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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Few thoughts on tribal economy - a critique 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 36-40
  • S K Basu
Baiti - a craft-practising scheduled caste in West Bengal 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 97-101
  • S N Bhattacharya
Recruitment and migration policy in tea plantations in West Bengal 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 23-33
  • S K Bhowmik
Direct Dravid words in Midnapore dialect 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 47-52
  • S K Bhowmik
Folksongs of a folk community: the Birhor of West Bengal and Bihar 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 102-8
  • B Chakraborty
  • S Kundu
Scheduled tribes of India: a socio-economic review 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 57-78
  • M K Chowdhuri
  • S De
Impact of educational schemes on the progress of modern education among scheduled caste and scheduled tribe communities 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 130-3
  • B K R Chowdhury
Problem of tribal integration 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 16-17
  • A K Das
Some leading issues in tribal development 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 53-6
  • A K Das
De facto fertility status and knowledge oriented behaviour of the migrated tribes 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 109-16
  • H Dasgupta
  • P Sen
  • S Dasgupta
'Indian culture - tradition and radiation' in the State Museum of Ethnography in Dresden 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 18-22
  • L Icke-Schwalbe
Pather Panchali: an elucidation of folk film 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 141-4
  • S Lodh
Lodha concentrated village - a socioeconomic review 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 117-23
  • B C Mallick
Politico-administrative boundary vis-a-vis socio-cultural adaptive mechanism of a minority community in a village of West Bengal 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 41-6
  • S R Mondal
Tribal folk dance and folk song 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 139-40
  • A Mukherjee
The place of women in the family setting of the Malas and Madigas 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 34-5
  • B R Murthy
A study on population composition of the Kaoras 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 5-15
  • K Pakrasi
  • P Dasgupta
Communication and family planning programme - a sociological review 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 79-84
  • D K Saha
Post-matric education among the scheduled tribes and scheduled castes of West Bengal and trend thereof 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 85-96
  • R N Saha
Agrarian social structure in a Bengal village 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 134-8
  • A Sarkar
Bird's eye view of integrated tribal development project of West Bengal 1982 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 15 (1/2): 124-9
  • K Sarkar
Family structure among some tea-garden labourers of Assam 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 73-9
  • G Baruah
A comparative study of intelligence of educated high caste and scheduled caste Hindus 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 67-8
  • A K Basu
Tribal development in the context of social justice 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 22-6
  • A K Das
  • M K Chowdhuri
  • S K Basu
Underdeveloped tribes of West Bengal - a discussion 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 10-16
  • D N Dhali
  • S K Basu
  • S K De
Socio-economic organisation of the Yerukulas of Cuddapah district, Andhra Pradesh, south India 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 35-45
  • others
  • S Bhaskar
Organisation of folk art gallery in a museum 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 29-34
  • A C Bhowmick
Ethno-linguistic study of the Kharias 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 52-5
  • S K Bhowmik
Puri pilgrim study. 1, Area of origin and some socio-economic characteristics of the pilgrims 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 73-9
  • I Pal
  • K C Malhotra
  • P Chakrabarti
The Birhors of West Bengal and the rehabilitation scheme: a case study 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 80-6
  • B Chakraborty
Traditional industry and artisans of Chotanagpur: and urgent need in anthropological research 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 27-36
  • B Chakraborty
Some aspects of the Mahali social organisation: a preliminary appraisal 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 87-92
  • B Chakraborty
  • S Kundu
Policies and researches: need for coordination 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 48-52
  • K Chattopadhyay
Development of hill areas in Darjeeling district in West Bengal 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 11-16
  • S B Chattopadhyay
Perspectives in the development of tribal areas 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 5-9
  • S B Chattopadhyay
A short note on Mirijim tribal craft of Deshangmukh, Sibsagar district, Assam 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 59-61
  • A R Chaudhuri
Landless tribals of West Bengal: a study in West Dinajpur district 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 92-4
  • M K Chowdhuri
Evolutionary growth of sylvan deities in Bengal 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 69-72
  • D Chowdhury
  • J B R Chowdhury
Isolation - a barrier to tribal development 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 93-4
  • A K Das
Agricultural wages in three districts of West Bengal: a case study 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 116-22
  • S K Das
Rituals in life and action - study in a Bengal village 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 69-72
  • S Dasgupta
Urbanization and urban studies in India: a review with the example from Giridih 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 96-106
  • D De
  • K Chattopadhyay
The vegetation-based tribal economics in the Purulia district, West Bengal 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 37-42
  • J N De
Stagnation at school leaving stage among the students of scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and non-scheduled communities of West Bengal during 1973 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 95-107
  • B C Dey
On some beliefs and practices of the Totos 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 114-15
  • D N Dhali
Some customary laws of our Lepcha tribe 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 17-21
  • A R Foning
Surathal report by Tarashankar - an illustration of anthropological thinking 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 89-92
  • S Lodh
Forces of change among the tribes of rural Bengal with special reference to Santals 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (3/4): 23-8
  • A K Mahapatra
Marriage rituals among the Karans of Midnapur: a preliminary study 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 43-51
  • S Maity
Ngsaey - a Lepcha dominated village 1980 Bulletin of the Cultural Research Institute 14 (1/2): 93-5
  • B C Mallick
  • M K Chowdhuri