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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Prof. Ian Livingstone 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 135-6
  • Ian Thomas
James Desmond Clark 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 133-4
  • Ephriam Kamuhangire
Ecotourism in Uganda 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 103-10
  • Edward B. Rugumayo
The ancient earthworks of western Uganda: capital sites of a Cwezi empire? 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 17-32
  • Peter Robertshaw
The resurrection of the spirits: archaeology, oral history and the Bacwezi at Munsa 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 71-80
  • Edward I. Steinhart
Recent archaeological discoveries in Buganda and their implications for heritage management policies 2002 Uganda Journal 48 (): 87-102
  • Andrew Reid
The age and function of the ancient earthworks of western Uganda 2001 Uganda Journal 47 (): 20-33
  • Peter Robertshaw
Bride wealth in Uganda: a reality of contradictions 2001 Uganda Journal 47 (): 49-66
  • Peter R. Atekyereza
English for Uganda in the next millennium. The grammar of the noun phrase and article in Ugandan English 2000 Uganda Journal 46 (): 39-48
  • Allestree E. C. Fisher
The Mountain People revisited 2000 Uganda Journal 46 (): 111-13
  • Curtis Abraham
Uganda: a safe haven for Polish refugees 1942-1951 2000 Uganda Journal 46 (): 67-72
  • D. Kiyaga-Mulindwa
The only money a woman can claim: a history of distilling in Bunyoro 2000 Uganda Journal 46 (): 1-16
  • Justin Willis
Health practices in Uganda 1997 Uganda journal 44 (): 108-20
  • Peter Cowley
Colonial treaties and the legal regime of the Nile valley: rethinking the legal framework into the twenty first century with special reference to Uganda (2) 1997 Uganda journal 44 (): 11-29
  • John Ntabirweki
Reflections on Church and politics in Uganda 1996 Uganda journal 43 (): 61-73
  • Akiki B. Mujaju
Land tenure relations in Uganda 1996 Uganda journal 43 (): 12-33
  • Apolo R. Nsibami
Colonial treaties and legal regime of the Nile valley: rethinking the legal framework into the twenty first century, with special emphasis on Uganda's interests 1996 Uganda journal 43 (): 34-51
  • John Ntambirweki
Some thoughts on ancient historical dimensions of current conflicts in the greater Kivu region 1996 Uganda journal 43 (): 52-60
  • David Lee Schoenbrun
The economic history of Uganda and progress under its structural adjustment programme 1995 Uganda journal 42 (): 16-31
  • Mark J. Ellyne
Sacred forests in modern Ganda society 1995 Uganda journal 42 (): 32-44
  • William S. Gombya Sembajjwe
The women's movement in Uganda: an analysis of present and future prospects 1995 Uganda journal 42 (): 54-74
  • Joy C. Kwesiga
Uganda's resonse to the challenge of HIV /AIDS 1995 Uganda journal 42 (): 1-15
  • John Rwomushana
  • Omwony Ojok
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