Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Patterns of psychological test response as indicators of cognitive growth in Fiji 1968/72 Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society 12 (): 96-103
  • M Bennett
A bibliographical review of Solomon islands history 1968/72 Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society 12 (): 25-39
  • J Boutillier
Sir Everard im Thurn's policy of individualism for Fijians 1968/72 Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society 12 (): 51-68
  • A J Chapelle
The development of the central archives of Fiji and the Western Pacific High Commission 1968/72 Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society 12 (): 69-78
  • A I Diamond
Agricultural research in Fiji 1968/72 Transactions and proceedings of the Fiji Society 12 (): 137-44
  • J B D Robinson
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