Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Figuras inka en el contexto altiplanico | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 86-94 | |||||
El Ushnu de el Shincal de Quimivil | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 22-39 | |||||
Intervencion inka en un territorio de la cultura local Aconagaua de la zona centro-sur de Chile | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 58-78 | |||||
Investigaciones preliminares en Usno-Moq'o, Abancay | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 15-21 | |||||
Inka arcaheology in eastern Bolivia: some aspects of the Samaipata projects | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 79-85 | |||||
Function and meaning of the usnu in late horizon Peru | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 4-14 | |||||
Design by numbers: architectural order among the Incas | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 103-18 | |||||
Trabajos preliminares en paredones en el valle de Nasca | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 119-26 | |||||
When two worlds collide: comparing human impact on fragile ecosystems before and after the Inca | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 127-34 | |||||
Arqueoetnobotanica de El Shincal (1): tallosfinos, frutos y semillas | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 40-57 | |||||
La produccion de objectos rituales de piedra en el templo pintado de Pachacamac y sus implicaciones economicas | 1997 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 3 (): 95-102 | |||||
Los depositos inka de Tambo Viejo, Acari | 1996 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 2 (): 37-43 | |||||
Ataw o de [la guerra justa] en el Tawantinsuyu | 1996 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 2 (): 5-22 | |||||
Quillay: centro metalurgico inka en el noroeste argentino | 1996 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 2 (): 59-69 | |||||
Asentamientos e interrelaciones culturales: una aproximacion al proceso prehispanico tardio en la Sierra de Arica | 1996 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 2 (): 44-58 | |||||
The mitimaes of Tilka and the Inka incorporation of Chinchaysuyu | 1996 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 2 (): 23-36 | |||||
Inca retainer groups and destructuration: the yanaconas of Cuzco's cathedral quarter under colonial rule | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 97-103 | |||||
Ofrendas mapuche-incaicas en el cerro Tren Tren de Doñihue, Valle de Cachapoal | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 29-35 | |||||
La mujer en el Peru prehispanico | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 4-10 | |||||
Inka road research and Almagro's route between Argentina and Chile | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 36-45 | |||||
Archaeology of the Chokepukio site: an investigation of the origins of the Inca civilization in the valley of Cuzco, Peru. A report on the 1994 field season | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 11-17 | |||||
Señores del imperio perdido nobles e curacas en el peru colonial | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 86-96 | |||||
Paullu, Tocto, Uisca and Chilche in the royal lands of Limatambo and Quispeguanca | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 66-85 | |||||
Analysis de algunos nombres de lugares del noroeste argentino a partir de su ubicacion y de la historia regional prehispanica y colonial | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 46-54 | |||||
The mummy, estate and palace of inka Huayna Capac at Quispeguanca | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 55-65 | |||||
Arqueologia de santuarios inkas en la Guaranga de Sisicaya, valle de Lurin | 1995 | Tawantinsuyu: an international journal of Inka studies 1 (): 18-28 |