Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Demographical status of tribal population in contemporary India: a study of tribal population in Jharkhand with special reference to census reports (1991, 2001, and 2011) 2016 Vanyajati 64 (1): 5-11
  • Dinesh Narayan Verma
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Bio-cultural diversity, environment and sustainable development - a case study of village Sultanpur under Nilokheri Tehsil of Karnal district of Haryana 2016 Vanyajati 64 (1): 12-16
  • D.S. Hooda
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
First generation of tribal women of Ranchi (Jharkhand, India) in white collar jobs: a case study of their struggle, awareness and the consequences of intergenerational social comparison 2015 Vanyajati 63 (1): 4-13
  • Sarita Sahay
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
The cultural life of Omanatya tribe of Odisha 2015 Vanyajati 63 (1): 14-17
  • Gopinath Pradhan
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Higher eductation among the scheduled tribes on Nashik City 2015 Vanyajati 63 (1): 18-36
  • Padmakar N. Sahare
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Eco tourism as a long-run economic growth factor for tribes: some empirical evidences 2015 Vanyajati 63 (1): 37-40
  • Nanjunda
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Birsa Munda - the great hero of the tribais 2015 Vanyajati 63 (1): 37-40
  • Satyanarayan Mohapatra
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Tribal development initiatives and five year plans in India 2014 Vanyajati 62 (1): 4-11
  • Mohamad Awais
  • Nizamuddin Khan
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Education of scheduled tribes in Uttrakhand 2014 Vanyajati 62 (1): 12-15
  • Neera Gautam
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
The heinous and atrocious problem of Dian (witch concept): a case study of tribal women of Santal Pargana of Jharkhand 2014 Vanyajati 62 (1): 16-22
  • D.N. Verma
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Traditional livelihood pattern and its changing scenario through micro-project of Paudi Bhuyans of district Angul, Odisha 2014 Vanyajati 62 (2): 4-10
  • Bhakta Charan Pradhan
  • Rashmi Mishra
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
The natural heritage of Lushai hills, Mizoram 2014 Vanyajati 62 (2): 11-14
  • Jemy Gupta
  • Sandeep Sharma
  • Swapnali Barman
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Dietotherapy by flowers in certain nomadic tribals of Rohilkhad division (U.P.) India 2014 Vanyajati 62 (2): 15-17
  • Amita Bajpai
  • K. Bajpayee
  • Pawan Singh
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Traditional indigenous healing practices of the Irular tribe of Tamil Nadu 2014 Vanyajati 62 (2): 18-29
  • B. Raviprasad
  • S. Yaseen Saheb
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Tribal modernities: facts and fiction 2014 Vanyajati 62 (4): 4-6
  • Ajay Pratap
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Physical anthropological research in Kerala: retrospect and prospect 2014 Vanyajati 62 (4): 7-14
  • B.V. Raviprsad
  • S. Yaseen Saheb
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Cultural diversity of Lambadas: a review 2014 Vanyajati 62 (4): 15-22
  • D. Sammaiah
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
"Role of cultural and development awareness of nutritional status among tribes and role of anthropology" (with special reference to the tribes of Hazaribag, Jharkhand) 2013 Vanyajati 61 (1): 3-9
  • Abrar Alam
  • Jokhan Sharma
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Traditional technology of 'ghadwa' craft 2013 Vanyajati 61 (1): 13-16
  • Ashok Kumar Sharma
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Primary education to tribal children, the remedies/suggestion to prevent drop out 2013 Vanyajati 61 (2): 4-6
  • Shri N.C. Hembram
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Education of scheduled tribe in India: schemes and programmes 2013 Vanyajati 61 (2): 7-12
  • Neera Gautam
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Tribal sub-plan strategy: an initiative towards tribal development 2013 Vanyajati 61 (2): 13-17
  • Mohamad Awais
  • Naheen Haider Zaidi
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Birhor the forest dweller on the verge of extinction 2013 Vanyajati 61 (2): 18-19
  • Nirmal Kumar Sinha
  • Panka Kumar
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Traditional indigenous healing systems practiced by the Irular tribe of Tamil Nadu 2013 Vanyajati 61 (2): 20-32
  • B.V. Raviprasada
  • Yaseen Saheb
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Empowerment of tribal women through IKP promoted SHGs-A study 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 5-13
