle O. Larsen
  • Morten Christensen
  • Sanjeeb Bhattarai
  • Shiva Devkota
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Cultural importance indices: a comparative analysis based on the useful wild plants of southern Cantabria (northern Spain) 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 24-39
  • Javier Tardío
  • Manuel Pardo-de-Santayana
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Ethnobotany of the Rama of southeastern Nicaragua and comparisons with Miskitu plant lore 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 40-59
  • Felix G. Coe
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Use of Tierra Firme forest by Caicubi Caboclos, middle Rio Negro, Amazonas, Brazil. A quantitative study 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 60-73
  • Ariane Luna Peixoto
  • Juan Gabriel Soler Alarcón
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Folk classification, perception, and preferences of baobab products in West Africa: consequences for species conservation and improvement 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 74-84
  • A.E. Assogbadjo
  • F.J. Chadare
  • L. Thomson
  • R. Glèlè Kakai
  • T. Kyndt
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Wall pellitory as a glass cleaning material in the land of Israel in the middle ages 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 85-9
  • David Iluz
  • Zohar Amar
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The "arco floral": ethnobotany of Tillandsia and Dasylirion spp. in a Mexican religious adornment 2008 Economic botany 62 (1): 90-5
  • Ingrid B. Haeckel
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
T'ef (Eragrostis tef) in ancient agricultural systems of highland Ethiopia 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 547-66
  • A.C. D'Andrea
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Mushrooms and economic botany 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 207-12
  • David Arora
  • Glenn H. Shepard jr.
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
A study of cultural bias in field guide determinations of mushrooms edibility using the iconic mushroom Amanita muscaria, as example 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 223-43
  • David Arora
  • William Rubel
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Diverging understanding of forest management in matsutake science 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 244-53
  • Matsutake Worlds Research Science
  • Anna Tsing
  • Shiho Satsuka
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Bidding customs and habitat improvement for matsutake (Tricholoma matsutake) in Japan 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 257-68
  • Gaku Mitsumata
  • Haruo Saito
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Matsutake trade in Yunnan province, China: an overview 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 269-77
  • Chun Li
  • Jianzhong Ma
  • Jun He
  • Xufei Yang
  • Yongping Yang
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The house that matsutake built 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 278-90
  • David Arora
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Yartsa Gunbu (Cordyceps sinensis) and the fungal commodification of Tibet's rural economy 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 291-305
  • Daniel Winkler
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Nationalization and globalization trends in the wild mushroom commerce of Italy with emphasis on porcini (Boletus edulis and allied species) 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 307-22
  • Marco Floriani
  • Nicola Sitta
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Bolete productivity of cistaceous scrublands in northwestern Spain 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 323-30
  • Jaime Olaizola
  • Juan Andrés Oria-de-Rueda
  • Pablo Martín-Pinto
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The socioeconomic impact of truffle cultivation in rural Spain 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 331-40
  • Antoni Olivera
  • Christine Fischer
  • Eric Danell
  • Nicklas Samils
  • Susan J. Alexander
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Constructing a wild mushroom panopticon: the extension of nation-state control over forest understory in Oregon, USA 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 343-55
  • Rebecca McLain
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
California porcini: the nex taxa, observations on their harvest, and the tragedy on no commons 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 356-75
  • David Arora
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
A new, commercially valuable chanterelle species, Cantharellus californicus sp.nov., associated with Live Oak in California, USA 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 376-91
  • David Arora
  • Susie M. Dunham
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The collection and sale of wild mushrooms in a community of Tlaxcala, Mexico 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 413-24
  • Adriana Montoya
  • Alejandro Kong
  • Arturo Estrada-Torres
  • Cristina Mapes
  • Nuri Hernández
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Sichuan peppers and the etymology of Fagara (Rutaceae) 2008 Economic botany 62 (4): 567-73
  • Daniel F. Austin
  • Richard S. Felger
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Photo essay: wild mushroom harvest 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 392-403, 254-6, 306, 482, 507-8
  • David Arora
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Xiao Ren Ren: the "Little people" of Yunnan 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 540-4
  • David Arora
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Declining wild mushrooms recognition and usage in Burkina Faso 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 530-9
  • Anne Mette Lykke
  • Marie Laure Guissou
  • Philippe Sankara
  • Sita Guinko
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Desert truffles of the African Kalahari: ecology ethnomycology, and taxonomy 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 521-9
  • Adriaan Smit
  • Andrew W. Claridge
  • David Arora
  • James M. Trappe
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
The edible mushrooms of Madagascar: an evolving enigma 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 509-20
  • Bart Buyck
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001
Desert truffles of the Australian outback: ecology, ethnomycology, and taxonomy 2008 Economic botany 62 (3): 497-506
  • Andrew W. Claridge
  • Deborah L. Claridge
  • James M. Trappe
  • Lynette Liddle
H6/KF [ECONOMIC-] 0013-0001