Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Measurement of sheep 1999 Datini 30 (1): 35-6, 58
  • Maria Socol
Archetypes and models of the icon-makers of Yore 1999 Datini 31 (2): 9-11, 57
  • Mihail Mihalcu
Us and them. Identities and interethnic relationship 1999 Datini 30 (1): 47-50, 59-60
  • Sanda Larionescu
In your light, light we will see 1999 Datini 31 (2): 5-8, 56-7
  • Sabina Ispas
Ritual-musical functions in wedding of olden days: the 'Vuvar' 1999 Datini 30 (1): 54-5, 60
  • Iosif Herţea
Pages from the cold calendar 1999 Datini 31 (2): 16-21, 57-8
  • Ion Ghinoiu
Family structure and ethnic identity 1999 Datini 30 (1): 51-2, 60
  • Raluca Dan Smarandache
Space and volume in peasant houses 1998 Datini 26 (1): 10-11, 57
  • Ecaterina Dulcu
Folk violin 1998 Datini 29 (4): 22, 58
  • Felicia Diculescu
Architectural monuments in the Trotuş region 1998 Datini 26 (1): 44-6, 59-60
  • Dorinel Ichim
Sticking off the pig: prefiguration of the easter sacrifice 1998 Datini 29 (4): 3-7, 56
  • Sabina Ispas
The symbolism of the vineyard in epic verses 1998 Datini 27 (2): 7-11
  • Sabina Ispas
Hallmarks of church paintings 1998 Datini 29 (4): 26-8, 58-9
  • Radu O. Maier
Gemine houses in the western contry 1998 Datini 26 (1): 34-6, 58-9
  • Radu O. Maier
Cult, dwelling, workshop in Dobrogea peasant architecture 1998 Datini 26 (1): 37-41, 59
  • C. D. Mazilu
Functional and metafunctional in Romanian folk art 1998 Datini 29 (4): 23-5, 58
  • Constantin Prut
'Vovidenia' - wooden church of Luncani 1998 Datini 26 (1): 47
  • Eugen Şendrea
Aspects of the traditional architecture in Basarabia 1998 Datini 26 (1): 26-8 [xxix-xxxii]
  • Dan Smarandache
Traditional architecture: where to? 1998 Datini 26 (1): 1-3, 56
  • Georgeta Stoica
Cula - a type of fortified construction 1998 Datini 26 (1): 33, 58
  • Georgeta Stoica
Customs along the year 1998 Datini 26 (1): 8-9, 57
  • Ofelia Vaduva
Cymas of the traditional house 1998 Datini 26 (1): 14-15, 57
  • Ofelia Văduva
Horezu - Vâlcea [in special issue on regional Romanian pottery] 1998 Datini 28 (3): 24-32
  • Eufrosina Vicşoreanu
Winter holidays' traditional repertory 1998 Datini 29 (4): 17-19, 58
  • Emilia Comişel
Folk mask 1998 Datini 29 (4): 14-16, 57
  • Mariana Ciriţă
Some destiny celebrations' destiny 1998 Datini 29 (4): 9-11, 57
  • Stelian Cârstean
Folk architecture ornamentations in the upper country 1998 Datini 26 (1): 48-51, 60
  • Mihai Camilar
The vineyard culture of the Romanian people 1998 Datini 27 (2): 4-6
  • Corneliu Bucur
The identity mark of the Romanian folk costume 1998 Datini 29 (4): 20-1, 58
  • Maria Bâtcă
[A] word about the Christian carol 1998 Datini 29 (4): 7-8, 56-7
  • Iuliana Băncescu
[Phenotypical] picture of the peasant household in southern Dobrogea 1998 Datini 26 (1): 42-3, 59
  • Constantin Antonescu
Travelling wooden churches of Argeş 1997 Datini 24/5 (34): 49-52, 60
  • Mihail Mihalcu
Mihai Pop and the Romanian ethnological research 1997 Datini 24/5 (34): 17-18, 58
  • Silviu Angelescu
Elegance with silk and sequins 1997 Datini 24/5 (34): 10-12, 57
  • Maria Bâtcă
The zoomorph costume-mask in winter customs 1997 Datini 22/3 (1/2): 24-5
  • Maria Bâtcă
Birth's magic practices 1997 Datini 22/3 (1/2): 26-8, 59
  • Lucia Berdan
Cinişoara - an old custom of the Rumanians from Vidin, Bulgaria 1997 Datini 22/3 (1/2): 16-17, 59
  • Monica Budiş
Customs and beliefs from Bucovina, while preparing the agro-pastoral year 1997 Datini 22/3 (1/2): 8-9, 58
  • Mihai Camilar
The voice of Gods 1997 Datini 22/3 (1/2): 6-7, 58
  • Ion Ghinoiu
Aref - the lay liturgy of the carol 1997 Datini 24/5 (34): 23-5, 58-9
  • Adriana Rujan
The popular architecture of Argeş 1997 Datini 24/5 (34): 7-9, 56-7
  • Georgeta Stoica
Pressed cheese [dolls] from Vrancea [region] 1996 Datini 18/19 (1/2): 33-5, 58
  • Ion Cherciu
The village museum between 1936-1996 1996 Datini 18/19 (1/2): 4-5, 54-5
  • Georgeta Stoica
Popular costume from Banat 1996 Datini 20/1 (3/4): 43-5, 60
  • Aristida Gogolan
Folk decorations in Banat 1996 Datini 20/1 (3/4): 39-40, 59
  • Aristida Gogolan
Some testimonies of traditional spirituality 1996 Datini 18/19 (1/2): 12-14, 55
  • Doina Dascălu-Işfănoni
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