Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Louis Leakey's legacy: celebrating the centennial of his estraordinary life and finds 2003 Anthroquest 17 (): 1, 3
  • Blake Edgar
Remembering Desmond Clark 2002 Anthroquest 13 ():
  • Anonymous
The paleoanthropology of Iberia: a brief history and perspective 2002 Anthroquest 13 (): 4-5
  • Lawrence Guy Straus
Interpreting the architecture of Touai: observations on the earliest hominid 2002 Anthroquest 14 (): 3
  • David Pilbeam
Funds pay off at Dmanisi: fossils provide new evidence of hominid migration 2000 Anthroquest 10 (1, 3):
  • Vince O'Hara
Language and human evolution 1999 Anthroquest 8 (): 1, 3-4
  • Anonymous
On the nature of inter-community aggression in chimpanzees 1998 Anthroquest 5 (1, 3, 5):
  • Marc Hauser
The search and our discovery of our earliest ancestors: an update 1998 Anthroquest 7 (): 1, 3-4
  • Meave G. Leakey
Investigating human evolutionary history 1998 Anthroquest 6 (1, 3):
  • Bernard Wood
Paternal care among the Hadza of Tanzania 1997 Anthroquest 4 (): 1, 3-4
  • Frank Marlowe
Remembering Mary Leakey [d. 9.12.1996 aged 83] 1997 Anthroquest 3 (): 1, 3-5
  • Amy Hunsinger interv
  • F. Clark Howell
  • Frank Brown
  • Maxine Kleindienst
  • Richard Hay
Mary Leakey's legacy to palaeolithic archaeology 1997 Anthroquest 3 (): 1, 3, 6
  • J. Desmond Clark
Quantitative ethnography and the study of human social behavior 1997 Anthroquest 4 (): 1, 3-4
  • Rebecca Bliege Bird
The great Neanderthal debate 1996 Anthroquest 2 (): 1, 3-4
  • Richard G. Klein
Notes from the field: reconstructing ancient environments 1996 Anthroquest 2 (): 1, 3-4
  • Craig S. Feibel
The mosaic lifeway of our australopithecine ancestors: piecing in some fragments from the world of the chimpanzee 1993 Anthroquest 47 (): 3-7
  • K D Hunt
Broken branches and curious calls: using indirect indicators to study the elusive orangutan 1993 Anthroquest 48 (): 1-3
  • B McLeod
Sixteen years of research with Ache hunter-gatherers 1993 Anthroquest 48 (): 9-11
  • Kim Hill
Taking care of our cousins [chimpanzees] 1992 Anthroquest 45 (): 5-7, 16-17
  • S J Ackerman
The muddle in the miocene [hominids] 1992 Anthroquest 46 (): 5-7, 26-7
  • Anonymous
Funding great ape fellows before it's too late 1992 Anthroquest 45 (): 19-22
  • Anonymous
A walk through the open door: old bones from new China 1992 Anthroquest 45 (): 26-8
  • D A Etler
Late Mousterian technology and foraging patterns at Grotta Breuil, Italy 1992 Anthroquest 42 (): 12-15
  • S L Kuhn
New directions for Ethiopian science [hominids] 1991 Anthroquest 44 (): 9-11
  • B Edgar
The importance of Ethiopia [hominids] 1991 Anthroquest 44 (): 5-8, 21
  • Anonymous
Speaking of Neandertals 1991 Anthroquest 43 (): 5-7, 13-14
  • Leakey Foundation LSB
The late Natufian site of Salibiya I in the Jordan valley: preliminary investigations 1990 Anthroquest 42 (): 20-2
  • D V Campana
  • P J Crabtree
Hagahai settlement pattern and subsistence (Papua, New Guinea) 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 19-21
  • D J Boyd
Developmental biology of early hominids: new perspectives for paleoanthropology 1990 Anthroquest 42 (): 23-6
  • T G Bromage
Penan hunter-gatherers of Sarawak, east Malaysia 1990 Anthroquest 42 (): 1, 3-7
  • J P Brosius
The Yora of Peru: population description and dry season subsistence among the newly contacted Yora (Yaminahua) of Manu national park, Peru 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 1, 3-9
  • H Kaplan
  • Kim Hill
In Angola there are no string figures 1990 Anthroquest 42 (): 17-19
  • L S B Leakey
A new perspective on Neandertals from the Levantine Mousterian 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 14-18
  • J J Shea
Long-term study of adaptation and social change in two lowland Bolivian foraging societies [Siriono and Yuqui] 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 26
  • A M Stearman
Gnawing and knowing: a strategy for making inferences about hominid diet 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 22-6
  • N M Stone
Early Paleoindian economies of the midwestern United States 1990 Anthroquest 41 (): 27-9
  • K B Tankersley
1990 field expedition to the west side of Lake Turkana 1990 Anthroquest 42 (): 15-16
  • R E F Leakey
Archeological traces of fire? An actualistic approach 1989 Anthroquest 39 (): -20
  • J W K Harris
  • Randy V Bellomo
Vocal communication of wild chimpanzees [Gombe Stream National Park] 1989 Anthroquest 39 (): 15-18
  • Christopher Boehm
Climate change ... a slow burn 1989 Anthroquest 39 (): 3-6
  • David M Gates
Excavations at Pontnewydd cave, Clwyd, Wales, 1988 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 5
  • H S Green
Exploratory archeological field studies in the upper Semliki valley, western Rift, Zaire 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 19-20
  • J W K Harris
Small game hunting at neolithic 'Ain Ghazal 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 22-3
  • I Kohler-Rollefson
The great murals of Baja California, B.C.S., Mexico 1989 Anthroquest 39 (): 21-3
  • Elaine A Moore
1988 research at Solutré, France 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 16-18
  • S L Olsen
Social ecology and conservation of Panamanian tamarins 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 12-15
  • D R Rasmussen
The feeding ecology of lowland gorillas in Gabon 1989 Anthroquest 39 (): 12-14
  • Elizabeth Rogers
Female migration and differential social development in infant mountain gorillas 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 3-4
  • P Sicotte
Cannibalism in the stone age 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 9-12
  • P Villa
Tales of Gombe chimps as told in their bones 1989 Anthroquest 40 (): 20-2
  • A L Zihlman
  • D R Sumner
  • M E Morbeck