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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
An evolutionary mechanism for the origin of moral norms; towards the meta-trait of culture 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 149-64
  • Konrad R Fialkowski
Influence of family socio-economic status on body height in children from a poor farming region 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 69-89
  • Teresa Slawinska
  • Wanda Jedlinska
Physical growth of children from alcoholic families (examined on the data collected at care centres in Warsaw) 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 101-11
  • Ewa Luczak
  • Teresa Laska-Mierzejewska
General remarks on anthropological reconstructions and the practice of skull and head reconstructions in Poland 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 3-67
  • Zbigniew Rajchel
Evaluation of a child's physical development 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 91-100
  • Zygmunt Welon
The existence of a constant functional optimum for body mass and body height ratio in men - a hypothesis 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 141-8
  • Zygmunt Welon
Ontogenetic and secular changes in the traits of the head in adult males 1990 Studies in physical anthropology 10 (): 113-39
  • Czeslaw Brajczewski
Evaluation of correct body weight in women 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 95-101
  • Zygmunt Welon
The evolution of social gradients in menarcheal age in Wroclaw between 1966 and 1976 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 3-15
  • Anna Waliszko
Intrapair differences in somatotypes in three phases of ontogenetic development of twins 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 39-59
  • Barbara Hulanicka
  • Krystyna Kotlarz
  • Zofia Orczykowska-Swiatkowska
Age at menopause in Wroclaw women 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 103-10
  • Jan Koniarek
  • Wojciech Zukowski
Influence of family socio-economic status on body height in children from a rich farming region 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 17-37
  • Krystyna Kotlarz
  • Teresa Slawinska
  • Wanda Jedlinska
Body height of adult inhabitants of Cracow as determined by age, parental education and place of birth 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 61-6
  • Bogdan Wojtyniak
  • Pawel Gorynski
Socio-economic differences in body build and work capacity in young men 1988 Studies in physical anthropology (): 67-93
  • Czeslaw Brajczewski
Bioanthropological consequences of the 'neolithic revolution' 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 105-10
  • Andrzej Wierciński
Functional anthropometry in work-stand designing 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 111-23
  • Czeslaw Brajczewski
  • Zygmunt Welon
Growth and development of Polish school children examined in 1978 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 3-25
  • others
  • Anna Waliszko
Analysis of growth in body height, leg length, trunk length, and skinfold thickness by means of the method of component functions 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 27-52
  • Franciszek A Szczotka
The biometric method of paternity probability determination on the basis of morphological features, dermatoglyphics and blood groups 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 85-104
  • others
  • Zofia Orczykowska-Swiątkowska
The probability of paternity on the basis of 7O dermatoglyphic features 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 53-69
  • Alicja Krajewska
  • Zofia Orczykowska-Swiątkowska
Two methods of determining paternity probability on the basis of structure and pigmentation of the iris 1985 Studies in physical anthropology (): 71-83
  • Helena Lebioda
  • Zofia Orczykowska-Swiątkowska
Analysis of growth curves of body height, ages 2 through 18 years, by the method of canonical decomposition [California] 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 63-86
  • F A Szczotka
Secular increase in body size and physical ability [Polish boys] 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 13-18
  • B Sekita
  • T Slawinska
  • Z Welon
Canonical decomposition of the process of simultaneous growth of body height, trunk length, biacromial diameter, biiliocristal diameter and thigh circumference in boys and girls aged 9 to 18 years 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 87-105
  • F A Szczotka
Migration, inbreeding, blood groups and hemoglobin types in Natal, Brazil 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 3-11
  • F A M de Lima
  • F M Salzano
  • M I A F da Silva
The connection between certain morphological traits in ontogenesis and phylogenesis 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 107-15
  • P Sikora
The influence of some socio-economic factors on the height and body weight of Wroclaw girls 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 29-37
  • H Lebioda
  • W Jedlinska
Development of prematurely born infants in their first years of life 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 39-46
  • J Kiepurska-Zdzienicka
  • M M Goralska
Magnitude of secular changes in body height of the Polish urban males 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 19-28
  • C Brajczewski
Growth of the hand in Wroclaw twins 1981 Studies in physical anthropology 7 (): 47-61
  • A Szmyd
  • P Bergman
Secular changes in menarche age of girls from the Hel peninsula and sub-Carpathians (preliminary report) 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 37-41
  • T Laska-Mierzejewska
Infant growth as a factor in adolescent obesity 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 53-60
  • F E Johnston
  • R W Mack
Bioavailability of nutrients in human breast milk as compared to formula 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 3-22
  • C W Weber
  • L A Vaughan
  • S R Kemberling
  • W A Stini
Effect of maternal obesity of fetal growth 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 43-51
  • G G Harrison
  • J N Udall
Path analysis of family resemblance in physique 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 61-70
  • A Demirjian
  • C Bouchard
  • R M Malina
The analysis of serial data 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 71-87
  • A F Roche
Variability and heritability of main line A of the dermal palmar ridges terminations [Polish sample] 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 99-104
  • E Rogucka
  • H Lebioda
Protein-calorie supplementation, body-size, and skeletal maturity in three-year-old Guatemalan children 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 23-31
  • C Yarbrough
  • R E Klein
  • R Martorell
Reliability of determinations of selected dermatoglyphic traits of the palms 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 89-97
  • E Rogucka
  • Z Orczykowska-Swiatkowska
Eruption of the first permanent teeth (M1, I1) in pre-school children from good environmental conditions 1980 Studies in physical anthropology 6 (): 32-6
  • J Wich
The timing of adolescent growth spurts of 8 body dimensions in boys and girls in the Wroclaw Growth Study 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 75-9
  • T Bielicki
  • Z Welon
The relationship of secular increase in size to physical ability 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 13-20
  • Z Welon
Polish physical anthropology - its scope and problems 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 3-12
  • I Schwidetzky
  • I Spiegel-Roesing
  • W Steslicka
Postnatal growth of adipose tissue in man 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 53-73
  • A F Roche
Natural selection and microevolutionary variability of non-metric traits in medieval populations in Poland 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 95-110
  • J Piontek
A priori probability of paternity before anthropological investigation 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 111-19
  • W Swiatkowski
  • Z Orczykowska-Swiatkowska
The effects of exercise on specific tissues, dimensions, and functions during growth 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 21-52
  • R M Malina
Breeding isolation between populations: theoretical model of mating distances distribution 1979 Studies in physical anthropology 5 (): 81-94
  • M Henneberg
Variation in physique during growth: a principal component analysis of a longitudinal material [Polish data] 1978 Studies in physical anthropology 4 (): 21-33
  • A Waliszko
  • Z Welon
Some possibilities for applying discriminant functions to akewed distributions: a study in paternity ascertainment 1978 Studies in physical anthropology 4 (): 49-59
  • W Swiatkowski
  • Z Orczykowska-Swiatkowska