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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
L'évolution de la structure démographique de la population des villages de Săbăoani et Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 49-53
  • Dan Botezatu
  • Georgeta Miu
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
Human integration in nature. Problems of ecological anthropology (2) 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 55-66
  • Cornelia Guja
  • Cristina Boanţă
  • Diana Daroczi
  • Valentin Toma
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
Contribution à la connaissance de la structure anthropologique de la population préhistorique de Dobroudja (la nécropole de Histria-sat) 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 3-21
  • Georgeta Miu
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
Doctor-patient communication (3) 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 67-72
  • Ioan Oprescu
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
Lived culture and issues of the 20th century anthropology 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 73-7
  • Nadia Stahovsky
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
The evolution of the endogamy index in two rural communties from Moldavia 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 41-8
  • Angela Simalcsik
  • Maria Istrate
  • Maria Ştribu
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
The Rh(D) factor in the Romanian population from Muntenia 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 23-9
  • Dan Ciotaru
  • Irina Popescu
  • Maria Vlădescu
  • Victor Săhleanu
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
La structure dermatogliphique de quelques populations de Transylvanie (Roumanie) 1998 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 35 (): 31-9
  • Corneliu Vulpe
*H6/HB 'STUDII-' 0039-3886
Considérations sur le système OAB chez la population de quelques communauté du département Bacău 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 17-20
  • Ana Tarca
  • Ana-Cezarina Balteanu
La conformation céphalo-faciale, la pigmentation et le type anthropolgique chez les populations des villages de Fărăoani et de Prăjeşti, dans le département de Bacău 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 9-15
  • Ana Tarca
  • Dan Botezatu
  • Maria Stirbu
La variabilité de la conformation corporelle chez les populations des villages de Fărăoani et de Prăjeşti, dans le département de Bacău 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 3-7
  • Dan Botezatu
  • Georgeta Miu
  • Petru Cantemir
'Human ground' and the pathological implications 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 61-5
  • Dana Ioana Cirica
Human adaptation and interpretation in nature by archetypal shapes and structures 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 67-76 'figs 1-5'
  • Cornelia Guja
  • Diana Daroczi
  • Elena Iliescu
  • Ioan Oprescu
Applied cultural-linguistic anthropology 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 73-80
  • Ioan Oprescu
Populational anthropology, from fundamental to applied research 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 51-9
  • Alexandru Hoffman
  • Camelia Sandru
  • Constantin Balteanu
  • Elena Radu
Aspects concernant la variabilité du rapport staturo-pondéral chez les populations du Fărăoani et Prăjeşti (département Bacău) 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 21-6
  • Ana-Cezarina Balteanu
  • Maria Stirbu
  • Petru Cantemir
The anthropological profile of the female population from Prundu, a [rudari] - gypsy village (Teleroman country) 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 27-38
  • Irina Popescu
  • Maria Vladescu
Resemblance degree estimation betweeen genitors and offsprings by investigating finger and palm prints 1997 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 34 (): 39-50
  • Corneliu Vulpe
  • Irina Popescu
L'étude anthropologique et des aspects pathologiques d'un squelete appartenent aux niveaux Gumelniţa 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 3-7
  • C. Bălteanu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
L'étude anthropologique du matériel osseux de Ştefaneşti. La campagne de 1993 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 15-19
  • D. Botezatu
  • P. Cantemir
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Socio-economic influence on biological quality of the new-born during the 1980-1989 decade 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 37-44
  • C. Glavce
  • C. Valentin
  • D. Cucu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Mutual connections between bioelectrical EnG types and certain reactivity tendencies to diseases 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 89-96
  • A. Nica
  • C. Guja
  • D. Daroczi
  • E. Iliescu
  • R. Petcu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Frecvenţa taurodonţiei în dentiţia permanentă a omului actual 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 97-103
  • A. Kozma
  • C. Glavce
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Aspects concernant la direction et l'intensité de ressemblance dimensionnelle entre frères 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 67-72
  • E. Luca
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Considérations paléodémographiques sur les populations de l'époque du bronze sur le territoire de la Roumanie 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 9-14
  • G. Miu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Applied cultural-linguistic anthropology. Special features of the physician-patient communication 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 105-13
  • I. Oprescu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Anthroponimic evolution in a Romanian village from Bihor county: Sânnicolau de Beiuş (1895-1978) 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 29-35
  • I. Popescu
  • I. Popovici-Bădărău
  • M. Vlădescu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Psychoneurological disorders in the 'preclinical' stage in the young population 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 73-88
  • C. Bălteanu
  • E. Radu
  • M. Bota
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
The we have mortality due to affections of the digestive tract and its annexes in Iasi - Romania in 1990 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 63-5
  • M. E. Roşca
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Correlation between some aspects of the physical and psychological development in the 13th years children 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 59-62
  • C. T. Şoitu
  • G. Miu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
The ABO blood system in the Romanian population from the historical region Muntenia 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 21-7
  • D. Ciotaru
  • I. Popescu
  • M. Vlădescu
  • V. Săhleanu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Resemblance degree estimation between genitors and offspring in keeping with some morphological features investigation 1996 Studii ṣi cercetări de antropologie 33 (): 45-58
  • C. Vulpe
  • E. Luca
  • G. Fărcăşanu
  • I. Popescu
  • M. Guiaşu
H6/HB [STUDII-] 0039-3886
Variabilité des caractères anthropologiques céphalo-faciaux de la population des villages Săbăoani et Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 23-8
  • Dan Botezatu
La caractérisation anthropologique de la population féodale de Gherăeşti (dép. de Neamţ) 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 3-7
  • Petru Cantemir
In memoriam Vasile V. Caramelea (1915-1994)] 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 103-6
  • Gheorghit ă Geană
The study of the physical and psychical growth level in a group of [Moroccan] children depening on the urbanization degree and on the socio-economic conditions 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 75-82
  • Cristiana Glavce
Complex modelling of the human individual 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 83-91
  • Cornelia Guja
Considérations sur les limites de la normalité de la lipidémie et de la cholestérolémie chez quelques populations de Moldavie 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 43-7
  • Maria Istrate
Applications méthodologiques dans la recherche en paternité par les caractères métriques 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 49-55
  • Eleonora Luca
La caractérisation de la conformation corporelle des populations de Săbăoani et Gherăeşti 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 29-35
  • Georgeta Miu
The pathology of means of communication 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 97-101
  • Ioan Oprescu
Aspects concernant la variabilité de la conductibilité électrique de la peau en fonction d'âge et de sexe 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 93-6
  • Cornel Picioiu
Psychoneurotic disorders in young population 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 67-74
  • Elena Radu
La variabilité du rapport staturo-pondéral et d'obésité chez quelques populations de Moldavie 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 37-41
  • Maria Ştirbu
Anthropological description of the [Rudari] population from Prundu, Teleorman county, Romania 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 9-21
  • Maria Vlădescu
Contributions to the heredity research of some morphological features: general characteristics and external ear characteristics 1995 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 32 (): 57-66
  • Corneliu Vulpe
Anthropological data on some skeletons discovered in the feudal necropolis from Dealul Viilor (Mureş county) 1994 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 3-7
  • Cezarina Bălteanu
Anthropological data on the skeletons dug up from the post-Roman graveyard (Vth century A.C.) in Sînmielăuş - Sibiu county 1994 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 9-13
  • Dan Botezatu
Rhythms and rites in architecture 1994 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 69-72
  • Dragos Gheorghiu
L'évolution de la structure démographique de la population du nord-ouest de la Moldavie 1994 Studii şi cercetări de antropologie 31 (): 39-44
  • Silvia Ghigea