  • R. Suneetha
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Sustainable development: an alternative vision 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 14-17
  • Rupendra Kavi
  • Surendra Parihar
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Tribals and environment 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 18-20
  • J.C. Patel
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Reflection on culture of the Jaunsari tribe in Uttrakhand 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 21-5
  • Neera Guatam
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
The cultural ife of the Kacharis if Assam, North-East India 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 26-30
  • Jemy Gupta
  • Sandeep Sharma
  • Swapnali Barman
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Some empirical observations on the Lohra economy under Simdega and Gumla distrct of Jharkhand 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 31-9
  • Watter Beck
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
A comparative study on earlobe attachment and foot type among the Sonowal Kachari and Kaibaratas of Assam 2013 Vanyajati 61 (4): 40-4
  • D. Dutta Das
  • M.N. Dutta
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Art and craft - development in tribal areas 2013 Vanyajati 61 (3): 10-12
  • Shyam Manohar
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Education among Jaunsaris in Uttarakhand: constraints and remedies 2013 Vanyajati 61 (3): 13-17
  • Neera Gautma
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
The political identity of tribal people in modern Bengali literature 2013 Vanyajati 61 (3): 18-22
  • Dinesh Narayan Verma
  • Rakibul Hasan
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
A study of growth of head circumference and arm girth among the Kaibartta children of Dibrugarh, Assam 2013 Vanyajati 61 (3): 23-4
  • M.N. Dutta
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Study of plants: used as medicine by Baigas of Uttar Bastar (Kaner) district of Chhattisgarh 2013 Vanyajati 61 (3): 25-36
  • Anupam Kumar Tiwari
  • Rajeendra Mehta
  • Sajiwan Kumar
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Demographic profile, physique, disease and morbidity of the Lakshadweep islanders 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 3-7
  • B.V. Raviprasad
  • S. Yaseen Saheb
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Socio-cultural study of Buksa primitive tribe of Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 8-15
  • Mohammad Awais
  • Rais Ahmad
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Cultural fallouts of tribal development in India: an alternative paradigm of development 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 17-21
  • Kamal Singh Rathore
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Tribal communities and social exclusion in India 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 22-32
  • Sahare Padmakar N.
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Nagas, Gonds, and Cheras 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 33-7
  • R. Gopinathan
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
An acquisition of land tribals in Gujarat 2012 Vanyajati 60 (1): 38-41
  • J.C. Patel
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Scheduled tribes of Madhya Pradesh and their development: a brief analysis 2012 Vanyajati 60 (4): 3-11
  • Basanta K. Mohanta
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Child rearing cultural practices among the Namasudras of Agartala, Tripura 2012 Vanyajati 60 (4): 12-13
  • Sandeep Sharma
  • Sangeeta Roy
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Malappandaaram, a forest tribe of Kerala 2012 Vanyajati 60 (4): 14-19
  • R. Gopinathan
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Cultural life of the Nyishi tribe of Arunachal Pradesh 2012 Vanyajati 60 (4): 20-3
  • Sharma Sandeep
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Application of traditional knowledge in conservation of eco system, society and development among the Muslim Gujjars of Sirmour district in Himachal Pradesh and Hindu Gujjars of Morni Hills in Panchkula district of Haryana 2012 Vanyajati 60 (4): 24-6
  • D.S. Hooda
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Forest, tribes and their problems: an appraisal study 2012 Vanyajati 60 (2): 3-7
  • Jayanta Kumar Behera
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Rising tribal unrest: a study of the north Cachar Hills district of Assam 2012 Vanyajati 60 (2): 8-14
  • Kartick Das
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622
Impact of globalization on tribes of south Gujarat 2012 Vanyajati 60 (2): 15-18
  • J.C. Patel
H6/KWL [VANYAJATI-] 0042-2622