Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
L'évolution de la structure démographique de la population des villages de Săbăoani et Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 49-53 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
Human integration in nature. Problems of ecological anthropology (2) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 55-66 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
Contribution à la connaissance de la structure anthropologique de la population préhistorique de Dobroudja (la nécropole de Histria-sat) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 3-21 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
Doctor-patient communication (3) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 67-72 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
Lived culture and issues of the 20th century anthropology | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 73-7 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
The evolution of the endogamy index in two rural communties from Moldavia | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 41-8 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
The Rh(D) factor in the Romanian population from Muntenia | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 23-9 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
La structure dermatogliphique de quelques populations de Transylvanie (Roumanie) | 1998 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 31-9 | *H6/HB 'STUDII-' | 0039-3886 | |||
Considérations sur le système OAB chez la population de quelques communauté du département Bacău | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 17-20 | 0039-3886 | ||||
La conformation céphalo-faciale, la pigmentation et le type anthropolgique chez les populations des villages de Fărăoani et de Prăjeşti, dans le département de Bacău | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 9-15 | 0039-3886 | ||||
La variabilité de la conformation corporelle chez les populations des villages de Fărăoani et de Prăjeşti, dans le département de Bacău | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 3-7 | 0039-3886 | ||||
'Human ground' and the pathological implications | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 61-5 | 0039-3886 | ||||
Human adaptation and interpretation in nature by archetypal shapes and structures | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 67-76 'figs 1-5' | 0039-3886 | ||||
Applied cultural-linguistic anthropology | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 73-80 | 0039-3886 | ||||
Populational anthropology, from fundamental to applied research | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 51-9 | 0039-3886 | ||||
Aspects concernant la variabilité du rapport staturo-pondéral chez les populations du Fărăoani et Prăjeşti (département Bacău) | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 21-6 | 0039-3886 | ||||
The anthropological profile of the female population from Prundu, a [rudari] - gypsy village (Teleroman country) | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 27-38 | 0039-3886 | ||||
Resemblance degree estimation betweeen genitors and offsprings by investigating finger and palm prints | 1997 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 39-50 | 0039-3886 | ||||
L'étude anthropologique et des aspects pathologiques d'un squelete appartenent aux niveaux Gumelniţa | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 3-7 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
L'étude anthropologique du matériel osseux de Ştefaneşti. La campagne de 1993 | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 15-19 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Socio-economic influence on biological quality of the new-born during the 1980-1989 decade | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 37-44 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Mutual connections between bioelectrical EnG types and certain reactivity tendencies to diseases | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 89-96 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Frecvenţa taurodonţiei în dentiţia permanentă a omului actual | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 97-103 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Aspects concernant la direction et l'intensité de ressemblance dimensionnelle entre frères | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 67-72 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Considérations paléodémographiques sur les populations de l'époque du bronze sur le territoire de la Roumanie | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 9-14 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Applied cultural-linguistic anthropology. Special features of the physician-patient communication | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 105-13 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Anthroponimic evolution in a Romanian village from Bihor county: Sânnicolau de Beiuş (1895-1978) | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 29-35 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Psychoneurological disorders in the 'preclinical' stage in the young population | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 73-88 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
The we have mortality due to affections of the digestive tract and its annexes in Iasi - Romania in 1990 | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 63-5 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Correlation between some aspects of the physical and psychological development in the 13th years children | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 59-62 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
The ABO blood system in the Romanian population from the historical region Muntenia | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 21-7 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Resemblance degree estimation between genitors and offspring in keeping with some morphological features investigation | 1996 | Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 45-58 | H6/HB [STUDII-] | 0039-3886 | |||
Variabilité des caractères anthropologiques céphalo-faciaux de la population des villages Săbăoani et Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 23-8 | |||||
La caractérisation anthropologique de la population féodale de Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 3-7 | |||||
In memoriam Vasile V. Caramelea (1915-1994)] | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 103-6 | |||||
The study of the physical and psychical growth level in a group of [Moroccan] children depening on the urbanization degree and on the socio-economic conditions | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 75-82 | |||||
Complex modelling of the human individual | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 83-91 | |||||
Considérations sur les limites de la normalité de la lipidémie et de la cholestérolémie chez quelques populations de Moldavie | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 43-7 | |||||
Applications méthodologiques dans la recherche en paternité par les caractères métriques | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 49-55 | |||||
La caractérisation de la conformation corporelle des populations de Săbăoani et Gherăeşti | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 29-35 | |||||
The pathology of means of communication | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 97-101 | |||||
Aspects concernant la variabilité de la conductibilité électrique de la peau en fonction d'âge et de sexe | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 93-6 | |||||
Psychoneurotic disorders in young population | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 67-74 | |||||
La variabilité du rapport staturo-pondéral et d'obésité chez quelques populations de Moldavie | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 37-41 | |||||
Anthropological description of the [Rudari] population from Prundu, Teleorman county, Romania | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 9-21 | |||||
Contributions to the heredity research of some morphological features: general characteristics and external ear characteristics | 1995 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 57-66 | |||||
Anthropological data on some skeletons discovered in the feudal necropolis from Dealul Viilor (Mureş county) | 1994 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 3-7 | |||||
Anthropological data on the skeletons dug up from the post-Roman graveyard (Vth century A.C.) in Sînmielăuş - Sibiu county | 1994 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 9-13 | |||||
Rhythms and rites in architecture | 1994 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 69-72 | |||||
L'évolution de la structure démographique de la population du nord-ouest de la Moldavie | 1994 | Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 39-44 |