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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Main dans la main, ou des aspirations unificatrices et nationales des Touaregs 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 11-46
  • Adam Rybiński
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Legitimacy and importance of the traditional authority in Africa: K.A. Appiah's approach and its critique 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 47-74
  • Krzysztof Trzciński
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The spatial aspect of Cairo's contemporary deglomeration 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 75-102
  • Małgorzata Osas
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Water scarcity as the reason for economic stagnation in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa (with special focus on Tanzania) 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 103-15
  • Jerzy Gilarowski
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
A partnership for making science and technology work for the poor in Afica: the Unitwin case study 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 117-43
  • Marlena Bouche Osochowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Modern Convivencia in Spanish frontier towns 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 145-58
  • Michal Łuszcuk
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Do 'new wars' theories contribute to our understanding of the African conflicts? Cases of Rwanda and Darfur 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 159-72
  • Artur Malantowicz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Some reflections on the new South Africa's development policy 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 173-92
  • Bogdan Stefański
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Fenêtre sur le monde. quelques reflexions sur les expéditions en Afrique organisées par les étudiants polonias avant 1989 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 193-212
  • Anna Nadolska-Styczyńska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Professor Johanna Mantel-Niećko (1933-2009) 2010 Africana bulletin 58 (): 215-23
  • Ewa Wołk
  • Hanna Rubinkowska
  • Laura Łykowska
  • Stanisław Piłaszewicz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Towards a community model for malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 166-83
  • Jimoh Amzat
  • Omololu O. Femi
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The royal apartments at Yɘmrähannä Krɘstos 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 9-40
  • Ian Campbell
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The Maasai and the question of time 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 91-111
  • Magdalena Dębowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The 'national cinemas' in Africa 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 159-65
  • Natalia Kapser
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Klaas Stuurman. A few thoughts on the final days of Khoi Khoi independence 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 41-63
  • Michal Leśniewski
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Visions of the Africa's future. Chosen examples from the 18th and 19th century 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 65-89
  • Jan J. Milewski
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
L'experiénce économique beńinoise pour des perspectives de développement en Afrique 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 139-55
  • Ghislain Olory-Togbé
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Speculative bubbles versus fundamental economic and political changes in the semi-developed African country 2009 Africana bulletin 57 (): 113-37
  • Bogdan Stefański
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Some comments on the African awareness of time: the contemporary African philosophy perspective 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 196-203
  • Malwina Bakalarska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Falasha emigration to Israel 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 109-26
  • Aleksandra Bukowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Determinants of nature protection in Africa 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 165-89
  • Anna Dudek
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Juba - a town in the southern Sudan. An analysis of the formal structure 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 53-76
  • Maciej Kurcz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Killing in the name of honour (old customs in modern times on the example of Egypt) 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 35-52
  • Ewa Machut-Mendecka
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
L'Afrique et les nouvelles puissances emergentes: quels partenariats dans la mondialisation? 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 127-40
  • Habib Ouane
  • Mamadou Wague
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Some reflections on African art and aesthetics 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 204-17
  • Aneta Pawłowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Kano market literature 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 11-33
  • Stanisław Piłaszewicz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Federalism in Africa: the case of ethnic-based federalism in Ethiopia 2008 Africana bulletin 56 (): 77-107
  • Jan Záhořik
  • Wondwosen Teshome B.
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Tatouages, scarifications et ornementique du corps en Africque subsaharienne 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 11-50
  • Alicja Wrzesińska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
La conception de la réincarnation en Afrique de l'ouest 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 69-88
  • Marian Sławomir Szatkowski
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Life in accordance with custom and faith. The lifecycle of a north Sudanese peasant: maturity 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 89-118
  • Maciej Kurcz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The use of plants in traditional medicine in Nigeria 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 119-31
  • Julia Weintritt
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Microcon: a micro level analysis of violent conflict 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 141-51
  • Patricia Justino
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
What hope for Africa's development in the 21st century? Some comments by an African sociologist 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 158-64
  • Adeyinka Oladayo Bankole
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The civil society versus other development agents in Angola 2007 Africana bulletin 55 (): 165-72
  • Anna Kudarewska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Archetypes of the south in the literary output of Yaḥyā Ṭāhir 'Abd Allāh 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 11-33
  • Ewa Machut-Mendecka
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
"A history that was found" a recent chapter in the historiography of Däbrä Libanos 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 35-53
  • Denis Nosnitsin
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
North-Sudanese villages on the Nile at the verge of transformations 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 55-84
  • Maciej Kurcz
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Turkana Christology 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 85-130
  • Paweł L. Mąkosa
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
L'Afrique face au problème des mutilations génitales 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 131-45
  • Ryszard Vorbrich
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The past and present in gender art of South Africa 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 147-67
  • Aneta Pawłowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Les recherches sur l'Afrique en France. L'histoire, ses acquis et ses débats 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 169-92
  • Jean-Pierre Chrétien
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Flags and coats of arms of African countries and their symbolism 2006 Africana bulletin 54 (): 195-229
  • Jerzy Wrona
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The Afro-Christian dichotomy typological essay 2005 Africana bulletin 53 (): 11-42
  • Grzegorz J. Kaczyński
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
La peur et le courage lors des premières expéditions européennes en Afrique au XVe siècle 2005 Africana bulletin 53 (): 43-61
  • Michał Tymowski
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Two worlds of the Sudanese 2005 Africana bulletin 53 (): 63-84
  • Ewa Machut-Mendecka
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Dialogues des cinéastes avec la tradition dans les pays francophones de l'Afrique de l'ouest 2005 Africana bulletin 53 (): 85-114
  • Renata Lubomirska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Modernité et tradition dans l'éducation de l'enfant Africain (le cas de la République Démocratique du Congo) 2005 Africana bulletin 53 (): 115-33
  • Alicja Wrzesińska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
The wall-paintings in the church of Mädhane Aläm near Lalibäla 2004 Africana bulletin 52 (): 9-29, [figs, 1-38]
  • Ewa Balicka-Witakowska
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Magic scrolls in modern Ethiopian painting 2004 Africana bulletin 52 (): 31-42, [plates i-vi]
  • Elisabeth Biasio
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X
Egypt: people and demons (the output of Magid Tubiya, an Egyptian prosaist) 2004 Africana bulletin 52 (): 43-65
  • Ewa Machut-Mendecka
H6/KY [AFRICANA-] 0002-029X