Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Songs of the banana man: the politics of justification and the politics of exchange | 1995 | Dyn 11 (): 57-80 | |||||
Ethnology in China | 1995 | Dyn 11 (): 22-31 | |||||
Australian Aboriginal town camps: structure, serendipity or subordination? | 1995 | Dyn 11 (): 32-56 | |||||
The significance of doba within Trobriand society | 1995 | Dyn 11 (): 1-21 | |||||
Expatriate missionaries and local politics in St. Vincent | 1991 | Dyn 10 (): 22-38 | |||||
Land in the New Guinea highlands: an essay in ethnogeoscience | 1991 | Dyn 10 (): 48-79 | |||||
Transforming the Kalinga immosso: an ethnoarchaeological perspective on causes behind ceramic change | 1991 | Dyn 10 (): 80-91 | |||||
The impact of the Holocaust upon Polish Jewry | 1991 | Dyn 10 (): 39-47 | |||||
Mapping diversity in organisational cultures | 1991 | Dyn 10 (): 1-21 | |||||
Notes on two Malay daggers | 1987 | Dyn 9 (): 46-58 | |||||
Why should anthropologists bother to study material culture? | 1987 | Dyn (): 1-17 | |||||
Marquesan tiki-headed pounders | 1987 | Dyn 9 (): 31-45 | |||||
Introduction | 1987 | Dyn (): iii-v | |||||
Development or suppression? The role of church and State in the production of basketry in St. Vincent and fireworks in Malta | 1987 | Dyn (): 18-30 | |||||
Social and psychological issues in art and design | 1987 | Dyn (): 59-79 | |||||
Extramarital reproduction and family size in a Spanish rural community | 1985 | Dyn (): 80-126 | |||||
The genetic implications of marriage partner choice: a study in south Wales | 1985 | Dyn (): 49-79 | |||||
Anglican parish registers and the measurement of migration in historical populations | 1985 | Dyn (): 127-45 | |||||
The design and initial analyses of an ethnohistorical project on West Indians and Maltese migration | 1983 | Dyn 7 (): 84-94 | |||||
Psychological institutions: variations in psychotherapeutic techniques | 1983 | Dyn 7 (): 26-57 | |||||
Reflections in a gene-pool: the 'new' science of sociobiology | 1983 | Dyn 7 (): 1-14 | |||||
An ordinary primate: a community ecology approach to human evolution | 1983 | Dyn 7 (): 58-83 | |||||
ABO blood groups, ABH secretion, colour blindness and PTC taste thresholds in the Lowland Rajputs of the Punjab | 1983 | Dyn 7 (): 15-25 | |||||
The importance of genetic variability in the aetiology of cancer | 1981 | Dyn 6 (): 14-28 | |||||
Family size and birth order of students at a northern polytechnic | 1981 | Dyn 6 (): 29-35 | |||||
'There is no god but God': God the creator and social change | 1981 | Dyn 6 (): 55-82 | |||||
Pilgrimage, cults and holy places: Carib religious trips: some anthropological visions | 1981 | Dyn 6 (): 1-13 | |||||
Seasonality of birth: a review and new data from rural Tasmania in the nineteenth century | 1981 | Dyn 6 (): 36-54 | |||||
Symbolic aspects of the language of cannabis | 1979 | Dyn 5 (): 48-80 | |||||
Some bio-anthropological studies in Spain | 1979 | Dyn 5 (): 39-47 | |||||
Labrador Eskimo society | 1979 | Dyn 5 (): 1-38 | |||||
Feud in the Mediterranean [Sardinia and Albania] | 1979 | Dyn 5 (): 107-15 | |||||
Edge linkage clustering and derivatives: a regionalization technique for human biological spatial studies based on marriage ties | 1979 | Dyn 5 (): 81-106 | |||||
The organization of African kingdoms | 1977 | Dyn 4 (): 94-8 | |||||
Cargos and "obstacles": the nature of "community participation" in a Mexican village | 1977 | Dyn 4 (): 77-91 | |||||
Changes in PTC tasting thresholds at puberty [British Isles material] | 1977 | Dyn 4 (): 61-75 | |||||
Dermatoglyphic studies | 1977 | Dyn 4 (): 1-60 | |||||
Kinship in southeast Asia: a comparison of four systems | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 37-69 | |||||
Primitive ecstatic drama: a lesson in religious interpretation | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 1-12 | |||||
Frank Byron Jevons and the notion of primitive mentality | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 71-7 | |||||
The apes | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 29-36 | |||||
Intermediaries and brokers in highland Peru | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 19-28 | |||||
Brain and will: my fault or my glands? | 1975 | Dyn 3 (): 13-18 | |||||
Has mankind a future? | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 43-53 | |||||
Stallo marriage and qagsse incest: a mythical demonstration | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 54-69 | |||||
Levi-Strauss and the Surrealists | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 82-101 | |||||
A review of the literature concerning postulated associations between phenylthiocarbamide (P.T.C.) tasting and clinical conditions with special reference to thyroid disease and glaucoma | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 70-81 | |||||
Spirit possession on the Persian gulf: a precis and a comment on the book "Ahl-e-Hava" by Gholam Hosein Sa'di | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 23-42 | |||||
Historical demography in-relation to human biology [example from Oxfordshire] | 1972 | Dyn 2 (): 1-22 | |||||
The 'naked ape's' place in nature | 1970 | Dyn 1 (): 39-55 |