Anthropological Index Online

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TitleDateReferenceAuthorsCall #ISSN
Typology of chipped stone artefacts in the early and middle neolithic in Serbia 2006 Starinar 56 (): 9-45
  • Josip Šarić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
On the issue of an ossuary: pit dwelling Z in the oldest horizon at Vinča 2006 Starinar 56 (): 47-72
  • Dubravka Nikolić
  • Slaviša Perić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Regional characteristics of the Brnjica cultural group 2006 Starinar 56 (): 73-94
  • Milorad Stojić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Prosopographic notes on Roman mining in Moesia Superior: the families of wealthy immigrants in the mining district of Moesia Superior 2006 Starinar 56 (): 85-102
  • Slobodan Dušanić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Stone use in Roman towns: resources, transport, products and clients (case study Sirmium: first report) 2006 Starinar 56 (): 103-37
  • Andreja Maver
  • Bojan Đurić
  • Harald W. Müller
  • Jasmina Davidović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Stone material of regional provenance from Sirmium 2006 Starinar 56 (): 149-52
  • Divna Jovanović
  • Igor Rižnar
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Marble sculptures from the imperial palace in Sirmium 2006 Starinar 56 (): 153-66
  • Ivana Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Les temples payens de Sirmium 2006 Starinar 56 (): 167-200
  • Miroslav Jeremić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Rectangular grave vessels and stamped ceramics from the Roman period in the Central Balkans: a contribution to the study of prehistoric traditions during the Roman period 2006 Starinar 56 (): 201-21
  • Aleksandar Bulatović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Early Christian baptistries in northern Illyricum 2006 Starinar 56 (): 223-44
  • Olivera Ilić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Vertebrae fauna of Vinča-Belo brdo (excavation campaigns 1998-2003) 2006 Starinar 56 (): 245-69
  • Vesna Dimitrijević
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Sacred groves of the Tribali peoples on Miroč mountain 2006 Starinar 56 (): 271-90
  • Miloš Levtić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Silver jewellery of Hellenistic and Celtic type from Hrtkovci in Srem 2006 Starinar 56 (): 291-307
  • Dautova Ruševljan
  • Miloš Jevtić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Textile industry at Krševica (South-East Serbia) in the 4th-3rd centuries BC 2006 Starinar 56 (): 309-26
  • Ivan Vranić
  • Petar Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Ceramic balsamaria-bottles: the example of Viminacium 2006 Starinar 56 (): 327-36
  • Angelina Raičković
  • Snežana Nikolić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
La scena di caccia: motivo di decorazione delle stele funerarie della Moesia Superior 2006 Starinar 56 (): 337-52
  • Sanja Pilipović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Unilateral antler combs from Romuliana 2006 Starinar 56 (): 353-66
  • Sofija Petković
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Une nouvelle borne milliaire découverte sur la voie Romaine Naissus-Lissus 2006 Starinar 56 (): 367-76
  • Vladimir Petrović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
New Roman graffiti from Gradište near Prvonek (Southern Serbia) 2006 Starinar 56 (): 377-80
  • Vojin Nedeljković
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Chipped stone projectiles in the territory of Serbia in prehistory 2005 Starinar 55 (): 9-33
  • Josip Šarić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Relations of Celtic mintings to Roman monetary system (on the example of Scordisci and Treveri) 2005 Starinar 55 (): 35-51
  • Milica Tapacički-Ilić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Stone raw materials in the Vinča culture: petrographic analysis of assemblage from Vinča and Belovode 2005 Starinar 55 (): 53-66
  • Dragana Antonović
  • Kristina Resimić-Šarić
  • Vladica Cvetković
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Silver find from Nikinci (from the period between the 5th-4th century BC to the 1st century BC) 2005 Starinar 55 (): 67-73
  • Rastko Vasić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Podgorac: the hillfort Kornjet from the iron age 2005 Starinar 55 (): 75-80
  • Milorad Stojić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Votive relief from Barovo (Scupi): contribution to study of the cult of Liber and Libera in Upper Moesia 2005 Starinar 55 (): 81-95
  • Sanja Pilipović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Bracelets from Viminacium and Sirmium as evidence of Palmyra goldsmithery influences on local jewellery production 2005 Starinar 55 (): 97-106
  • Ivana Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
A group of painted vessels from Singidunum: a contribution to the research on painted ceramics 2005 Starinar 55 (): 107-13
  • Snežana Nikolić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Adolf Hytrek et les premières Fouilles archéologiques à Sirmium 2005 Starinar 55 (): 115-32
  • Miroslav Jeremić
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Early Byzantine finds from Čečasn and Gornji Streoc (Kosovo) 2005 Starinar 55 (): 133-59
  • Perica Špehar
  • Vujadin Ivanišević
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
A contribution to the study of lamellar armors 2005 Starinar 55 (): 161-79
  • Ivan Bugarski
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Problems in the study of medieval heritage in the Lim valley 2005 Starinar 55 (): 181-95
  • Marko Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR-] 0350-0241
Schwankungen des Schwarzmeerspiegels und die Kulturentwicklung Südosteuropas während des mittleren Holozäns (ca. 6000-3000 v. Chr.) 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 9-21
  • Blagoje Govedarica
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Historical picture of development of bronze age cultures in Vojvodina 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 23-34
  • Nikola Tasić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Die einhemische Bevölkerung des Munizipiums S. im Lichte neuer epigraphischer Zeugnisse 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 35-63
  • Svetlana Loma
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
A contribution to the study of the Jason sarcophagus from Viminacium 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 65-78
  • Sanja Pilipović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Bronze railing from Mediana 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 79-109
  • Miloje Vasić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
La sculpture architecturale de l'église de Bregovina en Serbie du Sud 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 111-37
  • Miroslav Jeremić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
The fortified settlement Veletin 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 139-61
  • Vojislav Jovanović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Obsidian deposits in Central Balkans? Tested against archaeological evidence 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 163-79
  • Boban Tripković
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Identification of bird representations in prehistory 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 181-92
  • Rastko Vasić
  • Voislav Vasić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
New finds from prehistoric sites in the surroundings of Leskovac 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 193-215
  • Milorad Stojić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Sacerdos of Jupiter Dolichenus from an inscription recently discovered in the vicinity of Viminacium 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 217-
  • Vladimir Petrović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Specific variants of gold and silver early 'zwiebelknopf' fibulae from eastern Serbia 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 217-39
  • Ivana Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Roman fibulae from Ulpiana: archaeological investigations (1981-87) 2003/2004 Starinar 53/54 (): 241-53
  • Sofia Petković
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
In memoriam: Milutin Garashanin (11.09.1920-04.04.2002) 2002 Starinar 52 (): 9-10
  • Nikola Tasić
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Le site laténien de Dautovac-Korićani et les fibules ornées de 'boucles' ou de 'huit' ('a brandebourgs') 2002 Starinar 52 (): 145-55
  • Petar Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Greek inscription on a golden finger ring from the National Museum in Belgrade 2002 Starinar 52 (): 157-61
  • Aleksandar V. Popović
  • Ivana Popović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
The newly-discovered epigraphic monuments from Sočanica (Kosovo) 2002 Starinar 52 (): 163-74
  • Milena Milin
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Two stone icons from the Homeland Museum collection in Jagodina 2002 Starinar 52 (): 175-80
  • Branislav Cvetković
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241
Archäobotanische Untersuchungen in der metallzeitlichen Siedlung Židovar, Vojvodina /Jugoslawien. Ein vorbericht 2002 Starinar 52 (): 181-90
  • Aleksandar Medović
H6/KE [STARINAR] 0350-0241