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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Elderly women on the dance floor: pensioners' dances as a cultural scene 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 376-402
  • Sinikka Vakimo
Introduction 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 8-27
  • Satu Apo
'Ex cunno come the folk and force': concepts of women's dynamistic power in Finnish-Karelian tradition 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 63-91
  • Satu Apo
Women's personal mythologies 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 332-44
  • Satu Apo
The role of own and 'other's' everyday in the construction of identity: the case of Finnish Karelian families 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 278-91
  • Kaija Heikkiken
The image of women in Ingrian wedding poetry 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 143-74
  • Henni Iloäki
Wives, husbands and dreams: family relations in Olonets Karelian narratives 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 305-14
  • Irma Riitta Järvinen
Women's humour: conceptions and examples 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 403-27
  • Eeva-Liisa Kinnunen
The joke as an instrument of power? Sexual relations in jokes told by family members 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 345-60
  • Ulla Lipponen
Girl's clapping games: an expression of feminine culture? 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 361-75
  • Ulla Lipponen
Sense of self and narrated mothers in women's autobiographies 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 317-31
  • Kirsti Määttänen
On what poins does the song of Mary Magdalene remain silent? 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 260-77
  • Aili Nenola
Gender, magic and social order: pairing, boundaries, and the female body in Finnish Karelian folkore 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 31-62
  • Laura Stark-Aroa
Sense of the forest; nature and gender in Karelian oral poetry 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 92-142
  • Lotte Tarkka
'Every tree bites me': north Karelian lyric poetry 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 201-35
  • Senni Timonen
Feminine and masculine in the study of Balto-Finnic laments 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 175-200
  • Terhi Utriainen
Occupying a space as eyes and body: comments on the diversity of fieldwork, the postrures of knowledge, and summer experiences in an elderly women's village in Olonets Karelia 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 292-304
  • Terhi Utriainen
Changing conceptions of gender polarity in Finand: from rural to urban culture 1998 Studia fennica: folkloristica 4 (): 239-59
  • Jan Löfström
Questions of Kalevala metre: what exactly did Kalevala language signify to its users? 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 41-55, 365, 371-99
  • M Kuusi
The Kalevala metre and its development 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 56-74, 365, 371-99
  • P Leino
The Päivölä song of Miihkali Perttunen 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 180-96, 365, 371-99
  • J Saarinen
Transformations of the Kalevala epic 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 15-38, 365, 371-99
  • A L Siikala
Preface [to special issue, 'Songs beyond the Kalevala: transformations of oral poetry' 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 7-12, 365-99
  • A L Siikala
  • S Vakimo
Other worlds - symbolism, dialogue and gender in Karelian oral poetry 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 250-98, 365, 371-99
  • L Tarkka
The Mary of women's epic 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 301-329, 365, 371-99
  • S Timonen
Women's songs and reality [Karelian region and Estonia] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 330-42, 365, 371-99
  • L Virtanen
Matti Kuusi, sketch for a portrait [Finnish folklorist] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 3 (): 7-11
  • Leea Virtanen
The early history of the Kalevala metre 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 75-87, 365, 371-99
  • M Korhonen
The wife-killer theme in Karelian and Russian songs 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 220-35, 365, 371-99
  • E Kiuru
Ethnopoetic analysis and Finnish oral verse [Finland and Ingria] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 113-37, 365, 371-99
  • P J Anttonen
Ale, spirits, and patterns of mythical fantasy: the origin of alcoholic beverages according to Finnish folklore [Finland and Karelian region] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 199-219, 365, 371-99
  • S Apo
Mother and daughter - in the footsteps of the itinerant singers [Karelian region] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 343-65, 371-99
  • A Asplund
An ethnopoetic approach to Finnish folk poetry: Arhippa Perttunen's Nativity [Karelian region] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 138-79, 365, 371-99
  • T Dubois
The Ingrian epic poem and its models 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 91-112, 365, 371-99
  • L Harvilahti
Song in ritual context: north Karelian wedding songs 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 2 (): 236-49, 365, 371-99
  • H Ilomäki
Notes for an introduction [to special issue on work of Matti Kuusi] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 3 (): 13-20
  • Henni Ilomäki
Mind and form in folklore: selected articles [from the work of Matti Kuusi, publ on the occasion of his 80th birthday, 25.3.1994] 1994 Studia fennica: folkloristica 3 (): 23-199
  • Henni Ilomäki ed
Ethical issues in folkloristic research 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 52-61
  • B G Alver
The past in the presence: an overview of folkloristics in the late 20th century 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 32-51
  • R D Abrahams
Lauri Olavi Honko: bibliography 1955-1991 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 233-59
  • Anonymous
Analysing the contents of narratives: methodical and technical observations 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 62-72
  • S Apo
Change of paradigms? Comments on the crisis of ethnicity 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 73-7
  • H Bausinger
'Deutschland, einig Vaterland?' What Germans narrated before and after the reunification 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 78-88
  • R W Brednich
Folkloristic methodology and a modern legend 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 89-103
  • D Buchan
What kind of people tell legends? 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 104-13
  • L Dégh
Ethnic stereotypes and folklore: the Jew in Hungarian oral literature 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 114-26
  • V Görög-Karady
On stability and variation on type and genre level 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 127-40
  • A Krikmann
  • M Hiiemäe
Ethnohermeneutics in the theory of tradition 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 141-52
  • M Hoppál
The contexts of narrating 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 153-66
  • A Kaivola-Bregenhøj
Hyömäki on my mind - about the uniqueness of a tradition community 1992 Studia fennica: folkloristica 1 (): 167-77
  • O Lehtipuro