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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
"Etic" and "emic" perspectives on Guajiro urbanization 1981 Urban life 9 (4): 441-68
  • L C Watson
Organizations, their environments, and goal definition: an approach to the study of neighborhood associations in urban politics [U.S.] 1981 Urban life 9 (4): 415-39
  • E B Sharp
Women addicts' experience of the heroin world: risk, chaos, and inundation 1981 Urban life 10 (1): 65-91
  • M Rosenbaum
Elements of simplex structure 1981 Urban life 10 (1): 3-24
  • H G White
  • R A Peterson
An application of Turquet's basic-assumption oneness to the analysis of a group in search of Utopia 1981 Urban life 34 (6): 475-90
  • S D McMillan
The informant game: selected aspects of ethnographic research in police organizations 1981 Urban life 9 (4): 469-94
  • J van Maanen
Generating compliance: the case of robbery 1981 Urban life 10 (1): 25-46
  • D F Luckenbill
No-tell motel: the management of social invisibility 1981 Urban life 10 (2): 179-98
  • J R Lilly
  • R A Ball
Urban squatter strategies: social adaptation to housing stress in London 1981 Urban life 10 (2): 123-53
  • K C Kearns
Multiple methods of data collection: a note on divergence 1981 Urban life 10 (2): 199-213
  • J Lever
Becoming a hit man: neutralization in a very deviant career 1981 Urban life 10 (1): 47-63
  • K Levi
Getting better quality stuff: methodological competition in an interdisciplinary niche 1980 Urban life 9 (1): 34-50
  • M Agar
The irony of secrecy in the drug world 1980 Urban life 8 (4): 447-65
  • P A Adler
  • P Adler
Data presentation and the audience: responses, ethics, and effects 1980 Urban life 9 (3): 282-308
  • C A B Warren
Critical dimensions in human ecology: ideology in American sociology 1980 Urban life 9 (2): 163-85
  • J D Miley
Critical dimensions in urban life: energy extraction and community collapse in Wyoming 1980 Urban life 9 (2): 187-99
  • G Massey
Reminiscences of classic Chicago: the Blumer-Hughes talk 1980 Urban life 9 (3): 251-81
  • L H Lofland
Ethnomethodology and grounded theory methodology: an integration of perspective and method 1980 Urban life 9 (1): 3-33
  • M Lester
  • S C Hadden
The police station [U.K.] 1980 Urban life 9 (1): 79-100
  • S Holdaway
Covert participant observation: on its nature and practice 1980 Urban life 9 (1): 51-78
  • R A Hilbert
Exchange and access in field work 1980 Urban life 9 (3): 309-31
  • P S Gray
Outsider/insider: researching gay baths [U.S.] 1979 Urban life 8 (2): 135-52
  • J Styles
Weekend racing as an eventful experience: understanding the accomplishment of well-being [U.S.] 1979 Urban life 8 (2): 199-217
  • J E Nash
The gay connection [North American material] 1979 Urban life 8 (2): 175-98
  • J A Lee
Crime news in the old west: social control in a northwestern town, 1887-1888 1979 Urban life 8 (3): 317-34
  • W J Einstadter
On doctor watching: field work in medical settings 1979 Urban life 7 (4): 513-32
  • S K Danziger
Ethnic categories and identification in Lebanon 1978 Urban life 7 (1): 111-42
  • P D Starr
Hucksters at the circus [sport in the U.S.] 1978 Urban life 7 (2): 205-12
  • F W Preston
The flux, flow, and effluvia of Bohemia [on bohemianism] 1978 Urban life 6 (4): 387-415
  • P Nathe
Begging in Dublin: the strategies of a marginal urban occupation 1978 Urban life 6 (4): 439-54
  • G Gmelch
  • S B Gmelch
Over the edge: a return to primitive sensations in play and games 1978 Urban life 7 (2): 213-29
  • A Fontana
Socialization and interaction in a Newfoundland outport 1978 Urban life 7 (1): 91-110
  • M M Firestone
The making of a female researcher: role problems in field work [U.S. data] 1977 Urban life 6 (3): 333-48
  • C Valentine
  • D Papademas
  • L Easterday
  • L Schorr
The diary: diary-interview method [in sociology] 1977 Urban life 5 (4): 479-98
  • D H Zimmerman
  • D L Wieder
Black and Chinese grocery stores in Los Angeles' black ghetto 1977 Urban life 5 (4): 439-64
  • C C Wong
Sex and gender in field research [U.S. data] 1977 Urban life 6 (3): 349-69
  • C A B Warren
  • P K Rasmussen
Varieties of opportunistic research [sociological method] 1977 Urban life 5 (4): 467-77
  • J W Riemer
The management of a mugging [United States] 1977 Urban life 6 (2): 123-48
  • R Lejeune
The streetcorner preacher: sowing good seeds by the wayside [United States] 1977 Urban life 6 (1): 53-68
  • L K Hong
  • M V Dearman
New ethnographies [Appalachia; review essay] 1977 Urban life 6 (3): 371-7
  • R A Hardert
Cruising the truckers: sexual encounters in a highway rest area [United States] 1977 Urban life 6 (2): 171-92
  • J Corzine
  • R Kirby
Humanitarian reform and biracial sexual assault in a maximum security prison [United States] 1977 Urban life 5 (4): 417-37
  • L Carroll
Problems in the study of the stigmatized majority: a review essay [on 'Blue collar aristocrats: life-styles at a working class tavern', by E.E. LeMasters; United States] 1977 Urban life 6 (1): 97-106
  • S A Buff
The social organization and social control of a fad: streaking on a college campus [United States] 1977 Urban life 6 (2): 221-40
  • W A Anderson
The hardship at Nathan's famous inc. in Yonkers [racial groups] 1976 Urban life 4 (4): 452-77
  • Chang Ying-jen
Social stratification, adaptive strategies, and the Chinese community of New York 1976 Urban life 5 (1): 33-52
  • B Wong
Germans and Turks at Germany's railroad stations: interethnic tensions in the pursuit of walking and loitering 1976 Urban life 4 (4): 387-412
  • P T Suzuki
Family attitudes and Mexican male homosexuality 1976 Urban life 5 (3): 359-75
  • J M Carrier
A portrait of "the life" [U.S. urban blacks] 1975 Urban life 4 (2): 213-25
  • D Wepman
  • M B Binderman
  • R B Newman
Death worlds in a nursing home [United States] 1975 Urban life 4 (3): 317-38
  • J F Gubrium