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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Place names in the vicinity of Kwa Mtoro 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 101-3
  • I Lim
Recent rockpainting discoveries in Usandawe 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 67-81
  • L Madokoro
Wife, slave and subject of the king: the oppression of women in the Shambala kingdom 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 1-13
  • M J Mbilinyi
Mbeya region archaeological survey 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 15-32
  • S A C Waane
  • S A McBrearty
  • T G Wynn
Mbao-Mng'oko: a wild edible yam 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 109-11
  • E B Mhoro
  • K Mtotomwema
Jojoba: cash crop for Tanzania's arid zone? 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 97-100
  • N A Mnzava
A survey of fishing units in Zanzibar and Pemba 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 89-96
  • M A K Ngoile
Uhehe: 185O to 19O6 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 33-9
  • B C Nindi
An incident on the White Fathers' journey in 1878 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 57-61
  • A Shorter
Missionary education and the modernisation of Tanzania 1982 Tanzania notes and records 88/9 (): 83-7
  • D Swatman
Human skeletons from Kinto (Strauss) rock shelter 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 83-94
  • G Brauer
Archaeological reconnaisssance at Pangani bay 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 17-28
  • R M Gramly
Oral evidence and its potential: the example of the Kerebe 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 1-11
  • G W Hartwig
Meningitis in Dar es Salaam: a one-year prospective study 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 57-65
  • A E J Masawe
  • D G McLarty
Probable causes of recent food shortages 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 67-71
  • M R Mujwahuzi
The Dagaa fishery of Tanga 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 29-33
  • L B Nhwani
UMCA: the early work in education, 1876-19O5 1981 Tanzania notes and records 86/7 (): 35-55
  • N J Small
Luguru bird names 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 123-6
  • J L Brain
A survey of students at the University of Dar es Salaam 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 137-47
  • A G M Ishumi
A national archives in a developing country 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 117-21
  • J M Karugila
Child health survey in rural and suburban Tanzania 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 55-64
  • F U Chale
  • R A Lema
  • R Tasker
  • V P Kimati
Tanzania bibliography: 1976 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 159-74
  • O C compiler Mascarenhas
Alternative approaches to primary school education 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 127-31
  • D Mbunda
Reorganization: an administrative history of Kigoma district 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 65-76
  • D E McHenry jr
Early iron age settlements and industrial locales in West lake 1980 Tanzania notes and records 84/5 (): 77-94
  • P R Schmidt
Kiswahili: language as a cohesive factor 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 131-2
  • C Maganga
Food habits and customs [Tanzania] 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 157-61
  • T N Maletnlema
People, population distribution and employment [Tanzania] 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 1-19
  • P S Maro
  • W I F Mlay
The growth of a more modern agriculture [Tanzania] 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 119-25
  • H O Mongi
The controversy over bride price and polygamy - new laws on marriage and maternity leave [Tanzania] 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 133-7
  • M Muro
Popular participation and regional development planning: the politics of decentralized administration [Tanzania] 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 63-97
  • S S Mushi
Settlement patterns and Ujamaa 1978 Tanzania notes and records 83 (): 21-8
  • C K Omari
  • E A Lukwaro
Serengeti: its people and their environment 1977 Tanzania notes and records 81/2 (): 23-34
  • A O Anacleti
Folk research in Mwanza region. 1, Introduction - the strategy of folk research, by B. Flou. 2, Traditional Sukuma curers - the Bafuma, by G.D. Pedersen. 3, Dance societies: the voluntary work-associations of the Sukuma, by B.R. Knudsen. 4, The research committee at Bujora, by D. Clements 1977 Tanzania notes and records 81/2 (): 55-78
  • B Flou
  • B R Knudsen
  • D Clements
  • G D Pedersen
The Hadimu and Tumbatu of Zanzibar 1977 Tanzania notes and records 81/2 (): 135-53
  • Sir J M Gray
Tanzania bibliography- 1975 1977 Tanzania notes and records 81/2 (): 171-99
  • B W Langlands compiler
Rural to urban migration and rural development [Tanzania] 1977 Tanzania notes and records 81/2 (): 1-13
  • W F I Mlay
Some historical links between Tanzania and Madagascar 1976 Tanzania notes and records 79/80 (): 49-56
  • M Brown
Fundi: trader and akida in Kilimanjaro, c. 1860-1898 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 95-101
  • G U Ekemode
Indirect rule: the establishment of "chiefs" and "tribes" in Cameron's Tanganyika 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 1-9
  • J D Graham
Social production, symbolism and ritual in Buha: 1750-1900 1976 Tanzania notes and records 79/80 (): 13-21
  • G C K Gwassa
  • J F Mbwiliza
Tanzania bibliography - 1973 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 135-48
  • B W Langlands
Tanzania bibliography - 1972 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 123-33
  • B W Langlands
Tanzania bibliography - 1974 1976 Tanzania notes and records 79/80 (): 133-50
  • B W Langlands
Some common aspects of the rock paintings of Kondoa and Singida 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 51-64
  • F T Masao
Lexicography and national language [Kiswahili] 1976 Tanzania notes and records 79/80 (): 23-30
  • R Ohly
Traditional childcare practices: the Wanyaturu 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 65-72
  • C K Omari
  • L Kitilia
A few cases of "spirit possession" [Tanzania] 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 45-9
  • P van Pelt
[Letter on the origin of the word jambo] 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 122
  • M G Rawel
Past Wangindo settlement in the eastern Selous game reserve 1976 Tanzania notes and records 77/8 (): 21-6
  • W A Rodgers