Title | Date | Reference | Authors | Call # | ISSN | ||
The complex of archaeological sites on the Litmanovská Hill in Jarabina (northern Slovakia) | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 1-20 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The settlement of the Dzeravá skala cave in the period of the Epilengyel cultural circle | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 21-91 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Grave 3 from the Únětice culture cemetery of Geitzendorf. The first evidence for a female metal worker (goldsmith) in the early bronze age in Lower Austria | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 93-106 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Early blue glass bracelets in the middle Danube region | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 107-42 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The settlement development in the upper Nitra river basin in the older phases of the middle ages | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 143-75 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Archaeological data on some details of the 10th century sabretache finds and fire lighting tools in the Carpathian Basin, in the light of Eastern European analogues | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (1): 177-98 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Expansion of the Únětice culture with the significance of the finds on the territory of Slovakia | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 203-321 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The problem of the earliest Slavs in intra-Carpathian Romania (Transylvania and the north-west vicinity) | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 323-70 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Július Béreš (11.10.1939-19.4.2013) | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 371-3 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Ivan Kuzma (2.5.1955-3.12.2013) | 2013 | Slovenská archeológia 61 (2): 375-7 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Finds of bronze knives from the bronze age in the territory of Slovakia | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 1-36 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Signs of domestic protection in a hillfort from the Hallstatt period in Smolenice-Molpír, south-western Slovakia. About two fragments of daub with z-shaped decoration | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 37-44 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Cemetery from the 11th-12th centuries at Devín Castle | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 45-118 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Anthropological, paleodemographical and paleopathological analysis of the historical population from Castle Devín | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 119-56 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Mineralogical study of beads from the 11th-12th century cemetery at Devín Castle | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 157-68 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Jozef Hoššo (11.5.1946-19.5.2012) | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 169-70 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Miroslav Richter (29.5.1932-12.8.2011) | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (1): 171-2 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Descriptive system and evidential power of clay daub from the younger and later stone age | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 195-250 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The Lengyel culture stockade buildings. Ground plans, interior, and their function | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 251-84 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Knives from the bronze age in Slovakia | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 285-342 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Monuments of the reverence of predecessors? On the meaning of barrows of the Hallstatt age from Nové Košariská site | 2012 | Slovenská archeológia 60 (2): 343-64 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Nitra I-Čermáň against the background of the Gravettian settlement structure in Slovakia | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (1): 1-85 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Reconstruction of the aeneolithic house from Chynorany | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (1): 87-147 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Two medieval allotments in Košice | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (1): 149-88 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
A burial ground and settlement of the Lusatian culture at Dolný Kubín | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 205-19 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Four-bossed rings from the La Téne burial ground in Ipeľské Predmostie | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 221-34 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Necropolis of the Roman period at Velatice | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 235-309 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
A Roman milestone from Gerulata | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 311-18 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Grave 1/68 at the necropolis of the Avar Khaganate period in Radvaň nad Dunajom, part Žitava I. On the problem of phaleras of the Žitavská Tôň type | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 319-35 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Coins from the churchyard cemetery in Ducové | 2011 | Slovenská archeológia 59 (2): 337-67 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Contribution to the mesolithic in the Slovak Carpathians | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (1): 1-12 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Research on radiolarites of the White Carpathian Klippen Belt | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (1): 13-52 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
A Przeworsk culture cremation warrior grave at Stěbořice | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (1): 53-79 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
On the early Hunnic presence in the Danubian provinces in light of archaeological finds | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (1): 81-122 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Archaeozoological finds from the medieval settlement in Bajč | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (1): 123-68 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Palaeolithic settlement in Moravany nad Váhom-Dlhá: results of Juraj Bárta's excavations in 1963 and 1990 | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 183-206 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The early neolithic settlement from Brunn Wolfholz in Lower Austria and the problem of typology and chronology of the low bowls with sharply curved wall | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 207-28 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Recent copper aeneolithic finds from Slovakia | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 229-41 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
The cord episteme - cultural code of wound cords | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 243-58 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
On the occurrence of pottery of foreign provenance in southwestern Slovakia at the beginning of the middle bronze age | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 259-72 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
A bronze age settlement at Liptovský Trnovec | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 273-308 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Roman militaria from a Germanic pit-house at Cífer | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 309-36 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
New settlement finds from Nižná Myšl'a: on the problem of early Slavic settlement in the Upper Tisa region | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 337-63 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Hans Quitta (13.3.1925-10.10.2010) | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 365-6 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Eckehart Schubert (16.3.1934-11.2.2006) | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 367-9 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
In memoriam: Hans Quitta (13.3.1925-10.10.2010) | 2010 | Slovenská archeologia 58 (2): 365-6 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKSA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Hortfunde von Bronzegegenstaenden aus der Fundstelle Hradisko bei Nemecka | 2009 | Slovenská archeológia 57 (1): 1-56 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Brandgraeberfeld der Osthallstattkultur und der Vekerzug-Kultur in Nove Zamky. Beitrag zu den hallstattzeitlichen Graeberfeldern im ostalpinen-transdanubischen Raum | 2009 | Slovenská archeológia 57 (1): 57-116 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Zur Entwicklung des Bestattungsritus auf den keltischen Graeberfeldern aus dem Gebiet der Slowakei | 2009 | Slovenská archeológia 57 (1): 117-68 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 | |||
Zur Problematik von Kriegsflegeln aus der Zeit des Awarischen Khaganats | 2009 | Slovenská archeológia 57 (1): 169-82 | H6/KE [SLOVENSKA-] | 1335-0102 |