Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
Communication as a moral vocation: safe space and freedom of speech | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 3-16 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Decolonising and re-theorising the meaning of democracy: a South African perspective | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 17-32 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The values of culture? Social closure in the political identities, policy preferences, and social attitudes of cultural and creative workers | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 33-54 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The problem and the productivity of ignorance: public health campaigns on antibiotic stewardship | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 55-76 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The practice of jurisdictionalizing: how engineers use documents to shape and maintain professional authority | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 77-93 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Listening to community: the aural dimensions of neighbouring | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 94-109 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
From compassion to critical resilience: volunteering in the context of austerity | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 110-26 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Classificatory struggles in the midst of austerity: policing or politics? | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 127-43 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Place-by-proxy: care infrastructures in a foundling room | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 144-60 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Parenthood as intended: reproductive responsibility, moral judgements and having children 'by accident' | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 161-76 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Intimacy among relative strangers: practices of touch and bodily care in new foster care relationships | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 177-91 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Legal recognition of same-sex partnerships: a comparative study of Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 192-208 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Whiteness out of place: white parents' encounters with local Chinese schooling in post-colonial Hong Kong | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 209-24 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Negotiating vulnerability: the experience of long-term social security recipients | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 225-41 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
'It's just limboland': parental dementia and young people's life courses | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (1): 242-59 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Words to think with: an introduction | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 263-82 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Translating a title: on other terms | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 283-6 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Moving on with saudade: on bordered countries and vague terms | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 287-304 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Verbing meahcci: living Sámi lands | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 305-21 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Commoning beyond 'commons': the case of the Russian 'obshcheye' | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 322-40 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
War and balance: following shi and rebalancing militant English-language knowing apparatuses | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 341-55 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Búskomor politics: practising critique in the ruins of liberal democracy | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 356-68 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
In Colombia some cows have raza, others also have breed: maintaining the presence of th translation offers analytical possibilities | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 369-84 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Not quite clean: trailing schoon and its resonances | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 385-400 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Toward knowing: engaging Chinese medical worlds | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 401-17 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Harraga: burning borders, navigating colonialism | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 418-34 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
鮭鱒論 (salmon trout theory) and the politics of non-Western academic terms | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (2): 435-51 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Introduction - Roots, routes, and reconstruction: travelling ideas/theories | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 455-60 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The pathless harbourless spade | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 461-75 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The political vitality and vital politics of Césaire's Discourse on colonialism: a reading in light of contemporary racism | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 476-91 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Foucault in Tunisia: the encounter with intolerable power | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 492-507 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Diane Abbott, misogynoir and the politics of Black British feminism's anticolonial imperatives: 'In Britain too, it's as if we don't exist' | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 508-23 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Knowing from loss | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 524-39 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Puzzlement of a déjà vu: illuminaries of the global South | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 540-56 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Social mixing in urban schools: class, race and exchange-value friendships | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 557-73 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The new discomforts of precarious workers: wardrobe matter, insecurity and the temporality of calibration in dress work | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 574-89 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Complicity, performance, and the 'doing' of sports coaching: an ethnomethodological study of work | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 590-605 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Defiance labour and reflexive complicity: illusio and gendered marginalisation in DIY punk scenes | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 606-22 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Money, power, and inequality within marriage among Palestinian families in Israel | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 623-40 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The locative imaginary: classification, context and relevance in location analytics | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 641-58 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Happily-ever after: self-marriage, the claim of wellness, and temporal ownership | 2020 | Sociological review 68 (3): 659-74 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Racialized capitalism: an account of its contested origins and consolidation | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 3-27 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The forces that shape us: the entangled vine of gender, race and class | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 28-35 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
The uses and abuses of class: left nationalism and the denial of working class multiculture | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 36-46 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
W.E.B. Du Bois, double consciousness and the 'spirit' of recognition | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 47-62 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
'Does anybody really care what a racist says"?' Anti-racism in 'post-racial' times | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 63-78 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Valuing the bowling alley: contestations over the preservation of spaces of everyday urban multiculture in London | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 79-94 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Mutating faces of the state? Austerity, migration and faith-based volunteers in a UK downscale urban context | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 95-110 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Witnessing loss in the everyday: community buildings in austerity Britain | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 111-25 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 | |||
Unpicking contemporary thrift: getting on and getting by in everyday life | 2019 | Sociological review 67 (1): 126-42 | H6/KF [SOCIOLOGICAL-] | 0038-0261 |