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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Non-kin social groups of the south-eastern Nuba 1972 Sudan Society 5 (): 37-51
  • J C Faris
Beer, morality, and social relations among the Uduk 1972 Sudan Society 5 (): 17-27
  • W R James
The stick-fighting of the Nuba Muru 1972 Sudan Society 5 (): 1-9
  • H A Raheem el Tayib
Blood-brotherhood among the Nyimang of the Nuba mountains 1972 Sudan Society 5 (): 28-36
  • A A Rahim Naar
Spirit possession among the Kababish 1972 Sudan Society 5 (): 10-16
  • T Asad
The Sudan in Africa: an international conference 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 81-7
  • F Zahir
Politics and the role of women in Shaiqiya constituency (1968) 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 27-38
  • A S al Shahi
Sociological research in the northern Sudan 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 76-80
  • F Rehfisch
Zar ceremonies among the Shaiqiya 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 117-99
  • Abbas Ahmed Mohamed
Port Sudan's overspill 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 5-26
  • W R James
How African is the history of the Sudan 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 39-58
  • P E H Hair
The role of social anthropology in the modern Sudan 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 98-4
  • Mohamed Fathi
Some modern sociological studies of religion 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 59-75
  • Mohammed el Obeid Abdel Rahman
The Ismailiya Tariqa in El Obeid 1969 Sudan Society 4 (): 132-18
  • T A el Dawi
Ibn Khaldun and the Mugaddama 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 24-39
  • O Sid Ahmed
University education for Sudanese women in African perspectives 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 21-30
  • L Sanderson
Race relations in the United States 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 31-5
  • J S Moss
The Tuti community 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 1-20
  • L G Hill
Wedding ceremonies of the Kababish 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 15-23
  • T A El Dawi
Progress of anthropological research in the Sudan 1965 Sudan Society 3 (): 7-14
  • I Cunnison
Quantitative methods and statistical reasoning in social anthropology 1963 Sudan Society 2 (): 1-23
  • J C Mitchell
The status of the Yoruba wife 1963 Sudan Society 2 (): 35-42
  • P C Lloyd
Omdurman craftsmen: a preliminary report 1963 Sudan Society 2 (): 43-53
  • T A A El Dawi
The position of women among the Humr 1963 Sudan Society 2 (): 24-34
  • I Cunnison
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